My Big Gay Podcast
My Big Gay Podcast is the ultimate LGBTQ+ comedy show, diving headfirst into the highs, lows, and LOLs of gay life in London and beyond... (wait, did somebody just say head?!).
Hosted by your new gay BFFs, Benji and Brad, this podcast spills all the tea on their adventures as two gay guys in their 30s, juggling careers, chasing love, and living their best big gay lives in the greatest city in the world.
Now in its sixth fabulous season and recently crowned the TOP 3 LGBTQ+ podcast in the UK and a TOP 20 Comedy Podcast worldwide, My Big Gay Podcast is your backstage pass to hilarious celebrity interviews, outrageous games, epic competitions and heartwarming listener stories. It's been called “Bridget Jones’s Diary meets Sex and the City—but way gayer!”
So, if you’re up for a good time (and maybe some mischief), join Benji and Brad as they navigate the wild world of love, laughter, and life. Want to play along or get in touch? Slide into their DMs on Instagram: @BigGayPodcast, or hit up their website at www.MyBigGayPodcast.com.
My Big Gay Podcast
S5. Ep 22. Two Gays and the Island Chaos
Get in touch! Drop Benji and Brad a text message by clicking on this link.
Season 5: Episode Twenty-Two. Benji and Brad return from being part of Channel Island’s Pride in Jersey and reveal all the shenanigans that went down over a long weekend staying with five of London’s top drag queens! Ever had a hangover on a plane? Brad did, and shares his experience on how to avoid a messy situation…
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Hello and welcome to this week's episode of my Big Gate Podcast with me Benji, and me Brad, giving you the life, the loves and loves of living in London.
Speaker 2:Two gaze, one city. What could possibly go wrong? Oh my goodness.
Speaker 3:Morning Nice of you to join us today.
Speaker 2:Good morning. I am so sorry that I am late Listeners. This is the first time ever we've recorded the same day that we've released an episode and I set my alarm for the time that we were supposed to start recording and I woke up in this absolute panic. Messages from Brad like buzz, buzz, where are you Wakey, wakey?
Speaker 2:But do you feel I'm never the one that's late, but this is? Yeah, I have just run out of bed, I've got two mugs of coffee and I'm desperately trying to search my personality, that I left somewhere. But we're going to plow through. We're going to plow through. Oh my gosh.
Speaker 3:We're here, we're queer. It's going to be a moment today, but it's been such an epic few months for us, doesn't it? Because it's been the pride season and we just finished off our last stop on our tour for pride, which was your hometown of Jersey.
Speaker 2:Oh, my goodness, chandler Island's pride. It has been so good Like I know we're obviously going to say that because we've been sort of just real tea. It sounds like we're saying that because we've been plugging it for a few months and I'm from here, but actually they really really pulled it out the back and I would say that it's up there with it's even possibly my favorite pride that I've ever been to. Yeah, I know everyone likes different things, but it was such a strong feel of community. It wasn't trying to like outstretch itself, it was the perfect size, it had the perfect amount of things going on and, yeah, I've literally just been smiling Well since Thursday when it kicked off.
Speaker 3:The atmosphere there is amazing. Everyone is so friendly. I couldn't believe it, everyone is there for a good time. Yeah. And obviously we were with some of the top London Queens and everyone was just so grateful that these Queens have come over and put on these amazing shows for the Channel Islands community. Honestly, it was amazing.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean Jersey has never had. We've got local drag queens which are really really coming along quickly actually and doing a really good job, but the Island has never seen these top UK drag queens and when I say top UK drag queens I will actually name them all. So we had Flesh, who is stunning and such a beautiful. They're all stunning and they're all beautiful people, but Flesh actually I forget to talk sometimes when I'm talking to Flesh because of the beauty. We had Page Three Powerhouse.
Speaker 2:Yeah, tamara Thomas, who has just been announced, as we know, for the next season of Drag Race, who is just one of the most genuine lovely people I think I've ever worked with and so funny. But speaking of funny, we also had misleading. I mean, cracks me up. Yeah, if you've ever been to a misleading show but actually to defend, no, flip down his head If you've never been to a misleading show, you absolutely have to go, because you will leave with absolute like heartburn and your sides like in stitches Because it's so funny, still not over that moment, when she poured a whole glass of purple vodka all over herself.
Speaker 3:Oh my, To the song Purple Rain.
Speaker 2:To tell you the full story leading into the fifth queen, which was Mercedes Benz, who is also an absolute icon and you would have seen at the Eurovision half. I call it the Eurovision halftime show. You know they're drag performance.
Speaker 3:So sporty yeah.
Speaker 2:So that's Mercedes Benz, who actually it was with Tamara as well, and another queen, mr Mina, who's also fantastic. But yeah, I was sat at the brunch next to Mercedes Benz when misleading was doing purple rain and yet filled a whole glass with neat purple passion fruit vodka and held up in the air and Mercedes lent into me and said If she finishes that drink, we're in trouble. And she did. She down half it and then the last bit, she pulled into that massive wig of hers.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, wow, wow.
Speaker 3:Basically, that is just a small insight into what an epic weekend we have had. It's been non-stop events. It's like no sleep, not a club Bus club, not a club, not a club.
Speaker 1:Plane next place, no sleep.
Speaker 3:It was been that the whole weekend. I'm a bit broken today.
Speaker 2:It was literally that. I mean I'm FaceTimeing you right now and it's like FaceTimeing Gollum. I'm not going to lie.
Speaker 3:But even Gollum looks better than what I look right now.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I'm not going to rip you too much because I feel like you're a bit delicate today.
Speaker 3:Very delicate, very delicate.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you were.
Speaker 3:I know I was messy, weren't I you?
Speaker 2:were next level. Yeah, we will come back to that, because I am going to remind you of a few little things that you might have forgotten about.
Speaker 3:Oh, no, don't. I don't want to be reminded.
Speaker 2:Podcast is the text yesterday, what actually happened that night, because I've got absolute anxiety that I may have done this, this and this, and I was like you did do. All those things Can confirm, and so much worse, than you are even describing it.
Speaker 3:Podcast is. I don't know if you ever had that feeling. You know we've drunk so much and you have that like anxious feeling. Yeah, been definitely riding that wave and I've decided for the rest of the year I'm putting the whole in wholesome, I'm not drinking anymore.
Speaker 2:Okay, first of all, I did not know, didn't know where you're going, that when you started talking about holes and you wholesome, absolutely not, I reckon for about four more days until it gets to Friday, you'll be like, yeah, I'm wholesome, I'm going to have my avocado and poached egg on toast every morning. Cup of tea, green tea before bed. Friday's going to come. I'm going to find you and Bruce on the poll.
Speaker 3:It's not happening, I'm telling you the rest of this year I'm being that wholesome guy, the plant dad guy. That's what I'm going to be channeling this year.
Speaker 2:So you're going to be drinking green tea and killing your houseplants, that's what you're going to be doing.
Speaker 3:That's where you're going to find me.
Speaker 2:Speaking of your houseplants, I actually did have a quick word with drag gardener, oh yeah, yeah, and they do actually have some really good tips which we should share for people. That because we have people writing in about houseplants, so we will definitely do that. Yeah, cause I do feel like you need help. I do, I really do Not just with the houseplants. I just mean in general. You need help, Dr Phil.
Speaker 3:So you know, obviously I've been there helping you out this weekend doing bits and bobs and one of the things you asked me to do was be on the door for brunch to welcome everyone in for drag brunch. And I said Benji, what should I wear? I'm thinking the pink cape. No, and you said not the pink cape, do not wear it.
Speaker 2:I said you can wear anything you want. In fact, you can be there butt naked in a shiny speedo Dave Rich style, but you will not be wearing that garish pink cape. And what did you wear?
Speaker 3:The lovely pink cape Amazing appearance.
Speaker 2:At least like new, where you were at every minute because I could just sort of see you regardless, Cause it was just like this twinkly pink pink shiny sequins.
Speaker 3:But I thought, look, if they're going to be queuing, they're like where's drag brunch? They're going to see me at the door and be like, ah, that's where drag brunch is. So I feel like I tick the brief. You're welcome.
Speaker 2:Ah, pink polyester number. That must be the drag drag. Oh, my goodness, yeah, you did happen with that. Yeah, you were. You were brilliant this weekend.
Speaker 1:I'm so pleased that you could have been there to help with all the events and sort of stuff.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was lovely, not only just to have you know sort of like a a friendly ugly face, but somebody just to look at it and be like you know what it could be worse. I could look like him. So it was so great for you there, for those moments. I just feel like the weekend was like two weeks long. It felt like it was never ending.
Speaker 3:I'm still recovering even now is when I got off the plane, saw you and you shoved a tinny my hand and was, like, get this down your neck right now. That's true. That's true, oh no, not this. Like we're going to drink wine at the pool and we're going to chill by the pool for a couple of hours before the first event. So we went to the pool and we were drinking wine with everyone, lovely. The embarrassing moment happened where we popped out, didn't we? And we came back and I was like right, I need to go back to the changing rooms.
Speaker 2:I was like why is it going with this story? I absolutely forgot this happened. Carry on.
Speaker 3:So we go to the changing room.
Speaker 2:Actually. But actually just to stop you for a second podcast is I was driving, so I was stone cold sober. So in fact I didn't drink the whole weekend until the Sunday because I was. I was working the whole weekend looking after the girls. But, um, yeah, carry it. No, I need to set the scene. Wait, play some music, play some music. So there we were, the Isle of Jersey. It was so warm, the sun was out, the sky was completely blue and me, brad, page 3 Flesh, tamara Thomas, misleading MSA. These bends were just relaxing by the pool, topping up our tans, having a little swim. Brad says I just need to get something from the changing rooms. So I get my stuff and I walk with him to the dressing rooms. Brad, over to you.
Speaker 3:So I walk him through the door and I was like this doesn't look like the room we walked in on. And then there is a basically a naked woman getting changed. I was like this is very bizarre. I don't know why we've got a naked woman in the in the male changing room. But it doesn't matter, we're in Jersey, it's all good. So I'm looking for my locker and I'm walking around. You came in through the door, saw the naked woman and then was like oh no, I'm going to go back out, yeah. And then after about five seconds, just here excuse me, this is the female changing room.
Speaker 2:Oh guys, all I heard was oh my God.
Speaker 3:You just went ah, I was like oh no, how embarrassing.
Speaker 2:Oh my goodness, it was so funny. You came out and you're like I've literally just been walking around this poor woman and her child getting changed. Look at my locker Did not even come to my mind that I was in the wrong changing room, but I was like I'll wait outside because I'm not actually getting changed. And then, yeah, sure enough.
Speaker 3:Yeah, chaos, chaos already, and that was before we'd even gone to the first event, so it was all, uh, yeah it was all like that for pretty much the whole weekend.
Speaker 2:My favorite bit was that you were like when we went back to the hotel and came back, you were like, should I go back in and be like that? That little um, that gift that was going around and the child shops. So I'm back.
Speaker 1:I'm back.
Speaker 3:Don't have me in there too long. Well, your shop will go down, pan won't it?
Speaker 2:So good, so good, but anyway, we have even more stories to tell about this hilarious weekend, but we will tell you more about them after this very quick break. This episode is sponsored by rainbow lotterycouk.
Speaker 3:Play now and support LGBTQ plus dreams.
Speaker 2:Also complete side note. This morning when I woke up and late to record I went downstairs to make myself coffee and I was like I'm too tired, I'm going to make two mugs of coffee, which is why I've got two mugs of coffee in front of me and I was making it. Obviously, when I'm in Jersey, I stay at home. My mum just sees me making two mugs of coffee and then turning on a soda, going upstairs, she just goes who's the other cup of coffee for?
Speaker 2:Absolutely assuming that I've got somebody up here and I was like just for me, Just for me. Yeah, I am that exhausted.
Speaker 3:Quick story Do you know Americans call it double fisting if you've got two drinks in one hand, okay, it's way too early for that sort of conversation.
Speaker 2:If you've got what sorry? Two drinks in one hand.
Speaker 3:If you're going to a party it's like, okay, grab two drinks, it's a big night, they call it. Oh, we're double fisting tonight because you've got a drink in each hand. Oh, my. Now, obviously in the UK that's a different term.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we say double parked. Right If it's two drinks, Double parked. That is definitely cool If you've got two drinks.
Speaker 3:In one hand. What, oh, you're double parked.
Speaker 2:If you're just drinking two drinks. In general it's called double. You're double parked.
Speaker 3:Do you know what? Did not know that ever.
Speaker 2:I'm sure that's the thing Podcast is. Has anyone heard that before? Double parked?
Speaker 3:Think it's delirious on all the coffee.
Speaker 2:No, I'm sure that's the thing, or maybe there's loads of terms. I bet it's one of those things where there's loads of different examples depending on what part of the country you're from. But if you have your own term when you're on two drinks, write that in. I'm very interested. But I know it as I'm double parked Because someone was like oh, can I get you a drink, benji? I'm like oh, actually I'm already double parked and I'll hold up two drinks.
Speaker 3:That makes sense. That's quite cute that I'm double parked, although I would have loved it if your mum this morning was like Benji you double fisted in. Benji, you double fisted in. That timing was amazing as you took a sip of your coffee.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, it came out my nose I can. Oh my gosh, I think it has. I think it has actually come out the top of my nose. I can just smell coffee. Oh my goodness.
Speaker 3:UK Hun.
Speaker 2:Oh gosh, you know I mean. You've never been double parked your life. A drink doesn't stay long enough in your hand. I've seen you in a club.
Speaker 3:I know, I know, oh God, can't even think about alcohol right now, but can I just say I know, jokes aside, I'm so proud of you. You've had such a year right, because I know you're giving me the look and like what are you doing? This is not part of the script, I'm throwing it in.
Speaker 2:I'm actually giving him the wanker sign.
Speaker 3:What are you chatting shit about? No, honestly, as my bestie and you know, people that listen to the podcast know the journey you've been on, especially this year, when you worked for a very toxic person and had lots of mental health issues going on because it was just too much right and then you eventually made the leap to go freelance and for months and months I was like Benji quit that job, it's not good for you and you did it. And it just so happens you've gone freelance, you've gone solo and you got booked by Channel Islands Pride to make a whole weekend of events and you fucking smashed it so good. Me on the sides watching you excel and revel in it is just being so humble I feel very proud of you.
Speaker 2:Oh, thanks, mate.
Speaker 3:So, podcasters, if you are looking for an amazing event, go to Book by Benji. He's got loads of fabulous queens and entertainers and artists on his books already, and he's only just begun. This is the what first few months of you being freelance.
Speaker 2:Yeah, literally six weeks, yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and you're already making headlines and head waves.
Speaker 2:So honestly super proud, Thank you.
Speaker 3:And not only do you have Roo Girls on your books Amazing Singers, artist Talent you've also got Brad from a Big Gay podcast that comes with the package.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, that is, and we need to talk about that, because I was going through the books and it's just, it's filling up so fast I've had to make a couple of cuts and, yeah, you can't sit with us. No, I'm joking, I'm joking. Oh, bless you. Well, thank you for the plug. So early in the morning I normally ask for drink and dinner before I ask somebody to plug me.
Speaker 2:But I really do appreciate you saying that it's. Yeah, I guess going through the I have chat about before being that toxic environment for like a long time. I never actually realized how much it had affected me until I went solo and I was actually listening back to some of the podcast episodes and I just it feels like a different time for one thing, but also it was definitely damaging my constant mood and personality and I think, as with everything over the last three years, being able to do this podcast with you May has been such like a therapy in itself and being able to talk to you about all these dilemmas on and off air has been sort of invaluable. So, obviously, thank you very much for all your support and thank you so much for coming to Chaline and Prize. It was so much fun and, yeah, by Benji who knows where it's going, but I'm, yeah, I'm really grateful. Thank you so much. It was a, it was a whirlwind, it really was no, and it's exciting times.
Speaker 3:And also as a queer person making their way in the world and going freelance running a queer business, essentially, yeah, you're paving the way for future people that want to Do their own work. Yeah, in a queer spectacle, you know, and your, your your doing that. So on sunday night, when, after the final event of finished and we all went and celebrated with you, that was, yeah, I felt very proud of us.
Speaker 2:thank you, yeah, I mean, it all took a bit of a turn, didn't it? That night?
Speaker 2:Messy night, when I messy night and I'm so sorry to tell the story. And if you're eating, I put your fork down just for a second Because it was a sunday afternoon after the branch and we had a few hours to spare. Obviously everyone got on it, everyone's parting I was finally, I was drinking, so I was going to drive, had no more obligations for the drag queen, so I was basically off the clock. I just had to sort of keep an eye on them and make sure they. So I had dinner, had a good time.
Speaker 2:While we had dinner, we all went out, we had a lovely time and then we came back to the hotel and I'm not going to the five drag queens myself and brad and we also had another member of our team called peat who came over to help film things off, just generally help with the running of the weekend from the podcast point of view and anyway, throughout the night peat was out there, obviously quite chocolate, because he's spending a lot of time with you, yeah, and you also quite trashed, but I feel like you're quite well, I know you are, you're quite push to work on a night out. You just like put more drinks in front of somebody and make him take it.
Speaker 3:Is the same. When we get together, we have each other on so so much and we end up playing stupid games. Remember, we tried to play that shady game of everyone.
Speaker 2:Okay, but gasses is a bit of tea for you. This is a mercy. I was not sure the town's on the podcast, but here we are. We were all around the dinner table in a privately owned, very small like italian restaurant where english was not the first language of anybody, being absolutely loud. Jobs. We've been asked to be quiet like three or four times. The only was like, can we keep it down a little bit? And brand is like I know let's not playing a drink, a drinking game and ask questions. So the question started off quite tame, like if you could, you know, be any other celebrity, who would it be and why you get the brand's turn and brand. What was your question?
Speaker 3:Who do you want to fuck around this table and why?
Speaker 2:Me making apps your eyes with the drug quiz across the table. Like so we change? Like no, I let you sit up. Like no, we're not doing that as we have a question. And then your backup question, which borderline even worse, was okay. If you had to force retire someone's career, who would it be and why? I was like, oh my god. So straight away the queen jumped in, like okay, we'll do that, but, like the uk, drag queens, not just people, around the table. I'm not that was the head of the answers, but obviously not gonna share those. But it was so funny.
Speaker 3:Brad just wanted to throw people under the bus and wanted juicy gossip it's called the shady game, and the object of the game and me and pete we play it it's you gotta ask the most outrageous questions and whoever gets further son is the winner, basically. So you gotta go in hard. I've played up before at work strings and the question was okay, who do you think needs to be fired from their job today, and why?
Speaker 3:Oh my gosh, not this, that is yeah, that is chaos I pay that once for family drinks, actually with my mom and I made a go round was like which family members got the worst quality and why she told me I'm not playing that game yeah, I'm not going to my.
Speaker 2:Well, we did all get to know each other very well so I mean they did work in a sense. Anyway, we finished dinner, finished drinks and I'm a couple of us went to bed and the rest of us stayed. Pete was absolutely trollied, was just sat there like come to us on one of the sofas in the hotel, like this is permanent, very small smile his face, he wasn't blinking, he was just staring in the space and miss adi's turn to be like she's not okay, she needs to go to bed. I was like, yes, definitely does, but we'll keep an eye anyway. Pete then gets up and I'm just going to the toilet. Pete, you okay. Yeah, I'm fine. Go to the toilet was a good like twenty minutes. Came back, sat down, you're at pete. Yeah, I feel much better. I'm not gonna lie, I was sick, but I feel better for it. Fine, tactical, whatever, we move on.
Speaker 2:Ten minutes later, misleading I need the toilet, goes downstairs. I then see, five minutes later, I see miss leading come up these steps. So where we were sat was like next is big, grand staircase that went downstairs. So I see the top of her hair coming up and then she comes up the stairs and just has her arm completely stretched out and a finger pointing, slowly walks across the lobby of the hotel, is pointing at pete, get in the room and just stairs at him. Pointing pete just looks at miss leading and goes don't she went, she went. You dirty when you've been sick all over the stairs and you have filled up one of the basins in the toilet and he was like no, I haven't. I want to know.
Speaker 2:She's like yes, it fucking is he was like yeah, that was me. She was like that is disgusting. What the hell have you been eating? It looks like beef stew everywhere. Yeah, it was bad, really bad, like trying to get it down the sink was near impossible yeah, we tried to clear up the way we did the best we could send you both down.
Speaker 2:I was like you both get down the stairs and you clean up all of it. You're Like nobody else is awake in the hotel, right, it's like two am, three am. When they wake up in the morning is gonna be so evident that it was us.
Speaker 1:So bad, it was just. It was the point. You don't, don't.
Speaker 3:So good, so good I mean, but the whole weekend we have some messy nights in that hotel bar, didn't we even the first night, the red arrows, the English red arrows how to put one of the drag queens back to bed because they couldn't get back by themselves, you know it was.
Speaker 2:It was that weekend not us doing a shout out last week's episode, like we're not always about alcohol and drinking, and this weekend being absolute carnage, but it is our last one.
Speaker 3:We're gonna be gay. I told you, yeah, awesome, gaze from now onwards, this is it you watch, I'm gonna go on like a yoga vegan retreat cool I'm here for it and be miserable, but I'm gonna go.
Speaker 2:No, and then yeah, and then the Monday morning came, which I get you to the airport. Don't even talk to me about the airport. I can't feel like you should share your airport story with everyone.
Speaker 3:This is honestly the worst situation I've ever been in in my life. So we go to the airport. I'm pretty, I'm well, very hungover. Yeah, we get checked in. We also on the seats. We're ready to go. I'm at the very back In the corner just want to be by myself, but the plane is full everywhere, every seats taken up, the such to the announcement you know, exit here, here, here, etc. And all of a sudden I felt my stomach churn and I was that I'm actually gonna be sick. But you can't get up at your seat because of the seat belt. Science on the plane is starting to move and we're about to take off, so no one can get out, and also the plane is packed. So I'm gonna ask people to stand up for me to help, and I was like this is just not an option. I can't go to the toilet and throw up right now, so I'm just gonna have to just breathe in, breathe in and, you know, try and suppress it.
Speaker 2:You told me you're buying up your backpack, like if I'm gonna be sick, it's gonna have to be my own bag this was thinking.
Speaker 3:I was like the toilet is not an option, getting at my seat is not an option, so where could I be sick if the worst case happens? My designer rucksack is next to me on the under. My sake, I thought it's gonna have to be in the rucksack. If I'm gonna throw up, it's gonna be there. You know that scene in bridesmaid's where they've all got food poisoning. Oh, my goodness where is dripping and she's like, are you?
Speaker 2:hungry shooting of a poison from that gray meat. Actually I'm hungry. Would you like a sugar almond?
Speaker 3:I would love one but you know, the sweat is pouring off. That is basically what happened to me and the woman sat next to me. She turned a look to me and I was like don't, I can't.
Speaker 2:She knows also the smell on that plane, not that you're all unwashed and day, but the smell of alcohol coming out of your pores because even in the drive to the airport. So I took you my car, smart like vodka and tequila and regret, and I was like that plane with all of your, one plane is gonna absolutely home, yeah yeah, now, luckily the worst didn't happen.
Speaker 3:but that feeling and also you know when you want to be sick, but in your set, in your mind, you're saying don't be sick sick but it makes you want to be sick even more. Trying to think of everything else.
Speaker 2:Anyway, managed to just breathe out did you do that thing where you like really hard wiggle your toes? Yes, yeah that's what I do. I say wiggle my feet and my toes, because for some reason that makes you feel like I'm concentrating on that rather than being sick.
Speaker 3:Gripping the hand rests yeah breathing like no, don't do this, don't do this. Can you imagine? Never want to be in that position ever, ever again, and I'm blaming you. What such an amazing weekend.
Speaker 2:I see, maybe I think I like force fed your drink since Friday when you landed, like His one tinny, for the whole weekend, but somehow it's my fault, gay, I can't think of anything worse. To be honest, I'm being stuck on a plane and it's always so hot, yeah, and like claustrophobic Darren, I'm claustrophobic. Darren listen don't get it, I'm claustrophobic oh gosh, yeah, I don't envy you in that situation, yeah not the one, but it's fine.
Speaker 3:We live, we're moving forward with our lives and we're being wholesome, and I'm very excited to do the wholesome journey with you.
Speaker 2:Can't wait, yeah well, we've got some fun things coming up actually to finish this season, but we'll tell you all about those after this very quick break.
Speaker 3:Hey Brad, oh hi, benji Brad, what's on your mind? Oh nothing, benji, just daydreaming, I guess what are you daydreaming about this time?
Speaker 2:a thicker hairline? Not today. Oh then what is it?
Speaker 3:I just wish I could do more to support the community without breaking the bank. Oh, and dreaming of true love's kiss.
Speaker 2:Well, you're in luck, because you can do more to support the community. Really how? By playing the rainbow lottery. Of course, you can play from as little as one pound, and 50% of all tickets goes towards an LGBTQ plus organization that you get to choose, and every week you could win up to 25,000 pounds as well as other fantastic prizes so when you play, you really do help support the community exactly, and I've won twice already where can I get tickets? Just head over to rainbow lottery dot code at UK. It's super easy.
Speaker 3:Oh, do you think the rainbow lottery can also get me true love's kiss?
Speaker 2:I doubt it. Oh, play the rainbow lottery today from as little as one pound to win big and help some incredible courses the rainbow lottery Supporting LGBTQ plus dreams players must be 18 and over. Always play responsibly. Wet dreams not included.
Speaker 3:Well, benji, that's it. That was our last pride engagement of the year. How do you feel?
Speaker 2:This year has been so great. We we sort of came a little bit late to the party, I think, with saying that we wanted to go around the country and watch as many prizes we like we could, but actually we did manage to get quite a few in, and I know this weekend has been the last one, which I like is private. We've been just so many different pride events. I feel very, I don't know. I feel quite wholesome.
Speaker 2:I thought you've taken that word Way too many times this episode already, but I feel really like, I feel really good, I feel very happy, but I also know how important the pride's are, not only for local communities, but, as she has the bigger picture and We've still got a long way to go, it's it's not just for us like that because we're very lucky in our position that we can celebrate, celebrate, celebrate pride. My guys celebrate pride Because there are so many places around the world that they don't have that freedom that we do not only freedom of speech, but freedom of expression as well. Yeah, so we've got to keep fighting that fight not just for us, not just for our hometowns. Have a gay or time and come out and lovely Well, I was a lovely pink cape, but it was not like you know, not everyone come outside and they're cheap.
Speaker 2:H&m pink cape. So no, no, serious, no, serious, no, we do need to keep doing it for those people that cannot celebrate. So but interestingly enough, actually Mercedes Benz did an amazing, amazing speech on the main stage at Ten Lion and Pride where she kind of highlighted a few of these points and actually I think we've got the sound bite now.
Speaker 1:Now listen, you've got to keep coming out supporting all the charities, all the hard work, because the work is not done. We are very lucky to live where we live, be able to appreciate and embrace each other. There are other countries that are absolutely the opposite of what's happening. We need to continue fighting for everyone.
Speaker 2:Yes, have a good time. Yes, celebrate with your friends. Yes, celebrate yourself and express yourself how you want to be, in whatever outfit, whatever. However you feel that you are, come out and show us and be your colorful or authentic self, but do never forget for one second the not everyone gets to do this, so do not ever take it for granted. It is such an important thing and as much as we fought for it, sadly, if the wrong people get into government, it could so, so quickly be taken away from us. So make sure you are voting for the right parties. Your vote is so important and it is so powerful and it will be heard by people. So, yeah, pride is great, but remember this is, although much more peaceful these days, it is still a protest for absolute equality throughout the world.
Speaker 3:Absolutely. I mean, you've hit the net on the head. You said that beautifully. The only thing I'm just going to add on to what you've said so brilliantly is the word ally and what that means. I've really learned a lot about what a true ally is this year. And it's not the companies that slap a rainbow sticker on for the summer season and say, yeah, we support LGBTQ plus. No, it's the companies that, yeah, okay, put a rainbow sticker on and then donate X amount of money towards Stonewall or towards the charities that are helping to fight the fight and channel the cause forward. And even, as we were talking about the other day, book and holidays, I now this year, google what are the LGBTQ plus laws in this place? Oh, they're not great. Well then, I'm not going to go to that country and spend my money there. I will go to a country that does accept me for who I am. Yeah, being a true ally. I've really learned this year and we'll take that forward in making sure that those people are part of our community.
Speaker 2:So, true, only fun the communities that support your lifestyle 100%. And just the final thing on that, because that actually is something I'm very passionate about having a retail company. I call it rainbow washing I don't know the exact term, but that's what I call it and it is when it's Pride month and people think I'm going to whack out, put a little rainbow in the window display and that's me supporting. No, it isn't. And I know there are huge high street chains that if you apply for a job there, you still have to tick a box. Are you male or female? And you still have to wear a uniform depending on if you're either and I mean either, and only male or female.
Speaker 2:And it's not right and you are not an ally and you do not deserve to fly that flag If you are making people put themselves into a box that they don't feel comfortable in. And finally, there was one person I spoke to over the weekend at Pride who they were going through an HR issue. It wasn't actually them that was in trouble or somebody else, but throughout the discussion he said that he does drag on the side and they said, oh, that's really interesting. If we knew that you were a drag queen on the side, we would never have given you this job, and this is 2023.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And that's not even his full time job. It's essentially a hobby for him and he does it very well. But to be told that that sort of thing would have stopped you having a career which has nothing to do with being a drag queen and, although I won't say what the job was, it really would not have affected anything. Yeah, it's appalling. So we need to push that equality. So if you work for a company and they start whipping out the rainbow flag, I very much recommend you go into the top and saying well, what are you actually doing to support? Yeah, okay, people, and do you actually know what it means to be an ally? Yeah, I think it's really good point, mate. Well, something for me to know.
Speaker 3:I think we should expose some of these companies coming forward. Benji and Brad expose Today. Watch this space.
Speaker 2:Well, we have discussed that in the past. Yeah, it may well happen, but yeah, because I have some juicy stories. Yeah, let's get a couple more lawyers on our side first and just have a check what we can and cannot say.
Speaker 2:But I'm fully there with you. Let's not even name and shame. Let's just call them out so people know what they're dealing with and where to support, because, yeah, there are some food chains now, some supermarkets that I will not shop at because I know they do not support the LGBTQ plus stuff. But anyway, we're digressing and we're going to finish this on a high but podcast is. That is all we have time for on this week's episode of my Big Gay podcast. If you have enjoyed this episode, please head over to our Instagram. Like I said, we're coming to the end of our season, but we will, of course, be keeping active and keeping out stories of what we're getting up to on the Instagram. It's at Big Gay podcast. Please keep an eye on our website as well. Sign up to our mailing list, because we have some events that we'd love for you to attend in London and the surrounding areas as well.
Speaker 3:Only that. As we are coming to the end of the season, we have some special guests joining us as we celebrate season five of my Big Gay podcast. I can't wait.
Speaker 2:Absolutely Pride. This year has been incredible for us and we cannot wait to attend even more next year and just meet new people, see new communities and, like I said, keeping that protest going.
Speaker 3:But, like I said, that's all we have time for on this week's episode, until next time see you next Wednesday Okay so, benji, now that you've gone freelance and running book by Benji, I've got a couple of events that I would like to pitch to you.
Speaker 2:Okay, let's hear them.
Speaker 3:So you know, you've got Magic Mike, I'm thinking Magic Brad.
Speaker 2:Okay, the only way that would work is if people pay you to put more clothes on, because ain't nobody want to see you strip. Also, imagine the rain in that stage and the rain scene where they're like sexy and where your hair would melt back to what happened in Brighton when you started melting True.
Speaker 3:That Okay, fine, Fine. Brad Vontiz Balesque.
Speaker 2:What like a sexy dance number. You got it. Okay, we could use that at the end of the night to clear the club quickly, because I've seen you dance in the club and there's nothing sexy about it. Do you know what? To be honest with you, I'll give you a really good job tip. You know how you feel when you catch airplanes, like this weekend. Yeah, I think you should get a job with Queezy Jet. And if they're not accepting, why did you go for British Blocked Airways?