My Big Gay Podcast

S6. Ep 6. Two Gays and the Queen Scene Part 1

September 11, 2024 Benji & Brad Season 6 Episode 6

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Ever wondered what really happens on a wild night out with a drag queen? Join us as we spill the tea with the fabulous Miss Chanel No. 5, the reigning queen of Clapham's drag scene. From Brad's notorious wardrobe malfunctions to a disastrous perm attempt, Chanel gives us the lowdown on our most laugh-out-loud moments around London. With a glass of Whispering Angel wine in hand, we chat about the highs and lows of drag culture and the personal journeys within it, adding a dash of humor and insight into our crazy adventures.

Imagine spending a holiday with your family in a secluded French villa, complete with poolside drama and moments of sheer joy. Relive our family holiday fiascos and celebrations, followed by a vibrant trip to Guernsey for Pride, where the atmosphere was nothing short of electric. We navigate the rollercoaster of family dynamics and the exuberance of Pride celebrations, sharing stories that are as heartfelt as they are hilarious.

Get ready for a whirlwind tour of South London's nightlife, featuring mistaken identities, wild mix-ups, and Benji's infamous drunken escapade outside Subway. Whether it's a rugby-player mix-up during a show or a chaotic night at a gay networking event, our tales from Cardiff and Brighton are bound to leave you in stitches. To top it all off, we dive into a lively debate about Drag Race, fantasizing about a survival-themed mashup and dissecting the career impacts of the show. Stick around for our fun game segment, "Mr. and Mr. Benji and Brad Edition," for an extra dose of laughter and shade!

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Speaker 2:

Hello and welcome to my big game podcast with me.

Speaker 3:

And me, Brad, giving you the life, the loves and lulls of living in London, Two gays one city. What could possibly go wrong? Well, we have a special guest in the studio today, so excited to welcome on Miss Chanel no 5. Hello, hello, hello.

Speaker 2:

Hello Chanel.

Speaker 3:

So great to have you on the podcast at long last.

Speaker 1:

I know You've been ignoring my calls.

Speaker 3:

Yes we have Now. For those of you who don't know who Chanel is she is a drag queen.

Speaker 2:

Join the queue Right.

Speaker 1:

Right, I thought we were going to at least get the pleasantries out of the way before we started the roast.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, yes, fine, fine, fine, sorry, brad, as you were saying so chanel is a drag queen.

Speaker 3:

We know you from the clapham circuit, don't we? We've been to your bingos, which we love, and we've been out and about with you in the clubs I know you from the job center but we are so, so great that you're finally able to come onto the podcast this season. We've been wanting to get you on for a while, so thank you for joining us thank you so much for having me.

Speaker 1:

It's such a thrill to actually see you do that introduction live, oh well, you, you are welcome now.

Speaker 2:

Something that you should all know about is chanel number five, I think, of all the drag queens and all the events that we go to in london, has probably seen us out and about the most at our best and most certainly at our worst I have no idea what you're talking about I do. I mean a lot of the things that we've shared on instagram. I mean, I'll just name one to as an example when you ripped your trousers at cheeky girls oh yeah yeah.

Speaker 2:

And then you fell down the stairs at brewers, oh yeah yeah, and you threw an arch.

Speaker 3:

All right. Is this like list off my flaws or something? What's going on? Well, yes, it kind of was.

Speaker 2:

Actually, what I was listing off was events that Chanel was all present at.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and Chanel was there to witness and record.

Speaker 1:

So thank you for capturing that content, Chanel.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, it's just quite how I remember that I think legal terminology is she's a witness girl.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, right, and also Chanel. I first met you a few years ago when I moved to Clapham and I had a perm.

Speaker 1:

You did, you did. I remember the perm.

Speaker 3:

Dark days, bad times.

Speaker 2:

Bad times. Actually, if they were dark, it probably would have Made you look better. To dye your hair, you have to have hair.

Speaker 1:

How rude.

Speaker 2:

Mama the perm killed it. I'm not gonna lie when he so long story short, brad FaceTimed me Mid perm.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

I did In the chair yeah Rollers in yeah Tinfoil on yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there's no rollers girl.

Speaker 1:

There are perm rollers. They've just been taken out. Yeah, Not at this moment. I know how a perm works.

Speaker 2:

A perm roller, not at this moment. He looked like a boiled egg, oh no.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And he checks me. He's like I'm going to FaceTime you, okay. What's happening next?

Speaker 3:

is this.

Speaker 2:

It is this the end result because and we can talk about this, you've openly talked about it on the podcast that you've had a hair transplant. I was like did you mention to them that you have done that before getting all this chemical warfare going on in your hair to try and curl it? He was like, yeah, I did mention it.

Speaker 3:

I was like, oh, my goodness, I'm, I'm nervous, I'm nervous I was actually nervous as well, but it turned out all right, didn't chanel? Yeah?

Speaker 1:

the perm was. It was a defining era in your life it was the perm was perming, done, tick, boom, move on.

Speaker 2:

Never do it again, for sure never, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

You promise, promise, I promise I like your hair straight.

Speaker 1:

It's the only straight thing about you that is true, that is true.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, chanel, it's all right.

Speaker 1:

it also hides the bald patches. That was horrible, that was so horrible, she mean girl.

Speaker 2:

She is a mean girl. Mean girl. Listen, Chanel, we're so happy that you're here in the podcast, but we actually have a few bullet points to get through before we're going to introduce you properly. That's all right?

Speaker 1:

Is that all right? Go and sit in the corner with the wine.

Speaker 2:

I tell you what I'm going to crack open this lovely bottle of wine for you. Do you see how fancy we've gone for you? Have a look, We've gone very nice.

Speaker 1:

Read it out loud for everyone. Whispering Angel. Oh, that did something to that ASMR.

Speaker 3:

Yes, that made me go goosebumps.

Speaker 1:

Don't give me goosebumps. Is that what we're calling it nowadays? Are we gonna? Is it gonna? It's gonna pop. Are you over there?

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's gonna it's not coming.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, max, keep screwing. It's stuck, it's stuck, keep screwing.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, Brad, this disappointment reminds me of my date with you. Oh, there we go. Yeah, we got it. Smells pretty good actually.

Speaker 3:

Now this is actually quite expensive wine, isn't it? Whisper of an Angel.

Speaker 2:

It is over the £10 marks. That is expensive for you. It for you it is um, yeah, it is. Do you know what? Right? I don't understand why well, I kind of do. I don't understand why they're in bars, why some bottles of alcohol have to be as expensive as they try to charge like I get it with champagne like moe bollinger. If you go to like a supermarket, it's like a 40 50 quid number. If you buy that in a, in a bar, sometimes it's like over 100 pounds crazy isn't that crazy.

Speaker 3:

I actually inquired once about a bottle of smirnoff and some mixers for a group of people how drunk were you, quite drunk.

Speaker 2:

How many lines down were you? Uh, excuse me I'm wholesome these days oh yeah, that's true.

Speaker 3:

Lots of, yeah, lots of lines to get in. Um, it was over 100 pound for a bottle of smirnoff, which is like 15 pound in tesco. So how many did you buy? Two right? Here we go, glug, glug, bitch chanel, would you like some whispering angel?

Speaker 2:

I would love some whispering angel, sorry I keep whacking the microphone with the glass podcaster. You should also know that we've already had a bottle of wine.

Speaker 3:

We are doing a rose test. We did. We had to see what we liked because, chanel, you were talking about this amazing chicken wine, chicken wine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's a big thing on tiktok. It's, it's chicken wine and whispering angel are the big ones on tiktok at the moment. Whispering angel is very upmarket, very bougie. Chicken wine is slightly less bougie, but apparently people really like it I like the chicken wine. I thought it was very nice and sweet. And what did you say? You said it went down like fruit juice, didn't you, benji?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I just well, I just said it was going down quite well.

Speaker 3:

But you swallow easy, so that makes sense. I do swallow easy Chanel's nodding. Why does Chanel know that?

Speaker 2:

Brad is happy drinking anything out of this cocktail gin goblet that he's currently got. Right now, the biggest glass of wine I've ever seen in my life.

Speaker 1:

I mean, these are your glasses, benji, pardon, these are your glasses, aren't they? Yes?

Speaker 2:

Why do you not have Three wine glasses that match? I don't need them to match when it's just for me.

Speaker 1:

Sad to be all alone In the world.

Speaker 2:

Stage your reference. Stage your reference. Thank you, I do stage your references All the time and quite often they get cut, girl, they end up on the Cutting room floor Bad girl?

Speaker 1:

Honestly, they do they go. I know how that feels.

Speaker 2:

Apart from six, we got six.

Speaker 3:

And speaking of six, can you believe what episode number this is today and what season are we on?

Speaker 2:

So it's a double six. And what season of Drag Race just came out.

Speaker 1:

It's all about the sixes and you've had the demon of the London drag scene on, so 666, it all works out. And what comes after?

Speaker 2:

Chanel number five. Oh, we're going to get a letter.

Speaker 3:

We are, we are.

Speaker 2:

We know that a team member of six musical listeners the podcast. We are going to get a letter.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but FYI, we actually love that show so much. If you haven't seen it, go and see it. 100% recommend.

Speaker 2:

I love that. You've always got your advertising brain on. You can't sue us if we're positive. Oh my goodness, right, brad. What have you got coming on up on the podcast today?

Speaker 3:

well, I actually have a question to ask you, because last time we were in the studio together, you were talking about going on a family holiday to France and you were a little bit unsure how it was going to pan out. So now that you're back, tell us all about it.

Speaker 2:

Well, look, let's focus on the positives first. Right, everyone who went married is still married, Great. Everyone who went friends they're still friends. My dog's still alive Good. So if we focus on those things things it was a really positive holiday. But what I will say is there was 12 family members over three cottages in the middle of guam and when I say guam, I just mean in the middle of absolutely nowhere and they were like little kids as well, right my nephews were there.

Speaker 3:

I couldn't really leave them at home.

Speaker 2:

Um, okay, they're not screaming. They are a lot of work. We had had a pool, which was great, but it was just Listen. I'm not being ungrateful for having a close relationship with my family.

Speaker 3:

No, I think it's amazing, amazing.

Speaker 2:

Really, really love it, and it was for my dad's 70th, et cetera. I know he must have had me really late in life because I'm only 26. But anyway, we'll move on.

Speaker 3:

Not, but anyway, we'll move on um, not this again more whispering angel, um it was fine, it was really hot the word, quite I mean you do have a tan. I'm so brown, yeah, very tanned. Thank you. Arguments so many. Oh really, were you involved in the arguments or were you on the sidelines?

Speaker 2:

was it the pot stirrer? No, I know that's what you think I am. No, I was involved in one of them. Listen, my family is one of those families that is quite an argumentative family, like we do argue all the time.

Speaker 3:

Right, you'll get on afterwards, or is it a bit tense?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it might take a few days to like get it back to normal, but like we do argue a lot, we're not one of these very quiet or loving families. We're very outspoken, very opinionated, Are very outspoken very opinionated.

Speaker 3:

Are you surprised Not?

Speaker 2:

at all. But no, it was good. I'm pleased we went. I don't know if I could do it again for a few years.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Really Legit. It was too much. In fact, I've been talking about going away to like Grand Canyon in January with the gays, just to like try and cover, let loose yeah. It's like it's not a holiday holiday since before lockdown. My last holiday was actually january 2020, lol, in thailand, just before covid hit, and I've not really done anything since.

Speaker 3:

I went to disney, but again with the family doesn't count as a holiday, because I do think family holidays are a different mentality. Right, you can't fully relax. You probably weren't like getting drunk and going wild I didn't drink a single thing yeah, right. So not that it necessarily needs to be about drinking, but it should be about drinking.

Speaker 2:

A holiday to me. I want sun, I want somewhere to swim, I want men in shorts and I want alcohol. I love that. I know you do, girl.

Speaker 3:

So I guess family holidays not quite the same sort of vibe, for that reason.

Speaker 2:

But, as we said, it's so nice that you do have a relationship with your family. Being a queer person, I'm never gonna take that for granted. I really do love that, but sometimes it is it's testing. It is testing. Yeah, it was all good, thank you great well, I'm glad you survived.

Speaker 2:

I did survive and although obviously, if you watch on instagram you may well have seen I've just come back from guernsey. Yes, because it was pride over there. Right, it was. And podcast. As you may know, last year we did part of the campaign for jersey, so they take it in turns. So this year I went over to guernsey to do pride um again, with some drag queens. We did some shows.

Speaker 2:

It was wild always is with you yeah, I don't know what that is like. Am I the drama? I think you are, I think I am, I think I'm the main character in this, in this situation but no, it was so much, honestly, genuinely, genuinely so much fun, Like anyone who came. Thank you for coming and making it what it was Like. I think it's so important for the Channelines, which are 20 years behind, at least for us but, then London.

Speaker 2:

I say, yeah, it was just, it was good turnout, good vibes Dare. I say it as a Jersey boy I actually preferred being in Guernsey for Pride.

Speaker 3:

Did you?

Speaker 2:

Jersey obviously had more. I would say, had more, spent more money.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like the staging and stuff. But Guernsey really nailed the vibe. You heard it here first podcasters, that is the tea, and now I'm going to get dragged for that.

Speaker 3:

You are? Yeah, I'm going to.

Speaker 2:

But hey, it is what it is. I had a great time.

Speaker 3:

Thank Great. Well, I'm so glad you enjoy Pride, thank you. Now I'm going to try this Whispering Angel, yeah, me too, and I think Chanel is going to join us as well. Welcome back, Chanel Can you still hear us, chanel. I've already finished my glass. Well, let's have a little drink. We're going to take a short break and we'll be back with the next section. Cheers, cheers. Right, we're back.

Speaker 2:

Right, we're back. I've actually had a quick coffee because I really felt that rosy going right to my head.

Speaker 3:

The whispering angel went to your head.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and the chicken wine that you fed me earlier. I've got to stop putting things in my mouth that you put near me. You're a bad influence, but very excited to welcome back to the podcast. It is finally and this is your proper introduction my love, so just stay quiet for a second. She is a drag queen.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I'm going to try again. She is a tolerated drag queen from London. She is the hostess with the mostest and if you go to one of her gigs, even if you go alone we've said this before she will make sure you feel included and very much a part of the party. She is a vocal sensation. She is the one and only well, there's five of her technically chanel number five I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said about me I lied, and even then it wasn't very nice literally I do mean it.

Speaker 2:

We did like a little social handbook a couple of episodes ago and we did say and we genuinely mean it we've seen you do it like if people come to your gigs and they're on their own, you make sure they feel so welcome and that is such an important thing for our community. So maybe that's one of the things that draws towards you. I don't know, or maybe it was the free lines, I don't know on bingo, you mean no, as in to skip the queue, guys and get in for free.

Speaker 2:

What are you on about?

Speaker 1:

I can't stand for this. I can't be associated with this I'm a big time hollywood actress.

Speaker 2:

I can't.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we missed that, but chanel you um host all over london and beyond. Right, don't you go to wales on a weekend?

Speaker 1:

uh, not every weekend. I couldn't keep up with that many trains but yeah, I go to wales, I go to brighton.

Speaker 2:

I've been to manchester anywhere that will pay me to be quite honest with you I have a question, because you go around all the towns and everything you go anywhere Grindr calls you. We actually have a genuine question. So you go to Wales quite often for gigs. I've seen that Now. I've heard I've been to Wales once, but I've never been out in Wales. I've heard they are big chaos drinkers. Is this true? Oh, it's fantastic yeah is it?

Speaker 1:

So Cardiff, you go to Cardiff, yeah yeah. So obviously it's capital city, so it's got all the vibes of, like London, the party scene and everything. But the gay scene is a little bit smaller and so there are a few bars enough to kind of keep you going for an evening, but not the kind of breadth and depth and variety that London quite has. But it's really a great set of bars so you can really get exactly what you want from the evening. And my favourite thing about Cardiff is they've got an entire alley full of kebab places called Chippy Lane, chippy.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Chippy Lane and there's a sign and everything. It is, honestly, possibly the best place, possibly the worst place you ever want to be at 2am.

Speaker 3:

Oh my goodness, it's incredible. This sounds like heaven at 2am. Cheesy chips on Chippy Lane.

Speaker 2:

See you there. I live on a Zempic street, so it's not, you do Chicken and cheese and chips. Oh it's fantastic, it does sound good.

Speaker 1:

And that would do you for two weeks.

Speaker 2:

I have a question about Wales Now. I know you're a little bit out there. We weren't going to talk too much just yet. Is this true? I love a rugby player. I will say this is what I've heard wow.

Speaker 1:

I will say especially Clapham as well. They've got the rugby players they come in they go out. I've done. I thought it was a rugby night. I was booked at the two boroughs that were doing a rugby night. I spent the entire show going oh my god, rugby players love rugby players. Got to the end and one of them comes up. You do know, we're a football team, right.

Speaker 3:

That is brilliant. I was mortified.

Speaker 1:

I think I can never go back.

Speaker 3:

I think I can never see any of them again.

Speaker 2:

Do places rarely book you a second time Um? You sort of turn up you blow their sound system and then you just sort of hop on a train, you're horrible.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, I know. You're horrible Off on the.

Speaker 2:

Peloton. Is that what it's called Pel, peloton, peloton.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, you do the.

Speaker 3:

Peloton right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love it. She's well bougie, she's got her own.

Speaker 3:

I've got my own at home.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But what I'm getting from this conversation is that we meet you in Benji.

Speaker 2:

Is that Benji's had too much rosé Too?

Speaker 3:

much rosé, and also we need to go to Cardiff for a night out.

Speaker 1:

You do, yeah, yeah, for sure yeah, I do two places in cardiff. So the golden cross which is giving, I suppose if you were to associate it with london it would be giving like rvt, very classic pub, classic pub, older drag, and like you go to worship the drag like they love, like an older drag. So mary golds, lots of these older drag queens, and then there's mary's which is kind of giving the brewers, so it's a bit more. There's a little bit more rowdy, a little bit more feral. The twinks behind the bar love to give me far too many shots, great had me at twinks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah listen, I'm not gonna lie. Next time you have gigs down there, I actually think we should go. I think we should go we'll do a day trip, get the train, the train is about two hours. I'm not driving again. Did you hear about the story? Just drive, drive to write it.

Speaker 1:

No bad decision. The drive there was fine.

Speaker 2:

What I hadn't really considered was the driving over drive back. Yeah bad, no, no this one was like are you actually okay to drive bench? I was like, yeah, of course I am getting behind the wheel.

Speaker 3:

I was like, oh, my god the sweats the shakes I am hold my wine glass that was bad, remember I had to um pull over and stop halfway for a little breather yeah, that was the night.

Speaker 2:

I was like, yeah, buy some shots. And I had you in my car and a little notification called my phone like 120 quid, oh someone bought shots for the entire fucking bar. That was the help night the help night that was actually told that story?

Speaker 3:

I think we have it is one of my favorite stories ever. Yeah, we were out for a gay networking event, weren't we? And obviously we got a little bit drunk. At the networking event, we started to make friends and we were like, guys, let's carry on the party. We were staying in Brighton anyway, so we had a little Airbnb around the corner. We took a group of gays out to Bar Broadway Bar Broadway in Brighton. Ooh, bad decision.

Speaker 1:

Always a bad decision.

Speaker 2:

Always a bad decision. I mean always bad decision. I mean great decision.

Speaker 3:

We love great decision at the time yeah, poor decision the morning, oh my goodness the drinks are so cheap, the vibe is so great, we got so hyper, you went missing and I was asking everyone's like have you seen, benji, I come out of the bar.

Speaker 1:

Did the ghost in the basement game?

Speaker 3:

is there a ghost?

Speaker 2:

have you not heard this?

Speaker 3:

what so bar?

Speaker 1:

broadway is obviously. It's been there for like ever, like the building. So in the basement, where the toilets are, there's a blocked up like tunnel. There's a tunnel from there to the pavilion that they used to smuggle prostitutes in and out for, like the dignitaries, and so there's apparently, like a dead child ghost in the toilets.

Speaker 2:

Why is it going to be a child?

Speaker 1:

I don't know, or there's lots of dead ghosts, etc, etc. Down there, Apparently. That's the rumor. So it is ghosts, etc, etc down there, Apparently.

Speaker 2:

That's the rumour. So every time I go to the toilets there I'm like I mean, why have you got a cold Chanel? I mean I very nearly became one of the ghosts.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you really did, Because you went missing. And then I said to everyone has anyone seen Benji? Go outside? There you are in the gutter.

Speaker 2:

Not just in the gutter Outside Subway, to be specific. Outside, go outside. There you are in the gutter, not just in the gutter outside subway, to be specific outside subway.

Speaker 1:

Outside the subway you've entered the pizza, the pizza place next door to subway.

Speaker 2:

Very Italian pizza, very good no darling, I barely made it to the subway in the gutter on all fours spewing his guts out. Oh no, at least into the gutter. I was at least like, yeah, it could have been worse, you could have been in the sea?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if.

Speaker 2:

I checked his phone. I just sent him help. Yes, help, Just the word, help constantly.

Speaker 3:

And I came over to you and I was like are you okay? And you just went help, it was literally help help, help, help, help.

Speaker 2:

Why have you just spent 120 quid on my phone? Help, help, help. And what does he do? Cracks out FaceTime.

Speaker 3:

Look at Benji. Everyone needed to see it.

Speaker 2:

Oh God, so bad. They made you go share a bed. That was not the one.

Speaker 1:

You shared a bed and those hotels in Brighton some of them are.

Speaker 2:

It was Airbnb, we were fine. Yeah, I mean that was fun. Yeah, but Wales next time. Yes, for sure, cardiff, yeah, so Chanel where is your favourite area or type of crowd?

Speaker 1:

I have to say as much as I'm horrible to South London. I bully people that live in South London because I don't believe that they have the tube. It's true, they've got one line. Don't laugh. They've got one line.

Speaker 2:

The Northern, the Northern line. Ironically, Ironically they've got the Northern line.

Speaker 1:

South of the river, but I really enjoy South London. I've just started working at the Rising, which is the brand new one in Elephant and Castle.

Speaker 3:

I heard that is amazing vibe there. It's really good.

Speaker 1:

I've heard this Really lovely, like very new, very fresh. They are absolutely bringing it at the moment and they have once or twice in the next few months. So if you would like to come and see me, you might as well. And then I love Clapham.

Speaker 3:

I love Clapham. We I mean we are around Clapham quite a lot. Obviously, I live up the roads. Yeah, I love Clapham too.

Speaker 1:

We do love Clapham. I do find that Clapham has perhaps a slightly older clientele, because I suppose Soho is what you instantly hear of when you go. Oh, going to London, going to Soho.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So Clapham is very much like people that live in London gays that live in London and know exactly where they're going and exactly what they like. So they're a little bit more established. They know what they want and therefore it means that they can have a lovely time until 2am and then they can be in bed by half past 2 because they live in Clapham.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of Drag Race, season 6 has been announced. Have you seen the Meet the Queens?

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry. What season has been announced? Season 6 have you seen the Meet the Queens? I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

What season has been announced? Season had to be done. It had to be done. Oh, we're going to get so sued. But yeah, have you seen the Meet the Queens?

Speaker 3:

I have not seen the Meet the Queens yet. Okay, I'll be honest with you. I know I'm going to be a bad gay for saying this. I'm a bit over Drag Race. Is that really bad to say?

Speaker 2:

I've had enough of playing games. It's, I'm with you. There are so many franchises going on. I feel like we had canada verse the world clashed with global all-stars, and now we've got uk, as well as other franchises going on it's a bit much.

Speaker 3:

And don't get me wrong, I actually love drag race. I love what it stands for, I love what it does for the queer community and I love the platform and the doors is open for these amazing queer performers. So I'm all for that. I just think there's a bit too many seasons too many.

Speaker 2:

I also just side note I find it hilarious that the whole like meet the queen's aesthetic is bong girl and they've absolutely taken that from tamara from the last season oh, yeah, yeah, yeah hilarious. Um, also the promo picture. Right, it's all the girls in their bond outfits. And then there's like a lipstick being shot across the picture as a bullet. Why didn't they use like a bullet vibrator? Wouldn't that be so much fun?

Speaker 2:

it is still on the bbc I was gonna say it's the bbc oh, come on, the queen would have loved it. We all know the queen had a bullet, though I do love that the individual photos is.

Speaker 1:

Behind every gay person there is an even gayer person and it's a little shadow of themselves that stood behind themselves in the background.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, yeah, really count. No, it's good, I am with you. I do think there's too much and I feel like it's almost run its course, but I don't know. Chanel, come on, it's your industry, what do you think?

Speaker 1:

I think that we should abolish Drag Race and do Squid Game, but with drag queens. There are too many. Some of them need to go Now. That is a show I would watch. I need just any kind of reality TV show, but drag queens. Oh my gosh, I want a mix of Drag Race, but Big Brother I want to see the behind the scenes oh yes, I want to see them all living in a house together Like Top Model, like they all living in a house together like top model like they all live in a house together, but they have to do the challenges and then one of them gets eliminated.

Speaker 1:

Uh, if we're putting 12 huge characters in a room, let's keep the cameras on 24 hours a day that is going to be amazing tv. Let's starve them. Let's really let them suffer. Can you tell that I'm not on drag? Race because I'd love for this to happen, so I can watch it, but not if I was doing it oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or like bear grills meets drag race, yes using a using a heel to a fucking murderer all they get left with is a suitcase full of drag. That's tv. If there's a producer listening to this, that's a tv show. Sorry, but that is a tv show. Tell them they're on the next season of drag race, but actually land them on in the middle of guam might be against the geneva convention well, I've never heard of that. The what convention?

Speaker 3:

perfectly legal convention as far as now listen, am I gonna watch uk drag race, of course, like that is my favorite of all the seasons because obviously we know a lot of the queens we we see them out and about. So yeah, I will be watching it, but am I a little bit over Drag Race? As an overall thing, probably yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think I am a little bit. I'm not sure if you want to answer this question. Chanel, have you applied for Drag Race before?

Speaker 1:

Next question. Thank you. Next question.

Speaker 2:

OK, next question Would you still consider doing Drag Race?

Speaker 1:

I think if you do it right and if you are incredibly lucky, it can be an absolute credit to your career. It can really really change your career. But I do see some people that perhaps haven't had the best edit, haven't perhaps done the most that they can with the platform and I I see them and they seem to be not quite happy with how they've come across on the show and come across afterwards.

Speaker 3:

So I think that's the thing right, because you don't have control over the edit, so the producers are going to push a narrative that maybe you're you've not signed yourself up for, or you know that. That's even going on, right until you then watch the episodes back and think hang on a second, I did say those things or did pull those looks, but it's edited in like such a way to make it more exaggerated than what it is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but at the same time, you said those things yeah, that's the whole like detox thing, isn't it like, don't be like. It's the edit you said.

Speaker 1:

I'm not the villain, but I did say that everyone else in the room was horrifically ugly and didn't deserve to be here, so I don't know why they're painting me to be the villain.

Speaker 2:

Sure, I mean any of the drag queens I know that have done Drag Race, that have done well, have all said if you go into it knowing that it's a show and that it is going to be heavily produced, rather than trying to think standing on your own two feet and it's a competition, if you feed into the producers, you will do better.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, of course, because if you give the content, they're going to love that, right, yeah?

Speaker 1:

They have to make a TV show at the end of the day. I've said to several people because I know several people that have auditioned for Drag Race and some of them have since now gotten on Drag Race that have been really upset about the fact that they've not gotten on and go why haven't I got on? I think I'm really good. People seem to think that I'm really good and I really deserve to be here.

Speaker 1:

I said well, they're not going to put 12 first outs on the same season, so they're going to save you to go first in season 12 I mean, if we make it a season 12, if we make it to season 12 but the same way, they're never going to put the 12 best drag queens in the uk on drag race, because it would be a really bad television show. It would be a great competition, but it wouldn't be a good tv show.

Speaker 2:

And they are making a tv show at the end of the day and speaking of competition, chanel, we know that you're a shady little bitch, right, and we say that with absolute love and adoration I don't know what you mean and podcasters. We've asked chanel to come up with a little game. A game a game.

Speaker 1:

How are we spelling that? G-a-y-a-n absolutely.

Speaker 2:

That's the only way to spell game trademark. Um, no, we have asked you to come up with a little game. So podcast is. We're going to take a little break. We're going to top of our glasses. Does someone say top? And then, because I'm at the bottom, of mine uh, and then we're going to come back and play a little game with Brad and I head to head. Did someone say head?

Speaker 3:

Chanel's face keeps lighting up every time you speak.

Speaker 2:

Chanel is just messing with me constantly on Grindr my battery I had to rock you.

Speaker 3:

Social battery, phone battery everything is depleted.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, we're going to take a little break and when we come backanel is going to be playing a little game that we like to call mr and mr benji and brad edition oh, podcasters, you know what that sound means. That means that is all we've got time for on this week's episode of my big game podcast, part one, don't forget. I know, chanel, you're shocked, but one I know if they come back.

Speaker 2:

Next week, podcasters, you'll be able to catch up the rest of the episode with Miss Chanel, number five. So if you don't already, please make sure you head over to our Instagram it's at Big Gay Podcast or our website, which is wwwmybiggaypodcastcom, and just sign up to our mailing list.

Speaker 3:

And also get in touch with your queer diaries. We want to hear your stories.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we do, but, like we said, that's all we've got time from this week's part one until next time see you next wednesday, thank you.

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