My Big Gay Podcast
My Big Gay Podcast is the ultimate LGBTQ+ comedy show, diving headfirst into the highs, lows, and LOLs of gay life in London and beyond... (wait, did somebody just say head?!).
Hosted by your new gay BFFs, Benji and Brad, this podcast spills all the tea on their adventures as two gay guys in their 30s, juggling careers, chasing love, and living their best big gay lives in the greatest city in the world.
Now in its sixth fabulous season and recently crowned the TOP 3 LGBTQ+ podcast in the UK and a TOP 20 Comedy Podcast worldwide, My Big Gay Podcast is your backstage pass to hilarious celebrity interviews, outrageous games, epic competitions and heartwarming listener stories. It's been called “Bridget Jones’s Diary meets Sex and the City—but way gayer!”
So, if you’re up for a good time (and maybe some mischief), join Benji and Brad as they navigate the wild world of love, laughter, and life. Want to play along or get in touch? Slide into their DMs on Instagram: @BigGayPodcast, or hit up their website at www.MyBigGayPodcast.com.
My Big Gay Podcast
S5. Ep 21. Two Gays and the Fizzy Poppers
Get in touch! Drop Benji and Brad a text message by clicking on this link.
Season 5: Episode Twenty-One. Ever heard of fizzy poppers? Well, neither had Benji or Brad until this week! Plus, the boys share stories on exes dating exes and a new business venture is revealed involving Grindr, cash and gas…
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Hello and welcome to this week's episode of my BitGo Podcast with me Benji, and me Brad, giving you the life, the loves and lovelies of living in London.
Speaker 1:Two gays, one city. What could possibly?
Speaker 2:go wrong. Oh my goodness, I feel so refreshed. I have just woke up from a little nap, a nap.
Speaker 1:Yeah, oh my gosh, how long was your nap? Two hours, that is not a nap, that is like a siesta. That is like full of sleeping. Also, I use 75.
Speaker 2:I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't usually nap, that's just not really me, but I felt like I needed one today, yeah.
Speaker 1:I do everything I can nap. I have tried, you know. I mean I can snooze, you know, like if you're on the beach or just like sitting in the garden, you kind of doze, but I really call that a nap.
Speaker 2:Oh, I was full on fast asleep, dreaming Lovely. So I feel right, refreshed, I feel bouncy. I've had a little right revitalization.
Speaker 1:I don't know. Is that what that's called? I don't know what you've had.
Speaker 2:I think it's because I went to the gym for the first time in all summer today, so that's probably why.
Speaker 1:That's why I've drought. That's you done for the?
Speaker 2:year.
Speaker 1:I've done. Now I am done. That's hilarious. No, I know that, like napping, you're not supposed to nap for more than like 20 minutes, isn't it?
Speaker 2:Oh no, there's all rules and regulations about it, but I think, just do you, if you need a two hour nap, you need a two hour nap. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:Do you know what? Not all of us can, you know, take a nap at two hours in the middle of the day. Some of us have jobs and that things to do.
Speaker 2:No, but don't everyone work from home? These days Everyone can nap, I don't know. Just don't tell your boss. Just wake up every half hour, wiggle the mouse, go back to bed for a bit.
Speaker 1:Yes, I have a hope. People that do this Because, like, obviously we don't have these jobs, but there are jobs where people work from home and they monitor the activity of like their laptop, right, so it sends like an alert if they stop doing anything. But people do literally just sit there and wiggle the mouse and then their boss is happy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, I actually know someone I'm not gonna say their name, get me to trouble who does work from home and does the wiggle the mouse trick, and apparently you can now even buy mouses that will automatically keep wiggling for you. Oh my gosh.
Speaker 1:If AI wasn't enough, we're now self moving mice. That's terrifying. Imagine if you walked to someone's office and the mouse was just moving by itself.
Speaker 2:Just moving and then just having a little nap under the desk, yeah. That's a dream job for me. Sign me up to that job Napping, for goodness sake.
Speaker 1:Now, yeah, napping not for me Full on sleep, that's what I like. Sometimes I have like 12 hours of sleep. I actually think if nobody woke me up and it was pitch black and the temperature was good, I know where to lie I think I could sleep for probably over a day, do you think? Yeah, I really think I could.
Speaker 2:But that is because you work crazy hours and sometimes really long days. That's probably why your body is exhausted.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, two hours sleep right now sounds glorious.
Speaker 2:You could just join me for a little siesta in the afternoon.
Speaker 1:Stop trying to get me back into your bed. Also, you two hours stroll on Two minutes of you, hello, bang over. Well, was it good for you? Oh, my goodness. No, we're not going down that route this week. So have you seen the announcement that just came out? The latest cast of Drag Race Queens for Drag Race UK, season five.
Speaker 2:I have. I saw that got dropped today and I must say I do like UK Drag Race because it's the Queens from our home country.
Speaker 1:So I love it For sure. I will say, though, that watching the Meet the Queens, they all just I don't know what it is. I just feel like something is missing this year. I will say I definitely don't think they are as diverse as they should be. I don't feel like we've got really very many Northern Queens on it, but the ones they've got are incredible, yeah.
Speaker 2:So I'm not sure how that's going to play out and how that's going to be received from being honest, yeah, I did see online that people are saying you know, they've not really had much Irish representation or Welsh or Scottish over the whole of the UK seasons. Yeah, and I must say that is kind of true because there's not many of those and obviously it's Drag Race UK which is more than just England, right? So for sure, I mean Jersey, jersey is part of the UK, is that right?
Speaker 1:Oh gosh, it isn't. It isn't Sometimes it is, that's. That is a very, very long story. It doesn't have VAT, but we do use the pound Right. So make of that what you will, I don't really understand it myself, if I'm honest with you.
Speaker 1:Bit of this bit of that yeah, sure, I mean I would love to see a Jersey Queen on it. I mean there's no, there's no other drag race franchises where Jersey would slip into other than UK. So yeah, that would be great but actually very exciting. We will be working with one of the drag queens at Town Islands Pride next weekend. Oh yes, this weekend. Oh my goodness, this weekend actually with yeah, tamara Thomas.
Speaker 2:I really enjoyed her Meet the Queens video and, yeah, very excited to meet her in the flesh, can't wait.
Speaker 1:I must say so. I've worked with Tamara a few times. Tamara is absolutely hilarious. Great, yeah, perfect, that's what we want. Literally laugh minutes. I'm very excited to sort of watch her journey on drag race. I do hope she does well on it. But yeah, you'll see her in the flesh. And I can't believe Town Islands Pride has come around so soon. I feel like we were only starting to talk about it, like last week, and here it is. I know.
Speaker 2:I mean I need to start packing in the next like day or so, because I'm there for a long weekend. So lock up your daddies, lock up your granddaddies, because we all know like a granddaddy every now and again and can't wait.
Speaker 1:Just make sure you pack that hairline pencil.
Speaker 2:Don't worry, don't go anywhere without that.
Speaker 1:Let me tell you it's just the brown sharpie. Oh, my goodness, it's funny because it's true. So anyway, moving on from your hairline, what are you bringing to the podcast this week?
Speaker 2:Okay, so you know where I live. In Clapham, I live quite near a sex shop, don't I? You do? So I popped in there today because I was running a bit low on the old poppers and I thought I might want to take them with me to Jersey. Oh gosh, now can you take that on the plane.
Speaker 1:I don't. That's a really good point. I assume.
Speaker 2:So I'm pretty sure I might have taken poppers on all day with me before. But I'm poppers flammable, I don't know the laws.
Speaker 1:I don't know. I think, hang on, I've literally got some in my bag next to me. I think, randomly, I actually do.
Speaker 2:Why have you got them in your bag? What have you been doing today?
Speaker 1:I was actually. No, I forgot they were even in there for Mono. It's just when you brought that up. Yeah, there's a flammable sign on them, so I don't know if you can fly with it.
Speaker 2:So I don't think you can probably take them in. You know, like the see-through bits on your, the bag you can take with you and sit with that bag, what is that called? I don't know if I just smelled them and then maybe it feels sick.
Speaker 1:Nope, not for me.
Speaker 2:Why are you such a poppers virgin? Honestly, oh gosh, just that really. It just don't sit well with you, do you? You're in your allergies.
Speaker 1:And my allergies. I know it's a funny story though, over here, obviously, with the app that we both, you know, love Poppers, I just don't think you can get them over here. So the amount of people I'm talking to, they're like do you have poppers? And I'm like I think so they're like, oh my gosh, great, bring them. And after a while I was like do you not have anything? They're like no, we don't know where to get them over here.
Speaker 2:Right, do you not want me to bring some over? Oh my God, new business just come to mind right now. I'm going to bring a suitcase for the poppers. I'm going to flog them at Channel Islands Pride. I'm going to come back and mail you an air that I'm a foot fetish business.
Speaker 1:Well, I was about to say, does that mean the foot fetish is not doing well?
Speaker 2:Haven't started it yet. They need to photo shoot. That's where I come in right. Yeah, this weekend we're going to be busy. We've got business adventures.
Speaker 1:I'm going to be so tired because we're just going to take pictures of your blown feet in the bath.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then flogging poppers on the back streets, on the black market, oh, my God, I'll be a millionaire and this has definitely taken a slight turn.
Speaker 1:So, anyway, you went to the sex shop. You bought some poppers. I did.
Speaker 2:Yep, and the guy there was really friendly and I was like you know what? They have so many shelves of poppers. So I said, is there any you recommend because there's loads to choose from here? And he was saying well, the imported ones are actually the stronger ones, but then you get the ones with the ball bearings in. Don't know if you know that it's the ones with the ball bearings in. It means they keep the freshness longer. How does that work? I have no idea. So metal ball bearing and it keeps it bubbling away. I don't know. I don't know the science behind it.
Speaker 1:I thought you were going to say like you know, you have to collect them all. It's like Kellogg's little toys, this one has little toys, you have to collect all 10. Oh, I got Bruce the unicorn again.
Speaker 2:Doing swaps with people at Pride.
Speaker 1:Which ones have you got?
Speaker 2:Literally make nexus of them. But yeah, so he was talking for all the different ranges, strengths etc. Etc and I was like, look, I kind of like him strong, to be honest, but some of the strong ones they're like 20 pound of bottles. I don't know. I spent 20 quid on a bottle of poppers. That's a lot of feet pictures. One foot picture would pay for like more of those, thank you. But anyway he, so you know I brought some. He's like oh, by the way, have you heard of a trick called fizzy poppers? So I'm going to ask you first have you heard of this trick?
Speaker 1:No, I mean, I've never even heard of ball bearings in poppers. I'm really not your audience here, but tell me, Brad, what a fizzy poppers.
Speaker 2:Do you know what? Every episode on my big gay podcast I feel is an education for everyone? We all learn things as we grow, don't we?
Speaker 1:People learn that we're trash what they learn.
Speaker 2:So a fizzy popper is basically, if you've got a fizzy drink in the house, like a lemonade Coke, whatever, if you want extra strength happening in your life, what you do is get a glass. You pop a little splash of lemonade or whatever fizzy drink you got in the house into a glass. You then pop a splash of poppers on. You pop a lid on the top and where the carbonate cup.
Speaker 1:Yeah, what's it? Carbon? Go for it.
Speaker 2:Don't hurt yourself, go for it, the carbon in the drink. It's carbonated. But what is that when the carbonated Carbon dioxide? Is that what it is Carbon dioxide? Yeah, so when that carbon dioxide is swishing around those poppers, they get stronger and then you can take the lid off and apparently it's really strong and you could either have a sniff, pop the lid back on or just take that lid off and let the whole room get diffused by it.
Speaker 1:Wow, okay, there is some signs behind this because, yeah, if you do put carbonated things with another liquid, it does sort of like F of S into the air. That is a thing. It like gives off gas. It's the same thing as when you have like a glass of water and you put your vitamin C tablet and it fizzes and you see all of that like steam coming off, it, all that gas, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's because it's going airborne. So, yeah, I can see why that would work. I don't know how it filled the whole room. Personally, I think when I put a whole bottle of poppers into my room diffuser, that was the. That's the best way to sort of. You know, give the whole neighborhood a loose time, but cool. So I'm guessing you tried this.
Speaker 2:Now, I haven't tried it, I've just found this information today. Honestly, it's fresh off the market, this Pals of Wisdom. So I'm sharing it, you're the first person I've told about this.
Speaker 1:Oh yes, I can just imagine you skipping back to your house this bottle of poppers and a bottle of cheap lemonade.
Speaker 2:Good time tonight Okay.
Speaker 1:I think it's really important that we just say to everyone that once you put it in the drink, you must not drink it.
Speaker 2:Yes, he did say that as well. Who's like, do not do this at parties and then leave that out because someone might drink it and that could just be awful, obviously.
Speaker 1:Yeah, if you drink poppers, it will burn your insides and you will die.
Speaker 2:Have I told you that story about my friend who drunk poppers?
Speaker 1:I can't remember if I told you that on the podcast or not? I quickly tell you again yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, remind me. So a friend of mine. He's a singer and he just moved to London and say what is like 18, 19, got into like a music school to learn singing and he went to a freshers party and they were obviously drinking, doing shots and stuff, and they brought a bottle of popper round and they were like, oh, do you do poppers? And because he was new and wanted to fit in with the crowd and make friends, he was like oh, yeah, yeah, do poppers all the time. So they gave him the poppers bottle of poppers and he thought it was a shot. So he did a shot of it. Everyone was like, oh, my God, stop what you're doing. He spat it out but it burned all of his throat and he couldn't sing. He lost his voice. So he had to defer his year of training and have a year off to let his throat recover. He had to go hospice. Oh, bad, bad Is his voice back now.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean, he survived. To tell the tale, I don't think he swallowed. That's kind of the thing that maybe saved him really. So he like shot it back. Everyone screams. He just like spat it out and then he said, yeah, burning sensation all down his throat. As I say, he lost his voice. He couldn't sing for a whole year.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh, he's the little mermaid.
Speaker 2:He was aerial. He sold his soul to peer pressure at the Freshers party, tried to be cool and made out he knew what poppers were when he did them.
Speaker 1:Well, that is yeah. That means yeah, so don't add it to lemonade, for sure. Okay, well, that's interesting. So are you planning to do this anytime soon, or?
Speaker 2:yeah, with you this weekend at Channel Island's Pride.
Speaker 1:Absolutely not On with the podcast. This episode is sponsored by rainbow lotterycouk.
Speaker 2:Play now and support LGBTQ plus. Dreams Right. So something has happened to me this week that I thought I would share with you and get your thoughts on, because I'm a little bit confused and baffled by it, doesn't take?
Speaker 1:much.
Speaker 2:I'm still going around carbonated and carbon.
Speaker 1:Carbon is not that pyramid scheme and people sell you stuff. So yeah, go on. What's confusing you this week?
Speaker 2:Right. So, as you know, I have a few ex-boyfriends in my life. So just to give you a quick bit of context, just so everyone's aware, when I moved to London in my early 20s, I ended up having two long term relationships, had one didn't work out and then had another one also didn't work out. Then moved into my 30s and you know, single 30s and lived my best life and then ended up dating someone for a bit, didn't I? And then that didn't work out either and I was really heartbroken and we spoke about on the podcast and all of that, didn't we? Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:We're not going down that route again.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, no, no, no, we're all good, we're in a good place. So I have three exes in total, right? Okay? So my second ex we actually are quite good friends and you've met him, we've all hung out, we've gone to parties and stuff and we get on really well, don't we? And we have a very good friendship now and it's really nice.
Speaker 2:So he got in touch with me the other day to say hey, is this your ex boyfriend? And sent me a screenshot of my most recent ex, who has just sent him follow requests and ad requests on various social medias not just one social media, on Facebook and Instagram as well. So thought like, oh, that's a bit odd. Like why is my ex getting in touch with my ex ex? A bit random. And so I said yeah, that is him. This is all a bit odd. He's like yeah, I've also do.
Speaker 2:And then my ex started to like his pictures and then slid into his DMs and said what? Like love, heart emoji. No, that is random, right? And then so my friendly ex said maybe he hasn't realized it's me. And I said I'm pretty sure he will, because you know, when you get into a new relationship with someone, you talk about your ex and your history and stuff, don't you? Your ex is I would have brought him up at some point and so you definitely know the name, and there are crossover mutual friends as well. So, yeah, what are your thoughts on that? Like exes getting in touch with other exes and chatting random.
Speaker 1:Okay, well, first of all, I know obviously our most recent ex I think most of the country do because of you talking about it for half one of our seasons, but I was pretty sure he was in a new relationship, yes, so the plot thickens.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Wow Okay.
Speaker 2:This is why I'm baffled, I'm confused, I'm confundled, carbonated, I'm all of the above.
Speaker 1:So let's just make this as unclear. So your, your most recent ex, left you and then quite quickly got into a new relationship, correct, they are. Now that X is now messaging your previous X to him with like love, hearts and stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and liking pictures and all of that.
Speaker 1:And sending follow requests. Yeah, okay.
Speaker 2:Why does this happen to me?
Speaker 1:Oprah, Dr Phil, anybody? Wow, that's really odd. Okay, so you're asking me how I feel about Xs chatting to Xs.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, just in that particular situation. What are your thoughts on that anyway, because I'm like I don't even know what to think about that, to be honest. And then, have you been in a situation before, have you had Xs kind of befriend each other or even get with each?
Speaker 1:other. Yes, Really All this. Okay, so I'm going to come back to your situation in a second. But about three years ago, my, what are my Xs? So, oh gosh, it's very, really confusing not giving out names, isn't it?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so Because, how many Xs do you have? Because I've got three Xs.
Speaker 1:Oh gosh, but we've had this chat before, like how do you define an X Like? Is it someone that you just you just like, just got with more than once, or is it someone that you'd officially would just seeing that one?
Speaker 2:Yeah, someone that we both said we are committed to each other. We are going to call each other boyfriends. We are together as an item.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I've probably had like six or maybe seven.
Speaker 2:That's quite a lot, isn't it?
Speaker 1:All right, we're not talking about me right now, Sorry.
Speaker 2:I'm not judging, I'm trying to get to my story. I'm not judging, I'm just Geez.
Speaker 1:Here we are. I'm trying to dig up my personal stories.
Speaker 2:And there you are slamming me.
Speaker 1:Okay. So after my first X sorry, after my first boyfriend I then got with another guy who I was with for three years. Okay, that is the important person, we're going to call him L, l. Then, years later, I started seeing another guy and we're going to call him D. Okay, really easy, l and D. That didn't work out either. About six months after I've broken up with D, he messaged me and was like hey, just wanted to let you know I've started dating somebody that I think you know. And I was like oh, I was like, all right, that's fine, who is it? And he was like oh, I don't really want to tell you, but I just wanted to let you know because I think it is one of your X's. And obviously I was like well, you're deliberately trying to get into my head now, because why would you reach out and tell me?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And now you've said something about X, but now you're not going to tell me which X. I know you've just said it's quite a lot, but it isn't that many. It's not going to take me long to go through my roll of X and figure out who it is.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, so I was like okay, I was like that's absolutely fine, and then I just went for a stab in the dark. I went, but if it's L, you want to be careful and straight away, tap back. And I was like well, it is actually and we're having a great time. We've been seeing each other for like two weeks and like start having a go at me. And I was like it's absolutely fine. But he cheated on me and then he cheated on the guy that he left me for with somebody else, like he's just a serial cheater, basically. Anyway, then L slipped into my DMs why are you trying shit about me? We've not been together for years. And I was just like, oh, my goodness, so I'm not being ganged up on by these two people who I'm no longer with, who are now seeing each other, but I seem to be the center of attention. And I just started copying the same messages to both of them and anyway, shock, horror. Like eight weeks later they broke up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but yeah, that did happen. It was very weird. Also, there's no reason why they should know each other. It's so random. I even said, like, how did you meet him? Yeah, what was the story? I think they matched on an app. To be honest with you. I think they said it was like Tinder or something, but like they didn't know anywhere near each other. They're not from the same areas, not the same circles, different ages, very, very strange, but I didn't like it. But going back to what you were saying, I don't think it's OK and part of me wants to suggest that he is no longer with this new person and he's just trying to like fuck with you.
Speaker 2:I don't know. I really don't know, because I don't know. If I told you he got in touch after Pride. You know, we obviously did all the big London Pride this year.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, oh, he got in touch after that, did he?
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly Saying oh, he's all looking great, the podcast has really grown, etc.
Speaker 1:Because he wasn't really very supportive of the podcast, was he Not really?
Speaker 2:no, I see. So I didn't reply to that message because, yeah, we've all moved on Like we're doing our own things and we have no reason to be in touch with each other. You know we're not friends, you know. So very odd that this has all come about very recently, and just like why this is so bizarre, but you know, if he is with his boyfriend still, honestly I don't know.
Speaker 1:I really don't know, because I mean this isn't saying too much about him, so I think it's OK to say but he went off on a job, right, which sort of takes him out of the country for a certain amount of time, mm-hmm.
Speaker 2:And I think he's still doing that.
Speaker 1:So you don't think he's like coming to the end of that and he might be returning to the UK within a matter of weeks and he's sort of doing groundwork oh do you know what?
Speaker 2:I really don't know, because you know, I went through a bit of a tough time during that breakup, didn't I? And yeah, I just had to get to the point where I didn't look at social media.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I just didn't follow it exactly yeah, yeah, yeah. Because how long ago was that?
Speaker 2:Oh, a couple of years ago now I think, though on reflection it felt really heightened emotionally because it was lockdown, you know, and there was no kind of like escapism, yeah. So you're trapped in your lockdown houses. A relationship that kind of escalated not quickly, but I guess we got to spend a lot of time with each other really quickly because we were stuck, we couldn't go out right, so all you could do was just like sit and hope, yeah, almost like a big brother type thing, right, yeah. So I think that's why I took it really badly, because I had no kind of outlet. You know, when you've got through a breakup you're like, oh, let's get the girls, let's get the gays, let's go for a big night out and get drunk and do all that. Couldn't do that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so I had to sit at home with my feelings. God, who wants to do that? Eh?
Speaker 1:And ring me constantly, all the time, just tonight.
Speaker 2:Hound, all my friends be like. I'm feeling really sad again today Because there's nothing to distract you.
Speaker 1:Today is about me again, and literally oh my God.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I did take a little while.
Speaker 1:No, I'm joking. Obviously, we're all very happy to be there for you.
Speaker 2:Oh, no, no, no, I do really appreciate having that support around me. But yeah, it took a few months to get over that and get back into life, and one of the things I had to come to terms with was not looking at social media and spying, and not well, not spying. That sounds a bit creepy, doesn't it? But you know, I'm sure we've all done it Spying. Yeah, we've checked in on the X, isn't we Seeing what's going on?
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Seeing if they're in a new relationship and they are, and you're like, oh God, you know all of that, yeah, so I had to, obviously went through that process and now I'm like I've done that process, I don't need to keep going back over that.
Speaker 1:Well, look, I think to wrap that up regardless. I don't think you need to know the outcome of any of it. No, no.
Speaker 1:If you are the other X, the nice one is who I'm thinking. They ain't going to go there and I honestly think they're just trying to get into your skin. Personally, I reckon they've probably broken up with that other person and they're probably coming back to the UK quite soon and he's just trying to figure out what the deal is and try get his name back into your life, but I would just wouldn't react to it like you're saying yeah, to be honest.
Speaker 2:But there we go. That is the goss.
Speaker 1:That's happened this week and if you have just gone through a breakup, we did document it and we actually did get some really nice responses from people who were struggling with breakup. So if you are currently going through a breakup, we really feel for you. But maybe go back and listen to those episodes and now I'm absolutely shredding Brad for it now, but we had some people write in with some really good advice. So do check those out if you have recently gone through a breakup and you're looking for some advice. Hey, brad, oh hi.
Speaker 2:Benji, brad, what's on your mind? Oh nothing, benji, just daydreaming, I guess.
Speaker 1:What are you daydreaming about this time? A thicker hairline? Not today. Oh then what is it?
Speaker 2:I just wish I could do more to support the community without breaking the bank. Oh, and dreaming of true love's kiss.
Speaker 1:Well, you're in luck because you can do more to support the community. Really how? By playing the Rainbow Lottery, of course, you can play from as little as £1 and 50% of all tickets goes towards an LGBTQ plus organisation. That you get to choose what, and every week you could win up to £25,000, as well as other fantastic prizes. So when you play, you really do help support the community Exactly and I've won twice already.
Speaker 2:Where can I get tickets?
Speaker 1:Just head over to rainbowlotterycouk. It's super easy.
Speaker 2:Oh, do you think the Rainbow Lottery can also get me true love's kiss?
Speaker 1:I doubt it. Oh Play the Rainbow Lottery today from as little as £1 to win big and help some incredible courses.
Speaker 2:The Rainbow Lottery Supporting.
Speaker 1:LGBTQ plus. Dreams Players must be 18 and over. Always play responsibly. Wet Dreams not included. I don't know if you saw, but I put out on my Instagram that I'm looking for somewhere to go on holiday.
Speaker 2:I feel like you're always looking for holidays.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I haven't been on holiday since before Covid.
Speaker 2:Okay, well, you need to get yourself on that plane ASAP and get away.
Speaker 1:I know, but I feel like I get this like panic, anxiety, of like not really knowing where to go and what's going to be good, not knowing the area that I'm going to. I feel like I'm this old person where I go on holiday and I like it. I would just go back there year after year, for year, and I'm desperately trying not to be that person.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no, because the world is a big place. Right, go and see it all.
Speaker 1:I know, I know I, just before lockdown, I went to Thailand and I had the best time ever and I was like I'm just going to go back there and I was like actually no, I should really go. You know, branch out.
Speaker 2:But yeah, see you all.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so anyway, I'm just saying that out there, just into the ether. So anyone has any great ideas of where I could go on holiday. I'm going to sound like an absolute loner, but I'm going to go by myself and I have actually got some friends like, oh, I'll come, and I've actually said no, I actually want to go for a week by myself to a hotel and just absolutely chill out.
Speaker 2:And what are your hit lists? Do you want Sun Beach Pool, Sand, Sun Sun, oh yeah, all of that.
Speaker 1:All of that, that's all the same holiday what you just said. Do you want the Sun, do you want the Beach? Do you want the Sand? Do you want the Pool, do you want the ocean? All of that, I want all of that.
Speaker 2:Great, because that's narrowed down your search, because if you like no, when I go skiing and I want winter, then that's a different type of holiday we're going to be looking at, isn't it?
Speaker 1:Yeah, and then not going to go skiing by myself. You'll never see me again. I will die somewhere and there'll be no one knowing that I'm missing.
Speaker 2:Have a lunch.
Speaker 1:Literally.
Speaker 1:Snow bear yeah but, yeah, so I'm going to go away. My sister had a really funny story and not a funny story, but an idea. She's like oh my gosh, if you go to a hotel by yourself, you should go in like every day and pretend to be a different person. And I said, oh my goodness, I should pretend to be like triplets and come downstairs like dressed in one outfit, like with a white t-shirt, and be like sorry, have you seen my brothers anywhere? Oh, yeah. And they're like no, what do they look like? Well, they look a little bit like me. No, sorry. And then quickly go upstairs, change the potential to come down and be like, hi, I'm looking for my brothers. And I'm like, oh, did you just come here? No, oh, are you twins? Yeah, yeah, we're triplets. I mean, we're like Barry, harry and Larry and just like cause chaos and blame it on the other brother. That could be funny. I love that. But, yeah, holiday suggestions please from anyone that has gone off somewhere relaxing and preferably with no children.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no children and also LGBTQ plus friendly. I'm really hot on that at the moment because a few years ago I would have just booked wherever. I actually looked at maybe booking Morocco in the New Year for a bit of winter sun, and I did a bit of googling Morocco is it's illegal to be gay there? So there is no way I am selling my soul to the devil and doing that, absolutely not. They're not getting a penny out of me.
Speaker 1:I was going to say don't fund the communities that don't support you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly yeah, because they were doing some really cheap deals from Morocco in January and I thought, oh, my goodness, this is like well within budget, lovely hotel, amazing, all inclusive, but it's um, no, it's anti-gay, so of course I'm not going to be going there.
Speaker 1:But I mean, do you have any advice for any of our listeners that may be listening from Morocco?
Speaker 2:Yeah, my advice would be get out of that country. That country does not support you or hear your voice. Move to another place that does. Don't waste your time there. Or get in government and vote yeah, but it's very. I think you go to like prison and stuff for being gay. I don't know if it's.
Speaker 1:Oh, don't do that. Don't do that, come. Come to club, and it's lovely. Come to London. You're welcome here, for sure. Anyway, sorry you. Before, when we had that little break, you told me that you had a very funny story which you weren't sure if you were going to share it this week. But I actually think you should.
Speaker 2:Well, okay, talking about business adventures, a friend of mine, oh gosh.
Speaker 1:Oh no.
Speaker 2:A friend of mine got offered another business proposal. So now I'm like goodness, all these ways to make money. I didn't realize. So he was on Grindr, as you are, and a guy messaged him on Grindr and asked him I will give you 80 pounds if you come to my house and fart in my face, okay? So he was debating it. He was like, oh, I don't know, that's probably the quickest way to make 80 pounds. So I asked him a few questions because I was very intrigued by this.
Speaker 1:There you are.
Speaker 2:Do I add this to my business adventures? So I was like do you have to be naked? You know how's it all work, what's he going to be doing? So basically, here's the deal. He would come to the house, the house would be unlocked, he would go in and the guy would be then naked on his knees and wanking. Basically, my friend would then go up, pull down his pants and trousers, because I was like you know, can he do it still clothed, or does he want cheeks out? Is that? No, what's cheeks out? Bend over, put his face right in oh gosh, fart. Then leave and the money would be waiting on the floor. Pick up the money off you go.
Speaker 1:Okay, first of all, why am I so childish that the word fart makes me go gold? Okay, well, listen 80 pound. What did you?
Speaker 2:do it.
Speaker 1:I don't know if I would do that Now. I have done other things and I have told you this before, and, yeah, that is not one that I think I could get on board with. There are certain situations where people but I all, could you know, can you come around and we could do this? And in my head I'm like, yeah, I could probably get on board with that and I actually might. I might enjoy that, and if I don't, I definitely want to know that I don't therefore never do it again. This is one thing that I just don't think I will ever want.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but you're not necessarily getting pleasure out of it.
Speaker 1:No, sorry, let me finish my sentence. Want to be a part of. So it's a no from me, but it's a hard no from you. You would do that, wouldn't you?
Speaker 2:I was like look, the thing is, I don't know if you can just fart on cue like that, I don't know if I can do that. Yeah, so you might arrange a time and say, oh, 6pm Friday night. Cool, it's on the diary, you go round 6pm, you might not need to go for a fart. So how can you expect to do that on cue?
Speaker 1:Okay, so don't ask me why I know this, but I do know how people do this. If they're into this, To fart on cue. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Is this something to do with, like breathing in air or something?
Speaker 1:No, they use an empty douche.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, to then pump air up.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay, problem solved. That's how you do it.
Speaker 1:Pump me up like a lilo, I'm ready to go. No, so did your friend go and do it, or what? No?
Speaker 2:he couldn't go through it in the end. He was really debating it and, yeah, he just couldn't go through it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, like we always say, like we're very supportive of anyone with various bits and bobs, so there's no judgment. I just for me, I would not enjoy that, and who knows, maybe he'll change his mind, maybe he'll do it one day. I don't know why the money has to come into it, though.
Speaker 2:I guess because some people were into that as well. You know that's your way of doing it.
Speaker 1:That is true. Yeah, the what's it called Financial domination?
Speaker 2:Yeah, financial domination, cash pigs, all that sort of stuff.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, just cash and join one, didn't they how to get a cash pig? But yeah, yeah, because I've told you about stories with me and that right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that you got paid to pull off.
Speaker 1:Okay, that's all we need to share. It wasn't like a test, like where I wanted you to prove it.
Speaker 2:I was just curious.
Speaker 1:We all have to say that for another time.
Speaker 2:Channel Island's Pride, if you get me enough cocktails this weekend I'll tell you all the stories, don't you worry. No, I'm like after a few drinks proper blabbermouth.
Speaker 1:Oh, my goodness, absolutely not the things I've seen, no, the things that we could share on each other publicly.
Speaker 2:We could really do this Well hilarious that you're giving me a mic to host some of the main stage at the weekend and free drinks backstage. So we'll see what comes out, shall we?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I might have to do some moving around of obligations and things to do, but on that note. Podcast is signed. That's all we have time for in this week's episode of my Big Gay Podcast. If you don't already, please head over to our Instagram page at Big Gay Podcast and, if you want to see what we get up to, over to Alan Pryde and what perhaps you've heard me let's slip.
Speaker 1:Definitely give us a follow and keep an eye out for when we're going live, because we'll be interviewing hopefully tomorrow Thomas from the next season of Drag Race, but some other drag queens as well, as well as maybe five and other various performers from Channel Islands Pride.
Speaker 2:Yes, I can't wait. I'm very, very, very excited for that, and not only that we are coming up to the end of this season. What a year it's been. But if you are friends with benefit of the podcast, then we do have a very special episode planned for you where you get to be in control of what we talk about. But more on that very, very soon.
Speaker 1:Absolutely, and if you do want to become a friend with benefits of the podcast, all you have to do is head over to our Instagram, click the link in our bio and click support the podcast. But podcast is like I said, that is all we have time for on this week's episode. Until next time, see you next.
Speaker 2:Wednesday.
Speaker 1:Well, I think it's probably time we popped off. Also, you know you're like still close to the few of your exes. Yeah, I think you should probably just let one go.
Speaker 2:I hope it's not going to be too windy at Jersey when I come over. Do you know my least favourite president?
Speaker 1:What.
Speaker 2:Donald Trump.
Speaker 1:Do you always think about getting a tattoo, do you? Yeah, I can just never follow through, oh.
Speaker 2:Ah