My Big Gay Podcast
My Big Gay Podcast is the ultimate LGBTQ+ comedy show, diving headfirst into the highs, lows, and LOLs of gay life in London and beyond... (wait, did somebody just say head?!).
Hosted by your new gay BFFs, Benji and Brad, this podcast spills all the tea on their adventures as two gay guys in their 30s, juggling careers, chasing love, and living their best big gay lives in the greatest city in the world.
Now in its sixth fabulous season and recently crowned the TOP 3 LGBTQ+ podcast in the UK and a TOP 20 Comedy Podcast worldwide, My Big Gay Podcast is your backstage pass to hilarious celebrity interviews, outrageous games, epic competitions and heartwarming listener stories. It's been called “Bridget Jones’s Diary meets Sex and the City—but way gayer!”
So, if you’re up for a good time (and maybe some mischief), join Benji and Brad as they navigate the wild world of love, laughter, and life. Want to play along or get in touch? Slide into their DMs on Instagram: @BigGayPodcast, or hit up their website at www.MyBigGayPodcast.com.
My Big Gay Podcast
S5. EP 25. Two gays and the Royal-Tea Finale Part 2
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Season 5: Episode Twenty-Five - Part Two. Fill up those glasses and join in with the second part of Benji and Brad’s end of Season Five Party! They are joined by David Allwood (Mr Gay UK 2022) where they’ll be getting all the answers to your questions. Plus, Benji and Brad play Shag, Marry, Ghost with David (feel free to play along and share your answers!) as well as finding out all about David’s marriage story.
Keep being your fabulous selves, spread kindness, live your best big gay lives and Benji and Brad will C U Next Season! xx
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Hello and welcome to my big game podcast, season 5, finale, part 2, with me, benji.
Speaker 1:Me, brat, giving you the life, the loves and loaves of living in London. I don't know what came out of my voice just there. It's the champagne.
Speaker 2:Two gays, one city.
Speaker 1:What could possibly go?
Speaker 2:wrong. I feel more and more like one of those presenters in like a stadium. Yes, when I do this.
Speaker 1:Oh, my goodness, think big, dream big. Yes, live that stadium life honey.
Speaker 2:I don't know if our duo podcast would do well in a football stadium but I mean it's strange that things have happened.
Speaker 1:I mean right now. I'm very happy drinking the champagne, enjoying our season 5 finale party.
Speaker 2:That's true, although what I will say is from what I've heard of. Like English football TV shows, I much prefer the American ones. You know they're like so much more fun.
Speaker 1:I'm here for it. Yeah, me too, me too. But anyway, we are joined in the studio with the wonderful, the brilliant, the very handsome, david Arwood, who is Mr Gay, great Britain 2022, and is a finalist representing Great Britain in Mr Gay.
Speaker 2:World. That's right. So if you are just tuning in you haven't heard part one, make sure you go have a listen to part one before listening to us this episode because, quite honestly, it won't really make sense. But if you did listen to last week's episode, here is where we got up to with our wonderful interview with Mr Gay, great Britain. This episode is sponsored by rainbowlotterycouk.
Speaker 1:Play now and support LGBTQ plus dreams. Okay, podcasters, raise your glasses to our special guest who is joining us today for our season 5 finale party.
Speaker 2:That's right. Podcasters for the end of season 5 we thought we would have some actual royalty on to my big gay podcast. So without further ado, please welcome to the podcast Mr Gay, great Britain. And a finalist for Mr Gay World. It is the one, the only the incredibly good, lurking David Arwood.
Speaker 1:Hello David, how are you?
Speaker 3:I'm really good. Thank you, so nice to chat to you both.
Speaker 1:Oh, it's so great to have you on.
Speaker 2:We do actually have some questions for you which your fans have written in with. We put a couple of posts out on our Instagram and on last week's episode, and I must admit some of these questions were wild to put it bluntly so we've picked sort of like a good chunk of them which sort of give you the idea of what people may have been actually wanting to ask, answer them how you wish.
Speaker 2:Just think delicate here, don't be scared. So it's just. It was so funny. We literally had something like what's your favorite color to insert very dirty question here. Yeah, okay, okay, the brand. I'll let you start.
Speaker 1:Okay, so we'll go straight in with one question from our listeners what size feet are you, david?
Speaker 2:Oh, wow okay, so read between the lines where they're going with this, but yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, okay. Well, I'm a size 10.
Speaker 1:Great, I mean, if that person is listening and that's done that for you. Hopefully you can sleep easy tonight knowing that information.
Speaker 2:I'm sure they were only asking because they really would like to buy you a pair of shoes. Absolutely, I'm fabulous, I'm into that.
Speaker 1:Size 10 in the house.
Speaker 2:Okay, next question Since being crowned, what's the weirdest DM situation you've had? So I guess, what's the strangest thing somebody's asked you for in your DMs on social media or you know weirdest thing?
Speaker 3:I've had a lot of requests for money, like loads of requests for money. I guess that's not the weirdest, but I don't know if people think that with a title you suddenly become rich. Sadly it's not the case. But yeah, I've had so many people just say like, even from like the simplest like oh, would you mind lending me some money so I can pay my rent or whatever this month? Oh gosh, yeah. So I guess money is the weirdest one and it strangely happened quite a lot straight after I won.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was very odd, wow and they're from like people in the LGBTQ plus community. They're looking to you as a figure that could help them. Is that?
Speaker 3:what it is, or Um, potentially, yeah, I mean yeah. Obviously it's quite a difficult thing to like say no to someone I don't know, I can't lend you money, but it's kind of like a new form of begging.
Speaker 2:Oh gosh, yeah, yeah. Listen, I can't give you any money, but if you would like, I can teach you the original choreography to rain on me.
Speaker 3:I mean that I can do, ready to go.
Speaker 2:Well, that's just money in your pocket, if you ask me to do that.
Speaker 1:Okay, another question if you could open up any shop in the world, what shop would it be?
Speaker 3:Oh, wow, that's cool. Okay, it's a bit boring, though I think my answer is a bit boring.
Speaker 1:Look, go for it. Do you know what? Me and Benji are trying to live a bit more of a wholesome life lately, so actually we're on board with the wholesomeness.
Speaker 3:I think, yeah, I think it would be some kind of like vegan health food shop slash cafe.
Speaker 1:Do you know what I'm here for it? I'm vegetarian. I don't know if you know that.
Speaker 3:Benji's rolling his eyes.
Speaker 1:So I'm all about the healthy eating. Yeah, I love that.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean I'm a bit of a fraud because I call myself vegan, because I actually eat eggs now. So I'm like vegan with a few eggs Sorry, chickens.
Speaker 2:Do you know what? I was a vegan for four years and eggs was my demise. And now I've just I've fully off that boat and back into the meat eating world. But yeah, yeah, eggs are other with a downfall for me. Next question sorry to go from a wholesome question into this one. It says David, are you into any fetishes? If so, would you care to divulge?
Speaker 3:Oh no, I'm gonna sound boring again.
Speaker 2:It's okay, brad, it's the most boring. I always call Brad vanilla. He's like we're not together, by the way, but he's like lights off, shower first. Keep your socks on Only on a Sunday after 6pm, before he's done.
Speaker 3:I'm trying to think so I do like sportswear, sports kit yeah, kind of into that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm into that too, actually yeah that might come in handy for our game later on. Oh wow, but I'll leave that for now. Yeah.
Speaker 1:All right, this is a good question. What is your favorite type of night out?
Speaker 3:Oh, okay well, okay, so this has changed quite a lot fairly recently. But I mean I used to be a massive techno head, did you? Yeah, I used to go on trips to Burgheim in Germany and like have wild weekends and all of the rest of it, but I've kind of mellowed quite considerably. I'm like sober now and yeah, I mean I love a night out with my friends basically, yeah, yeah. So we would love a night at the Brewers or going out like clubbing still. But yeah, I think a good night out always starts with a nice meal get a bit drunk with friends, all that kind of thing, and then take the rest of it from there.
Speaker 1:really, yeah, I mean I feel like this is sort of showing our age a bit. In my 20s I like hit the club straight away big night, but now I really enjoy, like the pre-drink session with the friends, because you actually catch up and talk and then go for a dance bit later on. Yeah, but yeah, I feel like I'm with you on that, on that journey there. David Love it, yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 2:OK, next question of all the parody dancers that you've done, which would you like to perform for real with the original artist?
Speaker 3:Oh, my god. Ok, well, I'm the biggest Lady Gaga fan. I'm just obsessed with her and I guess it's going to have to be rain on me, because I love the choreography so much and love the song still. I mean, when that song came out, I lost my mind completely. Yeah, yeah. So it's got to be Lady Gaga rain on me after lockdown.
Speaker 2:I believe that was the first song that heaven played right after they were allowed to dance again. It was the first song and I've seen a video of it, and it was chaos that everyone just went for it. I love it.
Speaker 1:That song does remind me of the lockdown life, because when it came out in lockdown didn't I would just had it repeat all the time. It was just minds with that time. Yeah, so good so good. All right. Another question, oh, this is actually quite relevant to what we're talking about. If you were Prime Minister for the day, what laws would you put in place?
Speaker 3:Oh, wow, ok, well, I would instantly ban all forms of conversion therapy in the UK.
Speaker 2:Yes, and actually do it this time.
Speaker 3:Yeah, right don't just promise it Literally after five years of promises.
Speaker 2:Disgusting.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I would scrap all this talk about scrapping gender neutral toilets. Make sure there were safe spaces for all of our community, and that would be the two main ones that I would absolutely enforce straight away. I'm totally with you on that one, and I would make a law that every single day needs to be pride.
Speaker 1:Well, sign me up. Where do I vote for you to be Prime?
Speaker 3:Minister.
Speaker 2:I love it. Ok, and the last question for you is if you win Mr Gay World, what is the first thing you will do with your title?
Speaker 3:Oh, that's such a good question. I would launch my campaign, I would really hit the ground running with powering togetherness and I want to set up workshops. Like powering togetherness would be about setting up workshops and going to different countries and sort of no holds bar with that, like going to every country or at least reaching out to all of them and yeah, and start sort of meeting people from different countries and trying to get this campaign off the off the ground. So, yeah, I'd be super proactive straight away.
Speaker 1:basically, Well, david, you've just got so much going on. I absolutely love it. We're gonna take a little short break there, but don't go away, listeners, because we've got more David fun with you coming your way.
Speaker 3:Oh diva.
Speaker 1:Hey Brad, oh hi, Benji Brad, what's on your mind? Oh nothing, benji, just daydreaming, I guess.
Speaker 2:What are you daydreaming about this time? A thicker hairline? Not today. Oh then what is it?
Speaker 1:I just wish I could do more to support the community without breaking the bank.
Speaker 2:Oh, and dreaming of true love's kiss Well you're in luck because you can do more to support the community. Really how? By playing the rainbow lottery. Of course, you can play from as little as one pound and 50 percent of all tickets goes towards an LGBTQ plus organization that you get to choose what, and every week you could win up to 25,000 pounds as well as other fantastic prizes. So when you play, you really do help support the community exactly, and I've won twice already.
Speaker 1:Where can I get tickets?
Speaker 2:just head over to rainbow lottery dot code at uk. It's super easy.
Speaker 1:Oh, do you think the rainbow lottery can also get me true love's kiss?
Speaker 2:I doubt it. Oh, play the rainbow lottery today from as little as one pound to win big and help some incredible courses the rainbow lottery Supporting. Lgbtq plus dreams. Players must be 18 and over. Always play responsibly. Wet dreams. Not included David Olwood. Welcome back from the short break. We're still with David Olwood, who is Mr Gay, great Britain, who is representing Great Britain in Mr Gay World. David, as we normally do, we have a little game that we'd like to play with you on the podcast if you are up for this.
Speaker 3:Absolutely. I love a game.
Speaker 2:Well, we love a game too, but this game has a bit more of a twist. So do you know the, the classic I mean people do as a drinking game, I guess, um shag marry and avoid.
Speaker 3:Oh my god, I love it yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, we've done a slight different one called shag marry ghost, because I feel like in the gay community People ghost each other all the time. So I thought it was slightly nice and saying avoid Absolutely, and it's spooky season after all.
Speaker 2:Well, that's actually the real reason why we called it Because it is Halloween season, not because I'm a serial ghost, so Shag marry ghost. But what we've done is we're going to give you three different categories, okay, and then in these categories, we have a set sort of group of well-known names. Right, we'll leave it at that within it. So would you like to know what your categories are? Yes, go for it. So for shag marry ghost, the categories are sports, disney or pop stars. Okay, I'm gonna have to go with pop stars first.
Speaker 2:Okay, so for pop stars, shag marry ghost. They are Peter Andre age from steps and Roland Kesey.
Speaker 1:So we thought we'd like do a bit of a throw back to when we were younger and maybe looking up to these Hudson men.
Speaker 3:Yeah, okay um, I can't ghost any of them. They've all given me so much joy but I feel like, oh my god, I can't shag hate, right, let me just go.
Speaker 1:That could be the way in to be his backup dancer. Oh my god, think about this carefully.
Speaker 2:We've crushed it. We do know that age is a really big fan of the podcast, so do you be careful. What he said about hate.
Speaker 3:Okay, okay. So I think I think I'm gonna have to marry H for sure. So I will. I love an Irish man. I'll shag Ronan Keating, I will, um, I'll marry age from steps and I'm gonna ghost Peter Andre. Sorry, peter, oh, there's only one Peter in my life.
Speaker 1:Oh, and that is your, your husband, right?
Speaker 3:My husband yes.
Speaker 1:Yes, we'll come back to a bit later because I definitely want to hear all about that. But do you remember that Peter Andre video the mysterious girl who was like coming out of the water and oh my goodness, I know, but I feel like that's the obvious choice.
Speaker 3:It was the obvious choice.
Speaker 2:But also I feel like in your, your house right now. You've just said out loud I'm gonna ghost Peter.
Speaker 3:They're thinking okay, what are they talking about? Oh my god, the end.
Speaker 2:Thank you for tuning in. We'll see you next week, yeah.
Speaker 1:All right. So, david, what's next? Do you want Disney or sports? Um, let's go sports. All right, why not? So shag marry ghost between Tom Daly, david Beckham or Lewis Hamilton.
Speaker 3:Oh, that's really hard, literally. Okay, I would Shag Lewis Hamilton, and then I I mean, if it's good enough for Posh, it's good enough for me. I would marry David Beckham. And then I was really sorry, Tom Daley, but I'd ghost Tom Daley, which I never thought I'd say.
Speaker 1:Well, benjy, we freel about that, because then that means Tom Daley is available for him instead, sort of yeah.
Speaker 2:I would. I would shag Tom Daley, marry Tom Daley.
Speaker 3:And everybody else in the world would happily on a desert island, just me and Tom Done.
Speaker 2:Tom, I'm still waiting for you to message me back.
Speaker 3:You can have him, take him. There is something about.
Speaker 1:David Beckham, though, isn't there.
Speaker 3:He like as he gets older, he still looks handsome.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. Have you seen his new documentary on Netflix?
Speaker 3:No, pete has actually watched it and I haven't started it yet, but I'm, I'm just good. Yeah, it's all about big brother for me at the minute and all the reality shows that have come back, so I haven't got round to it, yeah yeah, yeah, I mean I'm still a bit angry about David Beckham and the whole guitar football thing. So you know he's still not in my good books, I know, I know.
Speaker 1:David was still waiting for you to stand up and being a true ally again, like you used to be.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. Yeah, very true. Agreed. Well, david, that means you were left with Disney, so are you a big Disney fan?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I, honestly I used to love Disney as a kid, I used to. But the thing is I used to watch like the same ones, like on repeat. I just finish it and then rewind it and start it again. That I'm showing my age because it was a VHS.
Speaker 2:VHS. Oh yeah, I know, I love that you said rewind.
Speaker 3:But I always get I panic with Disney because, because I only know so many, I panic that I'm not going to know them. Ok, well, which were which? Were the ones that used to watch a lot of the ones I used to love were so Beauty and the Beast. Lion King, aladdin were like my top three for sure, ok are we the same person?
Speaker 1:I feel like we live the same childhood. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I imagine we're probably at a similar age.
Speaker 3:I'm 35. I don't know if you want to out your age on that.
Speaker 1:I'm about to be 35 in a couple of months actually. So yeah, yeah, yeah, there we go.
Speaker 2:He is married and happily living in Clapham Brad, which you leave him alone.
Speaker 3:Stop making this about you.
Speaker 2:Anyway, so, disney, here we go. Shag, Marighost with the Beast, captain Hook and Jafar.
Speaker 3:Oh, ok, I would. Ok, I would shag, captain Hook. Ok, could be painful Into toys.
Speaker 2:Back to the bond, the fetish question.
Speaker 3:Apparently, is one of them.
Speaker 2:Exactly, I'm into hooks. It's a niche market. I feel like, yeah, I definitely marry the Beast yeah just to be clear, it is the Beast in Beast form, not Prince form.
Speaker 3:Oh right, yeah, but I still feel like there's, like I don't know, something quite cute you want to shag him now, don't you?
Speaker 2:Great for winter. Can you think of that as a cuddle buddy? I mean that is cozy.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that would cost it for sure, yeah, and then, yeah, jafar can get gone by, hun, oh wow.
Speaker 1:So why, captain Hook? What was your reasoning behind that? I'm very intrigued.
Speaker 3:I don't know. I was just choosing between Jafar and Captain Hook for a shag which is quite surreal.
Speaker 1:Well, I learned a new phrase today. Benji actually told me this. It's called CBT. Have you heard of CBT?
Speaker 3:before, as in cognitive behavioural therapy.
Speaker 1:No, but that's what Benji said.
Speaker 2:It was at first Originally yeah, I said you don't want to get these two confused. Yeah, okay.
Speaker 1:Because on Grindr someone said that they were into CBT and I was like what is CBT? I?
Speaker 3:felt like so many acronyms for everything.
Speaker 1:Yeah, add to Google, didn't I? And it means cock and bull torture. Oh my God, that is Jafar. Yeah, yeah, but Captain Hook, I think, can also help you out with that one, if that's what you're into. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:That is a risky threesome, isn't it?
Speaker 2:Jafar with that staff.
Speaker 3:I know, are you putting that staff Jafar?
Speaker 2:Could be a wild night. You know never say never.
Speaker 3:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:Oh, david, thanks so much for playing along, but before we let you go, I really want to hear all about your wedding and your marriage. So tell me everything. How long have you been married for? What was the wedding like? Who proposed to who? There's so many questions.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so I've been married to my husband, peter for seven years over seven years now, wow. And yeah, we were together for like two years before that. So I guess not really that long for a lot of people. But we just as soon as we met we kind of knew. Well, I just knew he was the one for sure.
Speaker 1:And how did you meet? Just asking for a friend on that one. How did you find a soulmate in life?
Speaker 2:I was like I've never felt more single in my life.
Speaker 3:It's a bit of a juicy one actually because, yeah, I was doing a musical, I was in like final rehearsals for Starlight Express before I flew off to we were doing an Asia tour and Peter came to watch the final rehearsal in London before we flew out and as soon as he arrived I said to my friend Shippy, I was like who is that? And it was Peter and my friendship. He was like, but that's Tim's boyfriend and Tim was my musical director. Oh my God, yes, yeah. So basically Peter came out to join Tim on the tour and they were like on the rocks, their relationship wasn't going so well and all that kind of thing. And Peter came out and they basically broke up.
Speaker 3:And Tim then told me that he had feelings for me. Oh my gosh, and I was like I kind of I didn't feel the same. I really liked Tim but I didn't feel the same. But I also sort of had to be honest and say like I kind of got a bit of a spark and a connection with Peter and I think he knew and he did sort of say like I know, I know. So yeah, it was really challenging at the start. I mean it was kind of a blessing in a way, because we still had more of the tour to go and I then went to visit my sister in Australia. So I had like breathing space time away. But I just wanted to get back and sort of date Peter properly and so I cut my trip short in Australia, moved back to London and we moved in together very quickly and he's never moved out.
Speaker 1:Oh well, that is lovely that you found your soul mate and you've been together for so long as well.
Speaker 3:I know, yeah, and it's amazing. We just like he's so supportive and it just works like we like best friends. And he's an actor he's doing really well. He's on Hollyoaks at the moment, which is really cool. He's just got a job in Hollyoaks.
Speaker 2:Wow, amazing.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and his storylines on conversion therapy, so it's really important.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah so yeah, that's so great that they are airing that story and making that aware to sort of the general public. Yeah, I feel like conversion therapy is only really we know that as our community and people that are going through it. But the sort of wider, wider sort of population of the UK I don't think really know what conversion therapy is. Yeah so yeah, big up Hollyoaks for, for covering that storyline for sure.
Speaker 3:Absolutely. Yeah, it's really good.
Speaker 1:So you, you dated for two years. You then got married. Who proposed to?
Speaker 3:who I proposed to Peter in Paris In Disneyland, right? No, not in Disneyland. No, captain, who got you far over watching Game, jealous no we actually did go to Disneyland, but not that was a different trip. But yeah, I told him that we were going to spend a weekend with my family and then I was like surprised, we got on the Euro star and we went to Paris and had a lovely weekend, yeah, so that's, that's how we got engaged.
Speaker 1:And where did you actually propose? Was it outside, like the Eiffel Tower, or in a restaurant? Or where was the set in?
Speaker 3:It was in a restaurant and you know what I was so nervous like, yeah, yeah, but we were walking along the. Is it the Sen? I think it's the Sen in the past.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, the river, right, the river, the river.
Speaker 2:I'm so sorry about his dick chair.
Speaker 3:Sorry, so we were walking on the Sen and there was this cellist playing this like beautiful song and I was so nervous, like in my head, I was like this is the perfect time. You should do it now, you should do it now. But I planned everything at this restaurant so we kept on walking and it was still, it was still lovely. But I was like wedged between two tables, like down on one knee, like, but yeah, it was, it was perfect the way it was. But yeah, it was, it was not. It could have been better. I could have done better.
Speaker 1:No, no, it was in the moment.
Speaker 2:you can't take that and also listen, you've done better than me or Brad have done so for sure for sure.
Speaker 1:So jump in for us. So the engagement happened. And then, how long were you engaged for until you got married?
Speaker 3:Well, so we planned like a big engagement party because my sister lives in Australia.
Speaker 3:So we sort of like we decided we'll do a big engagement party and my sister comes over. But while we were doing all the planning, we were both like I don't know, we just neither of us really wanted this massive wedding, like neither of us were keen to have like this big sort of lavish day kind of thing. We just wanted it to be like special and meaningful. So what we ended up doing, we invited 12 guests to the actual wedding, which was obviously really hard to have, only to have people there and then everyone else. We posted on the day like surprise, this is actually our wedding day, don't change any of your plans. Like just come to what you thought was our engagement party and we'll celebrate our wedding instead. Right, yeah, nice. So it was a surprise wedding. And then we're still thinking like we'll do something big for like the 10 years we've been like married, because obviously a lot of people have been a bit like, oh, kind of missed out on your wedding this month.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:It was perfect, it was. It was how we wanted it to be. It was good.
Speaker 1:Did you get married in London?
Speaker 3:Yeah, we did yeah in Islington, nice, yeah.
Speaker 1:Oh well, David, you are just living proof that we can find our soulmates, and we can all get married and live happily ever after Absolutely Apart from Benji. He's currently scrolling through Grindr now looking for the next hookup.
Speaker 3:I think you're far still single.
Speaker 2:And into CBT. So I'm here for it. No, but on a serious note, david, it's so nice to see someone doing so well, obviously in this competition, but not only being a lovely person, but somebody who's representing the sort of I was going to say the right way to live sort of their gay lifestyle. But you are so like authentically yourself and someone who is sort of married and living in the same gendered couple Like that is so important for so many people around the world who can only dream of being able to live that life. So you flying that flag for them and also sort of doing this competition to spread the awareness even further around the world, is it's really important and it's so we're so lucky to have somebody like you within our community.
Speaker 2:Oh, thank you, that's got me a little bit. No, I'm not genuinely. I mean, I see so many people who say that they are sort of out there doing their good for our community and I often wonder if they're doing it for the right reasons and if they're really the right person to do it. But I think everything that you've said today Shagmyra Ghost aside is is, I know that what even me right now, but definitely my younger self, would have absolutely loved to listen to someone talk about their life with such positivity and like hope. So, yeah, I think, yeah, thank you for what you're doing.
Speaker 3:Oh, thank you, I appreciate it and I do really. I just I think positivity is so important in everything that you do, and I actually just sort of reminded me with things like social media as well, because I know a lot of people struggle with that or they have quite a negative viewpoint on social media. I think like a general rule is just, if you put out positivity, then that's what you get back. Yeah, so when you're online, don't look, don't even look for negative things, don't look for bitchy things or nasty things. Look for the positive, because it's it's as much out there as it is the negative, if you know what I mean. Even on things like X, yeah, and all that kind of stuff, yeah and yeah. So I'm a firm believer in like positivity breeds more positivity. So, yeah, my thoughts of the day.
Speaker 1:I couldn't agree with you more. You know I've really shared the same sentiment and thank you so much for coming on to our podcast season five finale. So great to have you with us and best of luck for the competition.
Speaker 3:Thank you.
Speaker 1:I mean, you've got our votes. You certainly have.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much, fingers crossed. If any of our listeners want to sort of follow your journey for the rest of the leg of this competition, where can they go and find your personal Instagram account?
Speaker 3:So my personal Instagram is at David underscore all wood.
Speaker 2:Got it Well.
Speaker 3:I already follow you, but I would very much recommend it.
Speaker 2:Out there to follow as well, and I'm really excited. And will you let us know how you get on?
Speaker 3:Absolutely. Yeah, for sure. 27th is the final 27th of October, so we'll see. And there is a public vote. So if anyone wants to throw me a few votes, please, please feel three.
Speaker 2:I love that Absolutely You've got my vote yeah. Let us know when the public vote is open and we will absolutely push that out a few hundred percent. Thank you so much.
Speaker 3:Appreciate it.
Speaker 1:Well, thank you so much, David. See you soon Bye. Bye you, David.
Speaker 2:From 7am on the UK's LGBTQ plus station.
Speaker 1:Wow, I mean speaking to David. Not only is he super inspirational, but he has actually inspired me for season six. I'm going to found myself a boyfriend and I'm going to get married because I want to live my big gay wedding life.
Speaker 2:You know, season six isn't actually that long away and you are trying to find yourself as successful relationship and get engaged and also have marriage on the cards.
Speaker 1:I know, but he's sold it so nicely that wedding day sounds amazing. I really want to get married now.
Speaker 2:I know I want to get myself a Peter. I don't know why that's funny, I actually do. But serious note, if you get married, can I sing at your wedding, do you know?
Speaker 1:what. I actually would love that, because, of course, you're going to be massively involved. Anyway, it's one of my best days. So, yeah, definitely All right, well.
Speaker 2:I do have a couple of songs in mind.
Speaker 1:Okay, great. What have you got?
Speaker 2:So I'll paint the scene for you. Imagine we're in the church, Everyone's arrived, they're sitting down staring at the front and the person taking the ceremony says would you all be upstanding for the grooms?
Speaker 1:Oh my God, I've got goosebumps thinking about this moment.
Speaker 2:I then take to the stage with my guitar and start singing. What's that coming over the hill? Is it a monster?
Speaker 1:I can't believe you just ruined that moment for me. I actually had goosebumps for a second. They're thinking of that.
Speaker 2:No, to be honest with you, I think in the church I'd be too much of a mess to sing for you. I will be the one crying at the back with nobody to comfort me, because I'm still lonely and bitch on single, but I think what I probably could do is, once I've had a couple of drinks, sing for your first dance.
Speaker 1:Oh cute, okay done.
Speaker 2:What I was thinking was everyone's ready for your arrival. You come in, I stand up there's a single spotlight, I've got the microphone and wearing this beautiful Vivian Westwood inspired suit, and I sing U G L Y. You ain't got no other way. Hey, hey, hey, back in. Dance has come out.
Speaker 1:U.
Speaker 2:G L Y.
Speaker 1:Well, I would say I'll just sing at your wedding, but there ain't going to be a wedding with you because you're always going to be single.
Speaker 2:That's not even a funny, that is just. That is just a preach.
Speaker 1:That is a fact. That is a true penny. But on a positive note, benji, at least we got through part two of this episode about you doing a terrible rap again, like you did in part one. So thank goodness for that. Thank you so much.
Speaker 2:Listen, it wasn't terrible, let's be honest. But do you know what? The next thing I'll be rapping probably is Christmas presents.
Speaker 1:Oh yes, christmas round the corner. You ho, ho, hoes.
Speaker 2:I know I love that you accepted that and just completely ignored the fact that actually it's your birthday before then. Oh my god it is. I know you're 40th. I can't wait. But, brad, I can't believe I'm about to say this.
Speaker 1:Oh, don't say it, I'm actually gonna miss this.
Speaker 2:I can't wait to say it. No, I'm really gonna miss it too, and I'm gonna try and get through this without getting emotional. But podcasters, that is all we have time for for the end of season five of my big gay podcast. If you have enjoyed it, please, please, please, share our podcast with your friends, family, colleagues, anyone who you think may get some education or a laugh or a smile or needs some company. Please share us with them. We would absolutely love, love, love to reach more people, and thank you so much for tuning in for season five. This has been our biggest season yet and we've just had the most, the most fun doing it literally every week. For the last, what 20? Well, we took a little break. So what?
Speaker 1:27 weeks, 28 weeks, yeah, yeah, long time, yeah, yeah, yeah, most of the year, basically yeah doing this. Yeah, it's been great, but of course, as Benjy said, you can follow us on our socials. We post quite regularly on the instagram and that is at big gay podcast, so if you want to keep up to date with us and tune in and check in, then we'll be alive and active on there absolutely.
Speaker 2:We're going to keep as active as we can on social media, so we still want to hear from you, your stories, everything like that. But podcasters, that is all we have time for on this season of my big gay podcast, until next time, see you next season, benjy.
Speaker 1:Why is the music fading out? No, no, I'm not.
Speaker 2:No, don't do this so thank you, dear podcasters, for being our crew. Inclusivity in love. We owe it all to you. Stay, you, stay proud, keep the hope in sight. My big gay podcast season five signing off for the night. It's Alt ก Ό's you.