My Big Gay Podcast
My Big Gay Podcast is the ultimate LGBTQ+ comedy show, diving headfirst into the highs, lows, and LOLs of gay life in London and beyond... (wait, did somebody just say head?!).
Hosted by your new gay BFFs, Benji and Brad, this podcast spills all the tea on their adventures as two gay guys in their 30s, juggling careers, chasing love, and living their best big gay lives in the greatest city in the world.
Now in its sixth fabulous season and recently crowned the TOP 3 LGBTQ+ podcast in the UK and a TOP 20 Comedy Podcast worldwide, My Big Gay Podcast is your backstage pass to hilarious celebrity interviews, outrageous games, epic competitions and heartwarming listener stories. It's been called “Bridget Jones’s Diary meets Sex and the City—but way gayer!”
So, if you’re up for a good time (and maybe some mischief), join Benji and Brad as they navigate the wild world of love, laughter, and life. Want to play along or get in touch? Slide into their DMs on Instagram: @BigGayPodcast, or hit up their website at www.MyBigGayPodcast.com.
My Big Gay Podcast
S5. Ep 20. Two Gays and the Foot Fetish
Get in touch! Drop Benji and Brad a text message by clicking on this link.
Season 5: Episode Twenty. Brad discusses a new business idea with Benji that involves their feet, mud and baked beans… (don’t ask!) Plus, Benji learns how you can get blue lips during sexual encounters… (again, don’t ask!). Catch up with the boys on this week’s episode of My Big Gay Podcast and all will be revealed…
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Hello and welcome to this week's episode of my big gay podcast with me, benji and me, brad, giving you the life, the loves and loaves of living in London Two gays, one city.
Speaker 2:What could possibly go wrong, bonjour, oh, she's got flavour this week, Sava.
Speaker 1:Been practising my Francais ready for Jersey.
Speaker 2:OK, we don't speak French in Jersey. You'd know this right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but you sent me the map earlier of all the different places and there were a lot of French names and you said there's a lot of crossover with France and England and Jersey.
Speaker 2:I just specifically remember saying that. But yeah, there are a lot of road names that are French, for sure, but it's actually Gérier, not French. What's Gérier?
Speaker 1:I see you iron up my Gérier.
Speaker 2:You sat there asking to be educated in your seven pink vest. Yeah, gérier is just the language that they used to speak in Jersey. It's kind of French, but not.
Speaker 1:OK, great. Well, I've been brushing off my French GCSE in preparation for Channel Islands Pride.
Speaker 2:Wow, go on, then, give us some more French.
Speaker 1:Bonjour, oui, oui, oui, sava sava voulez-vous-cuchers avec moi ce soir.
Speaker 2:Où est la Derrière? Où est la Homoes, oh gosh no, not that, not that, not that. Gosh, it's so offensive.
Speaker 1:Anyway, how are you? I'm good, thanks. How are you, Mr Red?
Speaker 2:I know Podcasts. We're on FaceTime again looking at each other and I haven't looked in the mirror all day and I have been some paving and I'm rather rouge. And also look at the colour difference of my forehead to my nose. I know, oh, it's all gone wrong. It's like a bit up all night just sort of huffing poppers. I've heard that makes your nose get red.
Speaker 1:Well, they also make your lips go blue if you do too much and all. No really yeah, you've had blue lips before.
Speaker 2:He's speaking from experience.
Speaker 1:I've had blue lips before. Yeah, Got a bit too sniff sniff heavy on the old pop pops. Oh, how much do you have to?
Speaker 3:take for your lips to go blue.
Speaker 1:I don't know. It's due to the oxygen, isn't it? So it's because it starves your brain of oxygen. That's what gives you that little rush. So, obviously, one night I was going to town like, oh, I'll have another little little sniff, little wheeze, and look to the mirror, I looked like I'd been in the freezer for 10 minutes. Oh, back in your bottom era, do you know? In Titanic, when she's like Jack, jack and he's there with the blue lips, that was me hanging off the bed with the handcuffs as well.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, that is a vile image to have in my head. It just gracious me. Wow, I don't really know where to go from there, which we'll recover.
Speaker 3:Although quick one have you seen the monsters in?
Speaker 2:Can you have the guy with the lips where they go all like blue and who's?
Speaker 3:in there.
Speaker 2:That's how I imagine I imagine he was a monster in character more than Titanic is very hot and I am very sunburnt, but do you know what we live?
Speaker 1:I can't actually believe it, right, because it's been rubbish weather. I'm not going to talk about weather because it is boring, but boring. Boring Darling. Next, you know exactly Packing away my flip flops, packing away my vest, unpacking away my shorts. And what am I in today? Vests and shorts. Do you know why it is heatwave in London right now?
Speaker 3:Heatwave, heatwave, heatwave, heatwave.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's very, very hot. And just for those people that I know I'm going to get angry messages, I was actually wearing sun cream but it was so hot I think I must have sweat it off because I'm off and clearly burnt. Yeah, you're very burnt. Yeah, it was very, very warm. I know I feel like this always happens. I actually remember the end of summer being kind of rubbish and then going back to school in like full boys school uniform, like blazer, jumper tie, and it being blaringly hot.
Speaker 1:Do you remember? Yeah, I need to change up the summer holidays, don't they? And let's have August, like, back to work. So it was a bit wet and rainy. Yeah, timber, let's have that off instead.
Speaker 2:Yeah, can we just agree that global warming is a thing and just shift the seasons around over slightly, because, yeah, it's really messing up plans.
Speaker 1:Yeah, exactly, I was ready to, as I say, put my flip flops away, and now they're back out and they're all ready for channel is pride.
Speaker 2:Can't wait, oh my goodness, it is going to be absolutely carnage. But we'll talk more on that, I think, next week. Since that will be then, I'm gonna go one week before.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's gonna be great. I'm I'm buzz for it, I really am.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's gonna be super, super fun. If you're coming to, let us know. But, um, yeah, the heat is really bad. Everything is dying. My garden, the grass is, it's frazzled, it's fucking frazzled.
Speaker 1:The other thing that's frazzled is my bloody houseplants. Again, I've killed them, not again. How do you do it? I know there's some really good plant. Gaze out there and I am trying. I try so hard every month to be a good plant. Gay, I really want to be one of those people.
Speaker 2:I thought all gays were supposed to be good with plants. Maybe you're not gay. I think I am gay, speaking from the blue lip experience.
Speaker 1:Exactly, exactly. But I just can't do the plant thing. I'm trying to really want to be that bougie gay with, like my fancy plants. My friends come around like, oh, this is a to see a one on, this is a like look at a sucker, or whatever. Do you know what I mean? I'm like no, all the plant names, those of which I'm not two of them, I just made those All right. My pansies and my posies.
Speaker 2:You probably just really offended somebody in their native tongue, tongues where oh my goodness. No, but yeah, I am. I'll be honest. Every time I come around your house, I've only ever noticed one set of plants, the ones up on the dining table.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so the ones in the living room are actually my housemates and he is so good at them. Yeah.
Speaker 2:It's like an. It was called not aquarium and avium. Is that where birds live?
Speaker 1:Yes, in that big pot. In it the big pot, the C3 pot of the lid on.
Speaker 3:Oh, my goodness, I love how you translate things.
Speaker 2:There's me actually trying to get my name. Is that good thing? Avium yeah, that big pot.
Speaker 1:The C3 pot. No, it's nice that.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but he's really good at them and he always looks at my plants and he says how have you done this? I don't know. I don't know. I've tried a water, I give it love, I give it sunlight, and because what happened was, you know, I went away from New York. I forgot to ask people to what my plants Did. You go to New York? Then, if I mentioned, I went to New York but, yeah, I forgot to tell people to what my plants came back, they were thirsty bottom plants when I got in.
Speaker 2:Yeah, thirsty like your hair.
Speaker 1:They were gagging for it yeah. They got it and they they kind of rebloomed a bit. I was like cool, the green is coming back. And they died again.
Speaker 2:Oh gosh you can't overwarch them, you know.
Speaker 1:Yeah, obviously I'm doing something wrong, so I need a good education and being a gay plant dad. So if anyone can help me out, I would very much appreciate it, do you?
Speaker 2:know what? I'll put some pictures of your dying plants on the Instagram. We'll see what people come back with. Okay, let's do it. You might be repot the. Do you know what? We'll leave that to the listeners. I'm sure some of you listening is really good with plants. In fact, the drag gardener I'm sure will help you with that.
Speaker 1:Of course, yeah. Why did you even think about that? Yeah, that would make total sense.
Speaker 2:Well, maybe we'll get them on and we'll get some, some super advice from them. But yeah, super sunburned plants are dead. Oh gosh, let's find the positive in this week. Have you been up to anything fun?
Speaker 1:I have. I went to two birthday parties this weekend.
Speaker 2:Oh my, I thought you were trying to calm down a bit, I know.
Speaker 1:I know I'm trying.
Speaker 2:I'm trying.
Speaker 1:Keep getting booked up, booked up.
Speaker 2:Either I've got sunstroke or I'm actually finding you genuinely really quite hilarious tonight. I don't know which it is, I'm pretty sure it's a sunburn.
Speaker 1:I think it's a sunstroke as well. Yeah yeah, two parties, so one was to virtual reality gaming in London. Have you ever done that before with the goggles? The?
Speaker 2:guns, everything. No, but I have seen like a reel on it and it looked amazing. Is it the same place that also has the drinks arm machine that like makes the drinks for you.
Speaker 1:Yes, oh my goodness, yes, the robot arm.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, go on, tell us all about it.
Speaker 1:Okay, so the robot cocktail bar is a bar basically run by robots. There's no one behind it. You tap in on the iPad what cocktail you want and above it is all the spirits and mixes and like these robot arms like get the drink, get the ice, and they like pour all the liquids in, shake it and serve it to you. That's terrifying. Yeah, it is slightly scary, but it's also like really mesmerizing as well. Proper, like artificial intelligence, era, right, but then virtual reality gaming. Honestly, you're in like this big white room, but you're on, you've got like goggles on and headsets and you've got all these like things on your body and like a vest with all like little knobs on. Basically, Wow.
Speaker 2:Well, you love vest and you love knobs.
Speaker 1:Exactly so. It's a win-win. And when you put the goggles on, you look like you're walking in the world. It's amazing, I can't describe it. It feels like you're not there. And then then they've got all like wind machines and like fire machines. So we did this dragon type theme thing. So when the dragon was flying over you, like that, obviously the fans are going in, so you feel like all the wind in your face, wow, dragons coming towards you, and then it all like breathe fire and it gets really hot in the room and like your vest vibrates and things. And oh yeah, it's really good. Wow, what's this place called? It's called Sandbox, sandbox VR virtual reality. But you're a bit of a gamer yourself, so I thought you would have been.
Speaker 2:I haven't been, but I have heard of Sandbox. They are like a technological company. They think they run some games. In fact, some of the the worlds that maybe you went to, the dragon might be part of a game that they have designed. That sounds super fun. I would definitely do that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, they've got all sorts. Obviously we did like a dragon one. I've also been there before and I've done like a horror zombie type thing. They've got it all like different styles yeah, whatever you're into. So I highly recommend that. And then obviously went out and afterwards and had lots of drinks and danced the night away. Yeah, classic, classic.
Speaker 1:And then the second night I went to a straight birthday. So very different vibe what? Yeah, no, the first night was a gay gays night. The second night was a straight night Again, had so much fun. Went to piano works. Oh my goodness, do you know what we went before piano works?
Speaker 2:Where.
Speaker 1:Where we found love in a hubris place. I sing easy.
Speaker 2:Oh, my goodness yeah.
Speaker 1:That's where we met on our first day.
Speaker 2:That is yeah, that is actually yeah, yeah, so we.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the party started off at sing easy, which is it it's part of piano works, is like this little like side room and they have like a piano in there and someone's playing the piano and they're like singing waiters and they like serve you and they all like taking turns to sing and it's more kind of like theater based, so they sing like show tunes and things and then that closes and go into piano works, which is then like similar kind of thing, but on a much larger scale. Yeah, and yeah, they play all like pop songs. You can put in requests, don't you? So they've got like a small band and you can request whatever and they sing it and they shout your request and then they have a DJ on. And it was amazing, loved it.
Speaker 1:Best night ever, best night ever. That was really good. I felt like I was at a wedding. It's that sort of vibe and everyone's dancing, everyone's singing like the good party songs and the great time. Really good atmosphere, loved it. I mean, it's definitely straight vibes in there, definitely straight vibes, yeah, but nice, straight vibes, good fun.
Speaker 3:Good fun yeah.
Speaker 1:Straight vibes, because sometimes you go to straight vibes but like, oh, I'm not feeling it. Straight vibes, yeah, this I was feeling it.
Speaker 2:The live music definitely does make a huge difference, doesn't it? And it's a full band in the main room, right? So you're giving requests and they play. Yeah, no, it's good, good fun. I know the venue well.
Speaker 1:But yeah, when we were seeing that sing easy the first room we sat down, I was like that is the table at Benji many years ago.
Speaker 2:Oh, my goodness, where I bought champagne and then you took me for one pound shots. Do I keep mentioning that? Yeah, I love it. Yeah.
Speaker 1:But who was more fun? Me with my one pound shots, I think.
Speaker 2:Anyway. So later on in the book, oh, my goodness, do you know one thing I wanted to bring up with you. I knew he brought us up last week actually and there wasn't really a good moment, but somebody wrote into us and said it was lovely compliments to sort of say this into the podcast blah, blah, blah. But do they feel that we feel the pressures of celebrating being gay and like the only things that we can do really involve heavy drinking?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I do kind of agree with that 100%. I think drinking is actually generally a UK culture, right. I feel like so much of going out in the UK is centered around drinking. For sure, I mean for us it is.
Speaker 2:It's very different because we're in London, like if you go on holiday there are going to be clubs everywhere, right, you go to the strips, you go whatever. I mean it doesn't obviously depend on where you go on holiday and London clubs are just everywhere. But I it did make me think, and I don't think that I actually drink that much. I only drink really if I'm going out and I do many other things in my week that don't involve alcohol at all. But I do know that a lot of the things that we do bring to the podcast do seem to involve alcohol.
Speaker 1:No, I agree. I would say I'm actually a binge drinker, right, so I won't really drink much during the week, yeah, but when it's the weekends, I just can't help myself. I do go a bit wild sometimes, as you know, and I think like then a lot of our fun silly stories do come from those like big nights out rather than just like the general like day to day in the week, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:I don't know what the answer is to that. I don't think they're wrong. I definitely know that I yeah, I guess I would call it binge drinking. I suppose I don't drink during the week, I kind of do it the weekends, but I always very much feeling control of myself, other than that one time in Brighton not that long ago where it all went very, very wrong. I always drink knowing when I should stop, for sure, like 100%, like I always feel in control of myself. But it is a really good point.
Speaker 2:I do think that in the gay scene I don't know if they have it as much in the heteroscene I'm not in that world but a lot of our events and things that go on for gay people do seem to centre around a bar, and we have spoken before on the podcast about how substance abuse is very much part of certain areas of gay culture. Yeah, for sure, and that is definitely quite a damaging thing. But yeah, I just thought it was really interesting. I'd never really thought of the fact that people that don't know the rest of what we get up to, because obviously we talk like every day but so much goes on that doesn't actually involve drinking. I just thought it was quite interesting.
Speaker 1:No, you're right, and I did feel actually, we went through a bit of a period where I was like, oh, we went out and got drunk again this weekend and we I felt like we did that for quite some time, partly because it was summer festival season. So every weekend we were at either a different Pride event or a festival or some kind of like big outdoorsy thing. And I do love summer season for that reason, because it is a very sociable season, but a lot of it is, as you say, you catered around drinking alcohol. So now I think I think you're similar. I would say I'm addicted to alcohol because I can show you I don't. I don't feel like I need it during the week, I don't feel like I need alcohol. I do enjoy it and I do enjoy that sort of thing.
Speaker 1:I'm being a bit tipsy actually, as I've got older don't like getting drunk to the point where it's like really messy, chaotic, because the next day is it's just not worth it anymore. When is the 20s? Never really said, have hangovers, to be honest. Yeah, literally. But yeah, I think the last few years it's definitely sort of caught up with me and I hate the hangovers because they're really bad and it wipes me out for like at least a day sometimes to yeah for me, it's today if I have a really like wild night yeah again.
Speaker 2:I don't touch anything other than alcohol and still that whites me out for two days. Alcohol in my system, just it.
Speaker 2:It's painful, yeah I thought it was just interesting once I thought I'd bring it up and see if anyone else fills that sort of pressure out there being on the gay scene that everything they want to go to seems to center around alcohol. Because, like you said before, like I, I do enjoy gaming and for me that does not involve alcohol. And there are so many things out there around gaming like we were gonna explore gamers, the London gaming society for gay people, but I bet you it's hosted like a pub or at a place that serving alcohol yeah, I think it is, yeah, yeah I just thought it was an interesting point to bring up.
Speaker 2:But I'm gonna wrap that up. It's just the end of the thought of somebody saying that we sort of we do drink a lot and we talk about how we go out and drink, we do do other things as well. We don't just get hammers and but yeah, I think maybe we should cast our own a little bit further and try find other things we gave people to do in London which maybe don't center around a bar.
Speaker 1:Cool. So yeah, you know me, I love an adventure, so let's do it bring the alcohol, bring the hit flask.
Speaker 2:This episode is sponsored by rainbow lottery dot co dot uk play now and support lgbtq plus dreams.
Speaker 1:So I've got something to tell you. I started a new business venture and I don't need to judge me. I want you to support me and hopefully this is what's gonna make my millions okay, full support is here ready for you.
Speaker 2:Tell me.
Speaker 1:Are you gonna promise not to judge me?
Speaker 2:I'll give me dirty looks or take the piss I promise that I will give you support and friendly advice from somebody very much in the business world great, perfect.
Speaker 1:Maybe we can team up and you can help me with my finances. Got feeling this is gonna go big, right, okay, right, no shady comments and no, take the piss, okay. So I dated a guy over 10 years ago who transpired, had a foot fetish right. I was obsessed with my feet. Now I know you're gonna turn around, but I you've got trial feet, you got hobbit feet. I don't have that at all. I've actually got lovely feet. They're super smooth, they're nice. I shape, I think you know, like toes. I think they're a nice size and they go in like descending order and I have quite a high arch right and I used to also date a dancer who was super jealous of my high arch in my foot right. I know I've got the foot goods, so signed up to a foot fetish website. I'm gonna sell pictures of my feet and it's gonna make me a millionaire.
Speaker 2:Okay, I fully support your, your business venture.
Speaker 1:This is great and good for you, thank you. I saw this video on facebook the other week and it was a woman. She's like oh my goodness, I just bought my new, brand new Mercedes car by selling pictures of feet on the internet. For Maybe this is a sign, because I've always been told I got lovely feet, so signed up to the same website. Now on this website you've got every single thing that you could want, right? If you're into feet, you can type Put with nail polish on foot in high heels, that in stockings they've got it all any kind of like foot thing you could think of, right? So I have now also Set up a profile have you taken any pictures of your feet?
Speaker 2:okay, look that I don't want to answer that question. So here, here, the only, and these the price. Right, let's do a compliment sandwich pro mm-hmm, your assets can't be stolen. What you mean by that? Your feet can't be stolen right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, negative.
Speaker 2:You have like a cricket phone that does not take very good pictures. In fact, the last time I saw a bitch that you took it was like blurry in, cracked and look like someone like smeared Vaseline over it. Okay, that's true, I'll give you that. Yeah, oh gosh, compliment sandwich. That means I have to find another compliment. And the third positive is no overheads, right?
Speaker 1:No overheads, exactly. I can just do it in the comfort of my home, all around my other work, all around podcasting. And what is a thing on this? This foot footage website is food on feet. Now I don't mind putting my feet in on a plate of baked beans 100 pounds. Thank you very much, ka-ching, ka-ching. So what I've yet to do is my foot photo shoot, right? So I've got my profile set up. I'm ready to go. I just need to now take the pictures and start uploading the juicy content. Why do I feel?
Speaker 2:like this is where I come in.
Speaker 1:I'm going to get to that moment in a second. Oh no. So I even went to get a pedicure done as well. So I like to get a pedicure every now and again. I thought do you know what? Before my tuxes get out, they're big reveal. I'm going to get them a nice little clean spruce and polish. So I went and got a pedicure done. So the feet are looking sparkly Like razzle-dazzle feet right here. Let me tell you Now.
Speaker 1:I agree with you about the phone situation. It's not really great for taking pictures, but I know someone who I do a podcast with, who's really good at taking pictures and has a lovely phone oh gosh, who I'm going to be spending the whole weekend with. So I'm thinking Foot in Sand on Jersey Beach as a photo album. I'm thinking Foot in Sea in Jersey Got it, another album, Got it. Foot in Mud Lovely. So I need you to take me to like the mud places, the beach places, the sand places. Then we're going to go to a shop and we're going to get some food. So then you're going to be squirting squirted cream on my feet and be like no, ma'am, squirted cream squirted on sexy foot.
Speaker 2:No ma'am, no ma'am.
Speaker 1:You're meant to be supportive.
Speaker 2:Okay, I'm really supportive. I will buy the ketchup, I will buy the mayonnaise, I will be there for you every step of the way for this multi-million pound idea.
Speaker 1:Thank you. And now I was also thinking I don't know what your feet are like. I don't think I've ever really seen your feet. I've got really good feet. Okay, Foot collab is what I was thinking.
Speaker 2:Okay. Well bearing in mind that I did use like I've been talking a long time ago, but I did used to dance. My feet are pretty battered. Oh, no, well, I tell you what you can have a look at them when you're next round. I do know where I can get some really good like foot products to make them like shiny and clean. Great, perfect, yeah.
Speaker 1:I'm not going to give it because I don't have a foot fetish. Right, I'm very happy with mine, dude, but that personally isn't for me. I was like what would I maybe find like sexy, like a foot, but then someone's squeezing like baby oil on it, so it like runs down, the foot, drips off. And I was thinking then people like two feet, almost maybe like a free, some kind of vibes, we can like interlock our toes together and like squirt big beans on them.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, okay, I'm still getting over the term foot collab with a month of you. But no, I'm definitely down for giving this a go. Yeah, I fully support your new business venture.
Speaker 1:Thank you, thank you. Well, watch this space and podcasters. If any of you are into foot fetishes, let me know and I'll send you the link.
Speaker 2:All right, he will not. I'm changing the password. I still need you to not send people.
Speaker 1:Oh goodness, but there we go. That's my new business idea.
Speaker 2:I can imagine, in getting to the stage like you're where you become like Ariana Grande. You know, when she gets carried around backstage she doesn't get tired.
Speaker 1:No, I did not know that, but I love that for her.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, when she does like big, big gigs, she pays somebody to carry her around so she doesn't walk. Great Give her. Yeah, but I felt like that's going to be you, but I can't actually walk on this. It's really bad for my feet. I've got a very important client for morning, that's going to be you.
Speaker 1:Absolutely, and you know I broke my foot last year so I've got to be extra careful now. No sports, no more.
Speaker 2:No sports. I need to get him insured.
Speaker 1:What's your business name going to be? Well, I haven't got a name. It's just part of this website, isn't it?
Speaker 2:But did you come up with like a sexy username.
Speaker 1:I did. I'm not going to tell you because you take the piss Brad's Bunions. Brad's Boils. Oh, Brad's Verukas.
Speaker 2:No, no, absolutely not Kid, I don't have any of those.
Speaker 1:That's why I'm going into the foot industry, because I've got the goods All right.
Speaker 2:Well, you heard it here first everyone, he's got the goods. He's saying up a foot business and, genuinely, if you do have a foot fetish or you know someone that does, or maybe you've dated somebody who has been interested in foot fetishes, write in just to let us know. We are super duper interested in this and, as always, there is zero judgment on this. The only reason I'm laughing is because Brad's trying to start off a business. Taking pictures of his feet is just iconic.
Speaker 1:Hey Brad, oh hi, Benji Brad, what's on your mind? Oh nothing, benji, just daydreaming, I guess.
Speaker 2:What are you daydreaming about this time? A thicker hairline? Not today. Oh then what is it?
Speaker 1:I just wish I could do more to support the community without breaking the bank.
Speaker 2:Oh, and dreaming of true love's kiss Well you're in luck because you can do more to support the community Really. How? By playing the Rainbow Lottery. Of course, you can play from as little as one pound and 50% of all tickets goes towards an LGBTQ plus organization that you get to choose what, and every week you could win up to £25,000, as well as other fantastic prizes. So when you play, you really do help support the community Exactly, and I've won twice already.
Speaker 1:Where can I get tickets?
Speaker 2:Just head over to rainbowlotterycouk. It's super easy.
Speaker 1:Oh, do you think the Rainbow Lottery can also get me true love's kiss? I?
Speaker 2:doubt it, I'm going to go out to O Play the Rainbow Lottery today from as little as £1 to win big and help some incredible courses.
Speaker 1:The Rainbow Lottery Supporting LGBTQ plus Dreams.
Speaker 2:Players must be 18 and over. Always play responsibly. Wet Dreams not included. It's time for the gay news. Do you know what we will be?
Speaker 3:telling you today on the gay news with.
Speaker 2:Benji and Brad, now Paul Castor. If you listened to last week's episode, you will know that Brad recently flew all the way to New York and back again because he won't shut up.
Speaker 3:But on the aeroplane.
Speaker 2:He discussed about how he didn't think it was fair for other passengers when there were small children on board who obviously would just be screaming up all night, etc. Because they don't like being on planes. Why are you bringing on them? And you said, brad, that you thought we should have like aeroplanes that are just for adults.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I agree. Or like sections or whatever, and you pay an extra premium and you know there's not going to be a baby in sight.
Speaker 2:Well, somebody heard the podcast and your wish has very much been granted because, literally like the day after the podcast episode came out, two airlines have announced that they are now doing adult only aeroplanes with child free zones, so that quiet aeroplanes specifically for people like you that are miserable when they see a child and they can have a nice night's sleep on their way to New York City.
Speaker 1:I mean ask and you shall be given. This is amazing news. And also I love it that people actually screenshot this news and send it in yeah, the podcast as well. So they also saw the news. Unfortunately, you know what? I think Brad and Benji are going to really appreciate this and we did, yeah, how amazing. I will 100% be booking with that. I think that's such a good idea. I think that's how it should be. Anyway, as I said last week, I wasn't trying to be like anti children or you know. I do understand that that's next week's episode Exactly but I do think it is quite selfish to put babies in confined spaces, you know, unlike the tube and the trains and things like.
Speaker 2:Yeah so this is amazing news. It's so good and I totally agree with you. I'm 100% with you, but I do know that sometimes they're just you can't get around it, you have to take the baby somewhere to visit family, etc. But this, what they've come up with, is the best possible outcome, because now we can choose to go on a plane which you are not allowed to bring your child. And then there are planes where people don't mind Maybe it'll be a little bit cheaper, I don't know and people can feel comfortable knowing that they've brought their baby on a plane and everyone knows that this is a plane. The babies come on. I think it is win win for everyone.
Speaker 1:Exactly that. So if your baby wants to scream and cry, that's fine. Your baby can do that.
Speaker 3:You realize the baby is crying, I do.
Speaker 2:Does baby enjoy the theater Is?
Speaker 1:your baby, jocelyn. But this baby is going to be drinking a rose and watching telly in the peace and quiet.
Speaker 2:That's cracking out my phone and get you everyone to sing along to sweet Caroline. More on that later. One more quick thing. So we've heard about the flight journey, etc. When you got off the plane this is going to sound really random, but I'm going with some more with this what did the air stewards actually say to you?
Speaker 1:Right, see you later. Nice to chat to you. Have a great time in New York so they didn't say anything else.
Speaker 2:They didn't say things like cheerio.
Speaker 1:No, I told you, no one says cheerio.
Speaker 2:Well, it is so weird that you should say this again, really weird that all of this happened in one episode last week. Somebody and that's somebody who they actually are an air steward that works for a very, very large airline, we should say on the airplane themselves, they have slid into our DMs, which we love, and have told us that they have a code that they say goodbye to people in a certain way to let other stewards know that they fancy that person Right. So if you're leaving the airplane and one of the air stewards, ostrudacis, says cheerio, that actually means they fancy you and they're trying to the other, a steward and stewards of the stewardess is no that you, that they fancy you so like cheeky airplane code it's full-on like flirtatious, yeah that is good to know for the future, because if I'm walking off the plane and I fancy an, a steward, I might be like, hey, cheerio.
Speaker 2:I don't think you need to say hey and cheerio. I think it's just cheerio.
Speaker 1:But you could say cheerio with a bit of a wing of a wing, yeah, and then he might be like, oh, cheerio.
Speaker 2:No, thank you so much for flying. You have drunk us out of miniature vodka.
Speaker 1:But yeah, so that's fun fact right that is a great fact. I love that.
Speaker 2:So if you have anyone traveling for work, be on full alert for a very large English based Airline company. If they say cheerio to you when you leave, it means they fancy you and on that note, podcasts way, you're not gonna confess your undying love for me now. No, I think you need to get over that. That shit was very much sailed and sunk.
Speaker 3:All right, let it go, benji, you never guess where I was this week. I went back to the place that we met.
Speaker 1:Not by choice.
Speaker 3:I asked to sit the exact table where we looked into each other's eyes and you realize that my hairline was fake.
Speaker 2:Anyway, you interrupt to me while I'm singing my sign off, go on, go for it podcast is. I'm so sorry, let me repeat myself. That is all we have time for in this week's episode of my big gay podcast. If you don't already, please head over to our Instagram or social media channels. It's at big gay podcast and if you want to write into our centers and email, all the information can be found on my big gay podcast.
Speaker 1:Calm and if you're a plant dad, can you please get in touch, help me out my plants, pretty please? Or if you're into the foot fetish business, any tips. We greatly appreciate it.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much and, on a final note, the end of this season. We're very lucky to be sponsored by the rainbow lottery, and if you are going to go and buy yourself some rainbow lottery tickets which we definitely think you should you can actually Now choose my big gay podcast as the LGBTQ plus cause, which 50 pence of every ticket that you buy goes towards. So not only could you win 25k, you are also supporting our podcast. So head over to rainbowlotshowscouk, have a little read on it, and if you do want to buy tickets and you do want to choose us, that would be great. But, like I said, that is all we have time for on this week's episode. Until next time, see you next Wednesday.
Speaker 2:Right now, mate, I told you I'm gonna be supportive, all right, for this new business of yours great good Thanks so with the new foot fetish company, I've got a little. I got a few pearls of wisdom for you All right. So first one, remember to take it one step at a time, always be on the ball and if it doesn't take off straight away, please don't get defeated. And just so you sleep well tonight, cheerio.
Speaker 1:Cheerito, cheerito.
Speaker 3:And we can start really cool. Yeah, god, oh, my God.