My Big Gay Podcast

S6. Ep 7. Two Gays and the Queen Scene Part 2

Benji & Brad, Chanel No 5 Season 6 Episode 7

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Three bottles of Whispering Angel, two gays, one drag queen, one drinking game... what could possibly go wrong this week?! 

Join Benji, Brad and Chanel No.5, London's campiest drag queen, for a riotous game of Mr and Mr: The Benji and Brad Edition. The game forces the boys to share some of their messy stories including wild nights out, masturbating at work and the embarrassment of waking up next to someone without knowing their name.

In this weeks Queer Diary, we reveal a listeners story about an awkward family Airplay incident involving a rosebud on the big screen. 

So what are you waiting for? Grab a bottle of wine and play along! 

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Right, brad, are you ready for part two? So ready? You said there was some determination, I'm ready. Well, you said there was some determination, I'm ready. Okay, whenever you're ready.


I'm ready.


Let's go Welcome back to part two of my Big Game Podcast with the one and only Miss Chanel no 5. Woohoo.

Miss Chanel No.5:

We're here, we're back.


Podcasters, our wine is topped up, Whispering Angel is at its full and we are ready for a game with Chanel Woo.

Miss Chanel No.5:

You ready, girls? I'm so ready so what is the rules?


How do we play?

Miss Chanel No.5:

So basically, I have a series of statements. Oh God, I can feel the dread setting in.


It's because, podcasters, I don't think you're aware of how many devastating things Chanel has probably seen on a night out. And also, we have no idea what this game is going to be. We just said to Chanel bring a game and we will play it.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Initially I did bring Monopoly, but I thought that might get in the brief. And then I thought, should we just play bingo?


Oh my gosh. No, All right, hit me with it.

Miss Chanel No.5:

So what I need you to do is I'm going to read you a statement. We'll count down from three and you need to say who is most likely to do it either Benji or Brad. And if you get it right, if you both say the same person, I have to take a sip of my whispering angel, and if you get it wrong, I'm afraid you have to drink some of your whispering angel, I would have bought shots.


Shots will push me over the edge. Okay, so what we have to do is answer the statement. We both either say benji or we both say brad. If we both say the same name, you drink, and if we say different names, we drink. That's essentially brad. Are you ready for this? We actually have to work together I can do that, sisters.


I know sisters are finally doing it for themselves sisters, sisters.


Now the thing is.


I'll be a bit honest with you, benji. I feel a little bit drunk already. I'm hammered. Yeah, we've been doing this lovely episode.

Miss Chanel No.5:

I'm absolutely trashed, so we really you say we've been doing this episode.


We started drinking two hours before the episode shush shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush.


The magic of the podcast. The magic of the podcast.


But the. Thing is we need to work together so that I don't get any more drunk than what I already am.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Okay, so be, with me on this.


It's taking a new turn to actually.

Miss Chanel No.5:

So you're going to get me absolutely trollied and send me home on the tube.


Or I'll deliberately get it wrong, so he gets absolutely trollied no because you know what I'm like.

Miss Chanel No.5:

You get trollied as well.


This studio is right by my house. I can crawl home, oh, flush back to Brighton In the gutter, not the gutter. I so almost made it to Subway. That's. The best bit about that story is that I almost made it to Subway. I cleared left by Broadway to try and get carbs to sober up and I just didn't quite make it, didn't?

Miss Chanel No.5:

make it. We were talking about a different time in Brighton. No, I was talking about Okay, so on with the podcast.


So the game.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Okay, we get the game.


Fantastic Cool.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Are you ready for your first statement, Cheers so out of the pair of.


It's the delicate, soft voice that has me scared. It's actually so cool, calm and collected cool cats and kittens that she fits the fit. I'm just carry on. I'm drunk, I'm hammered. Are you judging me for my? No, I'm good. I'm quoting tiger king, which is probably a loss radio, voice, radio, voice.

Miss Chanel No.5:

I've got a voice for radio and a face for radio a face for a dark room Come on. So, benji and Brad, yes, out of the pair of you, which one is most likely To leave brewers To grab a Maccies? And your answers In three, two, one.


Benji Whee. Well done, benji.


Literally because I do. That is my tactic.

Miss Chanel No.5:

You do, we will be on a night out, I will vanish.


I will go up to my lovely bouncer friend get my stamp. Run to mackers get something and come back. Save me up briefly and come back. Sorry did you drink.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Yeah, I did I just drunk.


Two fingers. We know how much you love that.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Two fingers, two fingers sorry, three or four for you. I was going to say a whole fist.


And shout out to the two brewers in Clapham we love to go there, we love, we live, we love.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Next question Our next question Benji and Brad, who is most likely to cheat at bingo Three, two, one?


Brad Benji. Oh Shit, shit. I thought he was going to vote me and me shady. That's why I went for me. I was paying you at your game. I was double bluffing you no babes.


you know that every time you go to the toilet, I cross off more songs on your bingo playlist.


You do. You just want me to look like a fool.

Miss Chanel No.5:

And also I draw willies and stuff because I'm really mature, he's so mature and he's so single in the time that we've been doing, in the time that I've been doing bingo, we've gone from dabbers to pens, to pencils, because the gays cannot be trusted to not draw penises on everything yeah and it's when they come out with the, the red stained hands from the dabbers, that we go.


We need to stop this fun fact. When you used to do your bingo at a different bar, I brought a date which was five years.

Miss Chanel No.5:

It'll be five years since I started doing bingo in clapham on february 14th. Wow, okay, but it wasn't five years ago. It was like no, it wasn't five years ago.


No but it was when you used to use dabbers and I brought a date and I got so drunk. He was wearing a white shirt and let's just say, when he left the shirt was no longer white. I had to draw on all over it. I remember that, do you? And the next morning he sent me a picture. He was like I really hope these stains come out. And I was like, oh gosh having used those pens for years they don't come out, they don't they really don't because those are not good dabbers.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Those are like rough dabbers that like I'm pretty sure there is like jet fuel in them.


Wow, cheap daggers, cheap entertainment right next we got a drink. Cheers, cheers, two fingers Benji.


That was two, oh gosh, two fingers of wine is not fine.

Miss Chanel No.5:

You just came back from France. The whole thing was wine.


Bonjour, benji is le wasted.


Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?

Miss Chanel No.5:

Never. You know, the French love the guillotine. I think both of you might have just earned your spot. Our next question who is most likely to forget the name of a hookup? Three, two, one.


Benji Facts and facts.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Facts and facts, melga, I had to chuck in some easy ones.


That is embarrassing.


actually, have you ever taken, taken someone home? Woke up with them the next woke up.


You're right, darling, don't take that wine away. Woke up what? Why did you do that impression?


because I can't get my words out oh, because they're digging your mouth yeah, have you ever taken someone home? Woke up with them the next day and not known their name yes, come on, we've all done that some more than others.


Clearly you've done that, I think, once or twice.

Miss Chanel No.5:

You've done that, chanel though, to be fair, benji, if they're calling you daddy the entire time, I'm not sure they know your name either.


So, true and I'm fine with it if they can't find me on social media platforms. The best, perfect, perfect. So come on, darling two fingers, that's one off a fist already Because of the last two fingers, not Sure, sure, yeah, yeah.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Right next question Was the Whispering Angel, a good choice.


Yes, or should we have gone for something a little?

Miss Chanel No.5:

bit more subtle Like water.


Yes, we could have done a spritz darling A squash.


Oh, that's true.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Who is most likely to masturbate in public? Three, two, one, brad.


Really, really, in public.


I have done that before.


Go on then. I love that you guys just outed yourselves as masturbating in public.


Tell us the story At work Really yes.

Miss Chanel No.5:

I mean locked in a cubicle. It's private, it's contained.


He never said in a cubicle. Was it in a cubicle?

Miss Chanel No.5:

It was in a cubicle, oh.



Miss Chanel No.5:

Wow and.


Benji, I used to work at a hotel and I used to go check the rooms.

Miss Chanel No.5:

If you're changing the covers anyway.


Oh no, I didn't do that. I just went to like just check on the rooms, Like if I was just on a shift. That was really boring. I had a skeleton key, so the empty rooms I'd just go into.

Miss Chanel No.5:

At least it was empty. Yeah, not going to some room and sniffing some man's pants, no.


But working in hotels. You see the weirdest things. People would call down for things like extra pillows and I actually mean extra pillow, not a hooker. What it means, oh, I had no idea. So that's why they sent that woman out, literally. But I've gone to people's rooms like with random things, like glasses or like a coffee cup or extra biscuits, whatever, and they answer the door like completely naked and they're clearly not. They don't know. I don't think they want, like me, to join in for it. They're dying for it, but they um yeah, they just wanted to sort of flush themselves but we've all got to get our kicks somehow, yeah and sometimes I was just like yeah, I get it.


Do you want to have a chat? I'll have a chat, Come on in. Sometimes they're women, Nice. And I was like well. Zorlan great knockers.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Still got it, still got it, still pass, still got it, sweetheart.


So speaking of kinks, because brad has no money and benji is about to buy a house, and so he has loads of money. No, the irony now he doesn't have it. Now he has no money.


The irony of that? No, I think probably me, because you're not really into the whole twink scene anymore. You're kind of done with it. I really feel like I'm done with it. I'll be honest, yeah yeah now I'm 28, I just think twinks, it's just not not really sure enough for you no, I'm 28 now. Yeah, I want to date someone, at least like 26. 28 in dog years? Yeah, two years either side. I couldn't date anyone over 30.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Well, you're settling down. You're settling down. You're a homeowner, now A homo-owner.


Well, I'm not settling down. I'll be using that home for orgies. This has got a bit of a fair roll. Actually, I'm not going to lie Carry on. You were the one who asked for this.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Yeah, so my loves. The next question.


Next question.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Which of the pair of you is most likely to sell feet pics Three, two, one Brad.


The reason why I know this is that Brad recently said he had signed up to this website where you'd sell feet pics, because he was like this is my new money making scheme and I'll be honest with you.


My feet have had a lot of attention in the past, including people that are in.


No, I can't hack this, don't if you're about to tell me that people love my high arch, which I know is the word that's about to come out your mouth not just the high arch.


My toes are really neat. My feet look like meaty, you know, know, like good feet.


Meaty feet.


Meaty feet like that's a man's foot, but it's smooth, it's not hairy, there's no cracked skin. It's a beautiful foot. Honestly, I've dated people that are into feet and they go mad for my feet.


Right, Brad, get your feet out Right now. Now Podcast I'm filming so you can get a good little shot of this.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Now look at that. Oh, the sock's coming off. Now we need to do it properly Sock's off.


Da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da, oh smell.


Look at that lovely, lovely thing. What?

Miss Chanel No.5:

size are they?


Nine, you'd struggle to find heels. Honestly, they could go mad for these babies.

Miss Chanel No.5:

This is where the cash cow is at. Wow, I guess I better drink and we just move on. How much money have?


you made off those. Minus at the moment because Because the subscription has been charging me 30 pounds a month.


I keep forgetting to do it.


Yes, brad, it's a minus. It's atrocious with money. We once sold a podcast mug. I love telling this story. I love telling this story. We once sold a podcast mug and obviously we add on like postage.




And he spent more on the postage than the entire worth of money that came in. So, for example, if the whole thing was 15 quid, he spent like 18 pounds on postage. He lost us money. It actually probably would have been cheaper for him to hop on a tube and to hand deliver it than what he did. I don't want to hear what you're going to say.

Miss Chanel No.5:

I can see you working out a sentence the personal service is worth not a lot.


No, no, no. Actually, I can't even talk about it. Next question.

Miss Chanel No.5:

So next up most likely to give the best lap dance?


Hang on, I need some time to think about this.


I've got my answer straight away.


Oh, in that case I know I've got my answer.

Miss Chanel No.5:

There'll be no conflabbing, no I just, I can read his brain.


You can read his brain, I can. You're about to find out.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Yeah, I'm ready.


Three two one, brad. Facts are facts. I can give a great lap dance Well it helps that you're against Benji.

Miss Chanel No.5:

That is true, benji. Who that is?


true, who's got two left feet and no hip movements?


Benji, who actually is the trained dancer.


I would like to remind you if you've got natural talent, you've got natural talent and you know the lord above did bless me with natural talent in that department yeah, I was going to say corner work is not a lap dance.

Miss Chanel No.5:

That's true. Alright, fine, a triple pirouette is not a lap dance triple.


Are you joking? Lucky to get a single out of that one. I am single.


I've seen your hips. They do lie, shakira would be appalled by your hips.


I taught Shakira how to move her hips.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Well, it's lucky that your breasts are small and humble.


So they don't confuse them with mountains. Lucky that my breasts are small and humble, so you don't confuse them with mountains.

Miss Chanel No.5:

I hate gay people because in what other situation could you say that and people would understand?


Doesn't she then sing I'm at your feet.


Not the feet again. She's obsessed with my feet.


Oh, my gosh Right next question.


Our next question is out of the pair of you, which one is?

Miss Chanel No.5:

most likely to send a naughty text to the wrong person.


Three, two, one, benji. I promise you. I told my brain to answer that and nothing came out my mouth you just stood staring at me, you, just you just sat there, but I was gonna say, benji, I'm not sure that we can count that, but I'm gonna give you an example okay so I once sent a naughty text, um, and the person who I sent it to was obviously not the person who meant to receive it and it was talking about in the text.


I was talking about a gaping hole and I sent it to my dad in his spare time.


Uh, benji gardens a lot I then went to edit it, but whilst I edited it, my dad replied saying what with a laughing emoji, and I managed to pull it off as an error and I was like, oh my goodness, that's the worst typo uh auto text because, as you always joke about, what you auto correcting my, my, my texting is atrocious anyway, and quite often spelled incorrectly or just the wrong word. So he told me he bought it, and whether he did or not I don't know. Wow, I don't think he did.

Miss Chanel No.5:

I think your dad knows that you are, you like gaping holes?


You like gaping holes. I don't know if my dad would understand that.

Miss Chanel No.5:

I feel like you should give your dad a little bit more credit, yeah.


He has grown up with you for the past 26 years. No, no, I don't. How old is she?


now 45? Oh come on. Hi, mum and dad, I'm gay, so let me tell you about gaping holes.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Yeah, but as a parent, you do research. You do research once your child comes out as gay. Not quite Pornhub research, but, like you, learn the mechanics so that you can.


What was the rest of the message? Do you know what? I will go back on my messages and we'll read it on another episode I have got the whole chat and I did get away with it. Really, can you send it to me? I?

Miss Chanel No.5:

want to frame it. Yeah, I will do. Speaking of gaping holes, oh gosh, which one of you is the biggest, dirtiest, filthiest? Oh my come dump pig. Oh my, a cum-dump pig A cum-dump pig.


Okay, count us down.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Three, two, one Chanel. She's an African grey named Chanel, chanel, Chanel. Oh, I didn't sign up for this bullying, do you?


know what? You were very in sync there. You didn't even look at each other, you just knew.


We just knew.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Toilet doors don't lie.


That is very true. We think it's you, chanel. Oh Chanel, thank you so much for playing that game with us.


That's all right, and thank you so much for coming on to the podcast.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Oh, it's been an absolute joy, honestly. Benji texted me and said oh, we're going to record today. I didn't suppose you were around and I said do you know what I do feel like doing some charity work today.


Oh, that's so nice.


The truth of the matter is I put on my Instagram big podcast day saying I've got nothing to do. Shall I come along. That sounds about right.

Miss Chanel No.5:

I'll make tea if you want, do you know what You're outing me, I know as a proper person.


Chanel, darling, we're actually really happy that you're finally coming on the podcast. We have honestly wanted to have you on for a very, very long time.

Miss Chanel No.5:

It's been an absolute joy to sit here and drink rose with you for the past two hours. Facts are facts.


No, but definitely Come back at some point. And if people do Want to come and see your shows, or you live or you're screaming Into a microphone On the different key To the music that's playing when can they come find you?

Miss Chanel No.5:

Wow, thank you. First and foremost. Thank you for being my number one fan, my biggest supporter. You can find me At Miss Chenault N05 Across all platforms Instagram, facebook, twitter, tiktok. I am the most beautiful woman in the world. It's me Chanel number 5. At MissChanelN05. You can catch me in Clapham. You can catch me up and down the country.


I'm sure I'll see you all somewhere very soon and if you'd like to book her, she has good availability and also if you'd like to chip in, for like her singing lessons she has a Patreon.

Miss Chanel No.5:

I don't actually have good availability. I'm very, very busy. We're leading up to Christmas and I am the queen of Christmas. I've got a great Christmas outfit.


You have already posted about Christmas. I've already posted about Christmas.

Miss Chanel No.5:

I know.


I see that you've got no whispering angel left.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Unfortunately, the pair of you have driven me to drink. I need another bottle.


Can you fit two bottles? I've heard that about you if he tells me he loves me. So, chanel, we know that you're an avid listener of the podcast. I love it, yeah. So are you aware of our segment called queer diary? I absolutely am, yeah. So we were wondering if you'd like to try and answer one of the queer diary questions oh, I've always wanted to be an agony aunt.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Yes, I know, yes, that makes you like brad.


That's why we put the segment in, because brad would rather try and sort somebody else's life out than his own it's true, which is on, to be honest with you, projection, it works. It works sometimes. So you've had lots of messages come in. Thank you so much putting out on your instagram as well. But, brad, what is this week's queer diary?


here we go oh my gosh last week I stayed around my parents house after a family barbecue cute. Towards the end of the night I found myself having some raunchy conversations with some new faces on the orange pages the hometown hits different. Uh-huh.

Miss Chanel No.5:

It hits different sometimes.


Benji, you're quite a regular on the Orange Pages. She's got a Platinum subscription.


Can we carry on reading?


the entry, please. Anyway. So I said my goodnights and headed to the spare bedroom to enjoy some adult entertainment on my phone, porn Ooh. In the process of unzipping myself for the main event Unzipping, I butt-dialed the Airplay button on my phone and selected the living room TV, where most of the people who hadn't left yet were now sat for the end of the evening. No, what was momentarily displayed to my extended family before I realised, can only be described as the aggressive climax of some rosebud fisting porn oh, not even the, the pizza delivery boy, the, the nice little fixed scenario to get into it the full climax oh my god, I can never face them again.


For the love of god, please keep me anonymous. Well, thank you. So much from Joe Brown for writing Joking, joking, joking.

Miss Chanel No.5:

He's one of your sub scribers. Every week.


Oh my goodness, yeah, so thank you so much for writing in with that message. Wow, wow. I don't even know where to begin with that. I would be mortified if I was at a family home and I was looking at porn and then it connected to the family TV.


I mean, like you say, chanel, it wasn't like. It's not a hard one to shake off Like if it was the start of like a pizza delivery, you could, although if it says like porn hub at the top, it's very hard to describe, but I mean fisting rose budding. If you don't know what that is, maybe it's looking up. Um, that's a hard one to try and disguise something else, I do have a question.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Yeah, was it. Do we think it was just audio or do we think it was audio and video? I think it was video you think, that is what I'm getting from the message that the whole thing.


Can you imagine we're going to be playing Pictionary right now with the kiddies?


yeah, the thing is my tv back at home. If you try and like, add air view to it.

Miss Chanel No.5:

If the tv is off, it will turn the tv on which is what I think happens yeah, so I fully believe that this is a thing, oh so people were talking, people having a nice time, having a glass of rose. Suddenly the tv turns on and it's literally and it's just yeah, oh, that is hot. That honestly sounds like it's a scene out of a sitcom that is american pie right there, right, yeah, it's very very that I think hang on rosebud.


Yeah, is that where it pops out?

Miss Chanel No.5:

the technical term would be prolapse and it becomes a rosebud.


Yeah, but I don't know. Listen, let's, let's, let's bring it down to the same level for everyone, right? I would say the majority of this world watches porn. I would definitely say the majority of this world masturbates. So people in that room, unless they were obviously younger which let's just assume they weren't for a second it seemed like it was the end of the night.

Miss Chanel No.5:

I'm assuming that the kids are gone to bed. Adults only, yeah.


Adults only. As much as it is embarrassing, it's a bit of a taboo that it comes out. They've all done it.


That's true.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Perhaps not the fisting, but who knows, who knows Grandma.


Betsy is a pro at fisting pro lap.


She puts the pro in pro lap. You never know, you don't ever know. So oh, the thing is, there's nothing you can really do to try and overcome this, other than just just own it laugh at it, laugh at it stride of pride.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Yeah, it's funny. At the end of the day it is funny. You've got to laugh at it. You've these are your family. You've got to kind of cope with it. It's just one of those things that you can't really get away from.


It's like going out for halloween full halloween outfit, hooking up with someone, staying at their house and going home the next morning there is no way you can play off what's happened, because you're? You're probably half dressed as dracula and it's midday the next day. Yeah, everyone knows you didn't go home.

Miss Chanel No.5:

I mean laugh it off. We've all done it.


We've all watched porn at some point in our lives. I'm assuming We've all had a wank, so yeah.


And a lot of us have walked in on their parents doing it. That's an episode from the time. I think they're most likely going to want to laugh about it.

Miss Chanel No.5:

Laugh about it.


Definitely laugh about it and make it normal, or they'll just be delicate and they'll never talk about it.

Miss Chanel No.5:

They're either going to laugh about it and make it normal, or they'll just be delicate and they'll never talk about it. We'll move on. Yeah, I don't think it's worth emancipating yourself for at all.


It's not going to affect your relationship with them. I mean, did he say about them knowing if he was gay or not? No, so listen. If they already knew you were out, this is obviously the sort of porn you're going to watch.

Miss Chanel No.5:

I mean, I understand that you know porn, but I mean, you can always just say I opened twitter, I'm gay. On twitter, people share that kind of stuff I wasn't expecting it. It accidentally connected.


I'm so sorry, fine or do this if they bring it up, play completely dumb and pretend it was a neighbor oh, that is a good, because because where I live. We can connect to their speaker and when they're having like rows they're really loud. My housemate connects their speaker and plays Lily Allen fuck you.


Oh, that's hilarious. Pass the blame on somebody else. Yeah, play.


So you.


Just play dumb what?


That wasn't me. I've got no clue what you're on about.

Miss Chanel No.5:

What's a rosebud? What's a fist Boxing, what that?


what's a fist yeah boxing what that could be it who knows?


who knows, absolutely, absolutely well. Anyway, thank you so much for writing in with your queer diary. If you've got a queer diary that you would like featured on the podcast, all you need to do is slide into the DMs that, sadly, is all we have time for on this week's episode of my big gay podcast.


If you don't follow us already, you're absolutely shit. It's at Big Gay Podcast and you can head over to our website, which is wwwmybiggaypodcastcom and sign up to our mailing list. But, like I said, podcast is that is all we have time for in this week's episode of my Big Gay Podcast, until next time. See you next Wednesday.


I love hearing that live. Do you, chanel? Would you like to join in for the final line? Oh, should we do it? Should we do it All?


right Ready, but until next time.

Miss Chanel No.5:

See you next Wednesday, wednesday Did you enjoy that I did, I thoroughly enjoyed that.


Spit on my face and call me a good boy Is a quote from a movie. Don't.

Miss Chanel No.5:

I'll come you.

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