My Big Gay Podcast
My Big Gay Podcast is the ultimate LGBTQ+ comedy show, diving headfirst into the highs, lows, and LOLs of gay life in London and beyond... (wait, did somebody just say head?!).
Hosted by your new gay BFFs, Benji and Brad, this podcast spills all the tea on their adventures as two gay guys in their 30s, juggling careers, chasing love, and living their best big gay lives in the greatest city in the world.
Now in its sixth fabulous season and recently crowned the TOP 3 LGBTQ+ podcast in the UK and a TOP 20 Comedy Podcast worldwide, My Big Gay Podcast is your backstage pass to hilarious celebrity interviews, outrageous games, epic competitions and heartwarming listener stories. It's been called “Bridget Jones’s Diary meets Sex and the City—but way gayer!”
So, if you’re up for a good time (and maybe some mischief), join Benji and Brad as they navigate the wild world of love, laughter, and life. Want to play along or get in touch? Slide into their DMs on Instagram: @BigGayPodcast, or hit up their website at www.MyBigGayPodcast.com.
My Big Gay Podcast
S6. Ep 8. Two Gays and the Broken Paddle
Get in touch! Drop Benji and Brad a text message by clicking on this link.
What happens when two fabulous hosts take on London with dazzling white teeth and a penchant for musicals? Get ready for an uproarious episode where we unpack the scandalous, the hilarious, and the downright chaotic adventures from our city escapades. From Brad's unexpected nap during his whitening session to a backstage rendezvous during Wicked, we cover it all. We also dive into the eternal question of why some gays are drawn to musicals while others can't stand them, and share our excitement and Benji's unfortunate absence from the Broadway Rave due to a nasty salmonella bout.
But the fun doesn't stop there! You'll laugh along with us as Brad recounts his impromptu solo performance at a Broadway rave night, much to the amusement (and embarrassment) of everyone involved. We chat about our touristy endeavors in London, including Benji's comedic misadventure with a Dyson fan and our ongoing love for tour bus experiences despite being city veterans. Expect tales of glamorous chaos and the unique ways we enjoy our vibrant city.
Lastly, we venture into the wild world of alternative online communities, revealing jaw-dropping adult toys and the intriguing dynamics within these groups. From traffic cone-shaped toys to the implications of Instagram's "close friends" feature, it's a journey you won't soon forget. We wrap things up with stories from a rowdy fancy dress party, featuring heartwarming friendships and unexpected discoveries. Don't miss out on a minute of the laughs, shade, and fabulous chaos that only the Big Gay Podcast can deliver!
Get to know us more personally!
Hello and welcome to this week's episode of my Big Gay Podcast with me, Benji.
Speaker 1:And me, Brad, giving you the life, the loves and lols of living in London. Two gays, one city. What could possibly go wrong?
Speaker 2:I was waiting for your fake laughter. That normally happens.
Speaker 1:Sometimes I look at you and can't help but laugh at the misfortune.
Speaker 2:Wow, the shade of that. Thank you so so much.
Speaker 1:Let me just put my sunglasses back on I feel like you stole those from a drag queen.
Speaker 2:They're not your sunglasses shout out to this page three thank you for your sunglasses. Um no, but the real reason I'm wearing these today is because we got our teeth whitened. Your mouth is brighter than the sun thank you.
Speaker 1:You definitely need the sunglasses to look at my teeth.
Speaker 2:I love them it also reduces, sort of like, the complexion of your skin. The bags under your eyes, thank you. They're colored so I can't see how bloodshot you are. You had a wild one last night.
Speaker 1:Did you darling? Uh, I might have done, but you know me, I like to party, party, party no, we did get our teeth one. They look great oh, thank you so much yeah your are looking good too well.
Speaker 2:Thank you, we had them done next to each other actually fun story. We went in to get our teeth wired together and they were like oh yeah, don't worry, we'll get it all up. You'll be in here for like an hour.
Speaker 1:We'll just have a nice little catch up, the two of you then they put these trying to have a bit of a gossip, bit of a convo, and I was like look, we can't have this conversation. I can't tell you the story.
Speaker 2:You can't hear what I'm saying no, and we weren't allowed to laugh or like really move or anything, so it's like light strap strapped onto our mouth. Um, so we just sat in silence and what happened?
Speaker 1:brad fell asleep and was snoring it was a great opportunity for a nap and I wasn't going to turn it down. Thank you so much, but he is a snorer, you uh little miss piggy over there.
Speaker 2:Anyway, how are you? Yeah, good, I'm loving the new teeth um like you're jerry, essex or some sort of flippers put in.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's just a bit of gel just a bit of gel, just a bit of whitening. Yeah, no, the new teeth are great. Um, I am in recovery mode, as you can realize. Apologies if I'm a little bit hung over today, but you did send me to go to an event and you couldn't make it, so I was left to my own devices that's true.
Speaker 2:Don't underplay why I couldn't make it. I really wanted to go. Podcast is we were invited to an amazing event actually called broadway rave. Now, as you know what I would hope by now, we are partial to a musical or two, right?
Speaker 1:can I just say I feel like gays love musicals, but why is that?
Speaker 2:I think it's like Marmite in the gay community. I think gays are either like I love a musical or they absolutely detest it Really. But I think those that love it like us two. We love it because it's escapism and you get. It's dramatic, it's's you know, there's poise, there's big moments, there's fun storylines. It's normally about love, which I don't have in my life, so I like to watch on the stage instead um, it's just like the theatricality, the glitz, the glam.
Speaker 1:It's so camp I love it.
Speaker 2:I love it. I mean not mean lemiz. Is that camp? Not so much, I don't know, but marius would get it on.
Speaker 1:On that barricade. I would barricade him.
Speaker 2:Literally. Have I slept with a Marius in the past? Probably have.
Speaker 1:Didn't you sleep with the wizard from Wicked at one point? Was it the wizard?
Speaker 2:Right, you know fully well, it was not the wizard. I actually I didn't have. I told this story.
Speaker 1:Yeah. I don't know, if I was allowed to, you were shagging someone backstage in a dressing room. That is camping itself.
Speaker 2:I had sex with Bach whilst he was in his Bach costume in his dressing room during the show Scandalous.
Speaker 3:So, so, so scandalous yeah, wow. I'm not sure if we should share that but anyway, we'll put it out and see what happens the smile on your face as you tell that story.
Speaker 1:I can just see you looking back in your memories. It's in the memory box. That's a happy memory for you, isn't?
Speaker 2:it it is. I'd like to point out that I was actually happily in a relationship at the time. It was my boyfriend of like a year and a half, who is no longer my boyfriend, and uh yeah, yeah, wow that's not going to do much, because actually I'm really I really hate the fact that relationship ended because he's lovely.
Speaker 2:He probably doesn't listen to this podcast, but he was a beautiful soul, um, but yes, anyway, going back to that and not my atrocious dating profile, um, we went well. We were invited to broadway rave and it is exactly what it says on the tin it is. It starts very late at night. I think it was started at 11 pm. 11 pm, yeah, the one that we were invited to was somewhere near camden. There is one coming up, actually, which we're hoping to go to again. So if you, if you want to get tickets to what we're about to talk about, please do.
Speaker 2:Um, I sadly couldn't go yeah, you weren't feeling your best that day don't you want to play what I was feeling podcast is I honestly no joke side. I thought I was dying then you have food poisoning.
Speaker 2:In the end I had full-on salmonella. Now I thought you were like food poisoning benji only lasts like 24 hours, blah, blah. Not true at all. If you actually google it, it can last up to three weeks and longer, depending on how bad it is in your system. It was my own fault. I know exactly where I got it from.
Speaker 2:I went for a night out, got a mcdonald's I got two mcdonald's actually. I got a, a chicken wrap and a veggie wrap. Stumbled home, ate the veggie wrap I thought I was eating the chicken wrap anyway ate the veggie wrap, left the other one in my room because, on a zen thing, not very hungry. The next morning I woke up and I needed food and I thought it's not been out the fridge that long, so I ate it. Oh, I know, why would you do that? You fool, no, and I honestly I felt my whole stomach was like swollen under my t-shirt, like if sorry, if you looked at me whilst I was wearing a t-shirt, it looked like I had like a rubber ring. Everything all the way around swelled. It was like it felt like it'd been bruised. I felt like if I'd looked down on my stomach, it should have been like black and purple and blue. Yeah, just horrific Headaches, sweats. I then got tonsillitis through it.
Speaker 1:Do you remember when you said you couldn't go because?
Speaker 2:I know, and we'd even, we were even like doing some recording beforehand and we were supposed to go straight from the studio and I was like I'm just going to go home have a shower change, and I was walking home like I don't know how I'm going to do this. Yeah, I literally don't know. I was like I'll have a quick nap and then. So by the looks of it, you had the time of your life.
Speaker 1:I don't really want to talk about it, can we not talk?
Speaker 3:about that. You don't want to talk? Oh, are you all right? Yeah, oh, sorry, darling. Oh, gemma, we're so sorry, we didn't realize.
Speaker 2:Well, we're talking about it, so podcast is here. Here I am like on my deathbed. 11 pm they're going off to doing the entire. Which song was it?
Speaker 1:uh if you are you know, into your musicals you may have come across legally blonde. The musical which guilty pleasure love it, absolutely love it, and when we were going through our lawsuit it really helped us, oh god it's so good, so good, um and I just know the words of that musical because I love it so much and um, that nine minute track they put on, that mega mix track which, uh, yeah, I forgot actually how long it was in the moment and you did the whole thing.
Speaker 2:I lip synced for my life, honey he did the whole thing on the stage in front of the entire venue who were loving it.
Speaker 1:Just to point out, yeah, the whole thing, and there was bits where he was coming in as different characters and he would hide behind the curtain, jump out as a new character and then there was a questionable point where you did some irish dancing yeah, I forgot this, like this irish dancing moment towards the end of the track and I was like, oh my goodness, I can't irish dance, but you have to like wing it.
Speaker 2:For the moment it can't stop now, in the moment you thought that you could, and I think right now is a really good time to do a public apology for anyone who is Irish or who has done Irish dancing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I am so sorry that was not Irish dancing in the slightest, and I was just trying to make up as I went along and, yeah, the end result was not great.
Speaker 2:It wasn't, but you gave it your all.
Speaker 1:Energy, effort, commitment 10 out of 10. Talent minus 10 out of 10.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Instagram versus reality, yeah definitely one of those.
Speaker 2:But what I will say is you were definitely doing your networking that night because we got we got lots of messages come through in the podcast and people who had tagged you in videos which you would not let me share. So one day, podcasters I will try to put out, maybe even just to our close friends, to our subscribers, we'll get a copy of it. But, um, yeah, he was like, oh my god, that was amazing. How do you know all the words? Oh, my goodness, you must be professionally trained. That's a joke. I was like how much have you had to drink? But no, all in all, how was the night?
Speaker 1:do you know what broadway rave was? It was so much fun. As I say, if you're into musicals, you will love it. They are an american company, aren't they? They do them all across america, obviously, particularly new york broadway, um, and they come across to the uk every now and again for like pop-up raves that they and this is one of them and the whole night the music is just musical theater, whether that's um high school musical movies, disney, the classic shows, your hamiltons, your wickets, all of that, uh, it was great. And they invite people up to lip sync and kind of all lip sync as a group. So when they were doing the legally blonde mega mix, I was lip syncing with lots of other people on stage. It's just then, I know, like turned and they all like stepped aside to let me have the room so I could lip sync for my life. It was like, you know, do I own it or do I shy back like a little wallflower?
Speaker 2:so I thought I'd own it do you think you all started on the stage and they saw your talent, thought I can't compete with this and left. Or do you think you were just so violently dancing around the stage they thought it was easier, just to let you have it?
Speaker 1:in my deluded memory. The first one yeah, they were like we cannot compete with this. Your face right now, I know, um, and I kind of blame you because you should have been there as my you know carer, basically my chaperone.
Speaker 2:I sent you with a chaperone yes, and he went to the toilet and then came out and there you were, so he filmed the whole thing. Now I don't know if you know this, but our friend I'm gonna name him his name's connor he sent me a voice note the next day. Uh, about your performance. Did you know about this?
Speaker 1:no, I did not know about this.
Speaker 2:This is even more embarrassing, yeah, so I know you won't let me play the videos. However, there's nothing you can do about me playing this voice note, so sit back and listen to what connor had to say about your performance at the broadway. Rave to legally blonde. Here we go benji.
Speaker 3:Oh my god, broadway rave was amazing. It was such a bloody good night. Um, please, can we talk about your friend brad? Let's just say it with a capital. I? I went to the bathroom, came out, he's solo on the stage thinking he's laura bell bundy hosting the tonys to the legally blonde mega mix. Not even joking, it was like a seven minute long number. Ick, ick, ick.
Speaker 2:So you were Laura Bell Bradley over here. Those of you that don't know, Laura Bell Bundy played Elle Woods in the Broadway version of Legally Blonde. But yeah, how do you feel about that? What can I?
Speaker 1:say A lip sync for my life, and that's all you need to know, but against nobody. Well, it was a solo lip sync for your life. God, I actually cannot show my face at that broadway rave ever again. Thank you so much. You've ruined that for me. I had a really great night. I can never go back.
Speaker 2:Thank you well we have to go back. So if you fancy coming along to a broadway rave, if you like musicals, uh, come along to broadway rave, we will be there. Whether or not you're seals or not, I don't know, because we may be hiding from the security etc. Who will be looking for Brad, but we will be there. So, yeah, if you feel like you stop your street, come and join us.
Speaker 1:So podcasters. One of the things that Benji and I love about living in London is all the fun adventures that we can get up to in the big city.
Speaker 2:That is very, very true, and since we've been on a little break, we have been doing different things, going to different experiences that we can talk to all you lovely listeners about.
Speaker 1:Now, one thing that I always like to do when I'm on my holly bobs is go on those tour buses. You know you can just like get on a bus. Tour buses, you know you can just like get on a bus. It takes you to all the sites. I did one last year in New York, saw all the big buildings, et cetera, et cetera.
Speaker 1:In the big city, in the big city and I will 100%, when I'm in LA next year, be doing that LA tour bus and going up to the Hollywood sign and all those touristy things.
Speaker 2:I can imagine on holiday you are the biggest. If you could see the actual passion and enthusiasm in the glare that he just gave me. I love it, I love it literally I know he went to. He went to disney and he came back with like a jumper that says paris on it, yeah and mickey mouse is the lot he's so serious.
Speaker 2:You, we were talking about this at the house party. You are like a gullible person's dream. Oh, you like a salesman's dream. Sorry, I should say yeah, you will buy into anything yeah, that dyson fan, I've got my room podcast.
Speaker 2:No, so it's obviously been quite hot recently, and at brad's house he has this dyson fan. So yeah, but look at it, where's the air coming from? It's amazing. It literally just blows the same warm air around about. And how much did it cost you? 300 pounds. And I was like, well, at least it does hot air as well, right for the winter, does it? No, just cold air, not even cold, just recirculates the same warm air. 300 pounds. And not only that. You then bought an air purifier. How much was that? 100 pounds, 400 pounds. He spent on cleaning the dirty warm air and circulating it around his room.
Speaker 1:Love it, but that Dyson one. You can't see the blades. You know it's like that oblong. Is that the right shape? Oblong, rectangular shape thing.
Speaker 2:It's not oblong, no.
Speaker 1:And it just blows out the air. I don't know how it's doing it. It's like magic.
Speaker 2:This is what I mean. You're a sales doing the function that actually you want it to do. It just looks cool. Yeah, oh my gosh, look at the colors. I love it, like the colors of this thing here. Oh, it's all those flashing lights.
Speaker 1:I just love it I love it, but anyway, back to being on the tour bus yes now I've always wanted to do the london ones. Now I know I've seen, obviously, a lot of the london sites, but I think what's really good about the tour guides? They tell you little fun stories like oh, this is here, etc. Yeah, now we were very lucky, we got invited to go on a tour bus around london, but not just any old tour bus, yeah, the drag bus and that is exactly what it is.
Speaker 2:It is a bus. It drives around london, does all the things you want it to do uh, on a tour bus around london, but it is hosted by incredible drag queens all the way from brighton. Now the drag bus has been running in Brighton for a little while now and has just started launching its dates in London, and we were very lucky to go on the very first date Now on this bus as well. Before you go to your booking, a couple of days before they send you a link and you get to pre-order your drinks, there's no bar on board. So if you're thinking, oh, my goodness, I would do this, but I couldn't be getting up and down to go to the bar and get drinks, you don't have to. You sit in your seat and they bring you a little goodie bag of all the drinks that you've pre-ordered straight to your seat.
Speaker 1:And it's so fun because you can go on the obviously the lower deck or the upper deck. We like to call the top or the bottom, and which one were we on, Benji Well?
Speaker 2:I was on the top and you had to come on the top because there's no room on the bottom, but you definitely should have been on the bottom.
Speaker 1:But what's good about being on the top is obviously you can see all the sights.
Speaker 2:Girl, where do I start?
Speaker 1:What is good about?
Speaker 2:being on the top. Well, girl, where do I start? What is good about being on the top?
Speaker 1:Wow, no seriously. But yeah, we saw the sights around London, we had a little drive around and we got entertained by four different drag queens. Now they rotate, don't they? They do so. If they start from the bottom, you get your top queens and then they switch over and then get vice versa, so you get to hear all the Versa queens as well.
Speaker 1:You got the tops, tops, the bottoms and the verses so you get to hear all the cabarets, all the entertainment they sing, they host, they do jokes. They obviously point out all the sites as well. If you want to do a tour bus around london but you want to do it in queer fashion, then the drag bus is for you and not that we want to bring the mood down, but we do feel like it's really important to bring this up.
Speaker 2:when we went on the tour bus for the launch, one of the drag queens was the most incredible Miss Jason, who is an absolute icon in Brighton and in London as well, and it was very sad that it was actually the day after, I think.
Speaker 1:Yeah, two days after. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Miss Jason tragically passed away. Now, look, we don't want to bring this up and sort of put a dampener on what we're talking about, because we had the best time on the drag bus and, if I'm honest, Miss Jason was on top form. We were crying with laughter and she was'd want from a drag bus. Then the drag bus is definitely for you and so they do it in brighton.
Speaker 1:Obviously that's where it originated. So if you're heading down to brighton for a little visit, we highly recommend that anyway, because we love going out in brighton, but also in london too, and I think they're starting to launch different ones in the other big cities around the uk so if you feel like it's time to get all aboard the drag bus for a birthday, hen do, stag do or just you know on yourself and make some friends, because you definitely would do Brad, where can they go to get tickets?
Speaker 1:Well, the best place to go is on the website, so you can see where they're going to be stopping around on the drag bus. It is dragbuscouk.
Speaker 2:That dragbosscouk, that's dragbosscouk. Gosh, all the events this week. We are booked and blessed.
Speaker 1:This is why I love living in London, because there's so much to do all the time Like it is an amazing city, some might say the greatest city in the world oh gosh.
Speaker 2:So I don't understand how you're now Suddenly allowed to be the one that does Musical theatre references. But I can't.
Speaker 1:I think I'm in my Musical theatre era right now. Somebody stop me, because I'm absolutely Loving it.
Speaker 2:You're like something has changed within me.
Speaker 1:Something is not the same oh, my goodness, I feel like I can just keep going on.
Speaker 2:I mean, I feel like I'm dreaming a dream right now yeah, because at the end of the day, you're another day older. No, we must stop we must um complete juxtaposition. Did I tell you that I was added to a fisting group this week?
Speaker 1:okay, how, what, where, when why?
Speaker 2:so I genuinely, hand on heart, I don't remember asking to be added to this group, genuinely didn't. I'm not saying that I'm fully complaining about it, but I definitely wasn't asked. And then my phone just like buzz buzzed. I looked at it. It was like you've been joined, it's called like well, actually I won't give away the name, but in the name is the word london and the letter is ff.
Speaker 1:So I knew what it was oh yeah, because this is something we spoke about before, isn't it? Ff is a thing on grinder, which means fist in fun no fist in fist fuck. Yeah, I mean it could be fist fun.
Speaker 3:That's slightly more pg yeah, slightly more, yeah, oh god um, yeah, I added this group.
Speaker 2:I was was like, oh okay, Left it. Then my phone for like the next couple of hours so I muted and archived the group because I was sick of getting so many messages come through. A couple of hours went by, went back, opened it. There's like a hundred messages. There's now over 230 people in this group, Some people who I know because you know when you go like who's in the group you can see their name. Oh yeah, I know some people in this group and it's just filth so can I ask a question?
Speaker 1:who added you? Was that a contact? Do you have to be a contact to add someone into a group?
Speaker 2:well, apparently not, because there's someone called cedric I don't know.
Speaker 1:I don't know his number, so he's never messaged me before when it came up was like the number has added you to this group, not a name he also sent me a message straight away like hi, I'm Cedric, I've added you to this group.
Speaker 2:Blah, blah blah. I hope you enjoy yourself, have a good time and maybe we can meet soon okay, cedric, how did you get Benji's number? Literally I don't. I'm like did something drunken happen, which is possible? Maybe I gave my number away on Grindr I am I know that I'm very quick and Grindr to if I feel like it's a good chat, to give my number out quite quickly.
Speaker 3:When I'm drunk particularly, I'm really really bad for that because I hate those apps.
Speaker 2:I'd much rather on WhatsApp. Yeah, Because then voice notes easier to send pictures, videos like you can see their face. It saves it easier. I'm always on WhatsApp. I don't want to keep opening up dating profiles, so I'm wondering if I maybe did it drunk and then he added me to it.
Speaker 1:So what are your first impressions of being part of the FF group?
Speaker 2:Well, I've seen some things that you wanted to see, that you know I don't. I don't sex shame ever, and I like to think of myself as quite wild actually, but I'm learning new ways of being wild, let's just put it that way Wow, yeah, like we wow, yeah, like we know. We know that I've done it before as as the top.
Speaker 1:I've never done as the bottom would you ever do it as the bottom? Well, I don't do anything as a bottom maybe this is going to open up your imagination and open up other things well, you'd have to open up quite.
Speaker 2:I mean literally, I don't, I don't, I guess I before I don't really think you get a needle up there. It's not happening, right. It's just not for Right. It's just not for me. No disrespect, it's just not for me. But yeah, some things that people can put up there is quite impressive. There are some toys that I didn't know existed, ah yeah.
Speaker 3:Like what.
Speaker 2:Well, like I can only describe it as a traffic cone.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, that just made me squinch my bum a little bit oh yeah, because you are a bottoms, but you couldn't do that there is no way I'm sitting on a traffic cone I mean it's not an actual traffic cone, but it does.
Speaker 2:It does look like that. It's. Um, I mean, if on one hand it's it's very impressive, on the other hand, I have an awful lot of questions of like how you go about your day-to-day business I have the same question like does it? Does it go back to normal eventually? I don't know.
Speaker 1:Do you sit on the toilet and it just like Vanishes or falls out.
Speaker 2:Oh, I think you meant like the toilet vanishes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that too.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't know and they're not questions that you really ask in this group, but like there are people on their profile pictures that it's like LinkedIn profile pictures it's just like they're in office gear, like very professional. And this so other than the traffic cone. Is there anything else wild that you can share about that group? Yep, there are some people that enjoy, like double-ended dildos.
Speaker 2:Wow, yeah, somebody obviously is filming, is holding this up into dildo and these two bottoms, let's just say, are like biting to see who gets the fair share of it no, I want to sit on the dildo more. I want more. No, I want more. I mean, this whole thing is like 18 inches in length and they take the whole thing. Yeah, I mean there's people with like two arms in them. There's people with like a leg in them, oh my goodness, they did a poll.
Speaker 2:They were like, if you're the bottom, what's the furthest you've taken? It's like up to the fourth finger line, which is obviously just not the thumb, and then it's like up to the fist, up to the elbow, up to the shoulder, the shoulder Some people have voted up to the shoulder. Yeah, quite wild.
Speaker 1:The only time I've ever seen someone's shoulder up an arsehole is on those vet doctor programs when there's a cow given birth and they've got to like reach out and get the calf.
Speaker 2:It's literally like that and they've got those big gloves on out and get the calf it's literally like that and they've got those big gloves on. I mean, yeah, no glove, no love. You could do that. But I mean, these people aren't wearing gloves, but wow, yeah, I know.
Speaker 1:But also look at the length of my arm, yeah, and then look at, like, my body, where does it go, where does it?
Speaker 2:go. I know it must go. Uh, honestly, I don't know, I think it must go in and bend around. I don't know, I genuinely don't know. Uh, I think that's a little bit too extreme for me. But yeah, I mean, I've been, my eyes have been opened to a whole new world of things. A what new world, a whole new world. Have I left the group?
Speaker 2:no, have you posted any content in the group. So I did post in the group, but I just posted a picture of my face in a vest. I just introduced myself because I knew other people in the group and I felt quite weird just people sending all these videos and me not having introduced myself. So I just put a little picture of myself looking cute and I was like hey, my name is benji, I'm a top, I live in southwest london and then did all those thirsty bottoms hit you up yeah, there were some people that then jumped into like private one-on-one messages, which was fine I've.
Speaker 2:I've like carried on chatting with them, and then people like react to the photos. Yeah, but I mean, that was it. It's a very friendly group. People ask me like advice, uh, like lube products, toys, like how to keep them clean, like it's actually quite an informative group I'm. I actually am quite enjoying being in it dream.
Speaker 1:Yeah, well, look, the thing is, if everybody is having their lovely time, if everyone's being nice, if everyone is being safe, great. Yeah, who am I to stand in the way of people having fun? Yeah, is it for me?
Speaker 2:probably won't see me in that group but the thing is I could leave at any point. I mean, this kind of brings me on to something else, like on instagram. You know close friends, the green circle oh, yeah, yeah, yeah I feel like instagram is gonna have to do something about that soon, because I could choose, for example, to add anybody to my close friends and they have no way of taking themselves off it right so I'm in, I'm on quite a few people's close friends.
Speaker 2:Now I have girls that post things about like just day-to-day life that they maybe they haven't got makeup on, they don't want everyone to see it. And then I've got like gays who are just first day, yeah, yeah but like I've got some people on there that post full body naked pictures of themselves that perhaps I don't really want to see, but there's no way I can remove myself from it that is so true because I have had that before.
Speaker 1:where I've been, you know, just on the tube or whatever, on the train, flicking through instagram stories, you know, passing the time, and then things will pop up. I'm like I wasn't even looking to do that. Now, if I were looking for that then I might choose an app, say like Grind or whatever, and therefore sort of maybe expecting that, but I'm on that app for that reason. Instagram's like a family-friendly app. I know you weren't expecting that on Instagram.
Speaker 2:No, I know. So. I think Instagram needs to change that so you can remove themselves if you want, and remove myself from this ff uh group, but I find it quite informative and, quite frankly, when I'm driving, I now look at traffic cones in a very different way. Well, podcasters, it's now time to move on to our brand new segment, which is called queer diary that's right.
Speaker 1:It's our favorite time of the week. It is time for queer diary, and this week's queer diary is as follows hey boys, tell us more about Benji and the paddle. Would be great to have an episode about this type of kink. It's great fun from Charlie in Manchester. Well, first of all, charlie, that paddle is actually mine.
Speaker 2:That's not Benji's, it's mine, it was yours. It's in the bin now.
Speaker 1:Oh my goodness, I mean that whole evening where that story came from was ridiculous. So if anyone has missed that story along the way, we were out with a lot of our gay mates in Clapham and I was like, let's do After Party, back of mine went back to mine. It was all a bit tipsy, all a bit merry. As I'm sure you know if you listen to the podcast, I love a fancy dress, whether that's Halloween or dressed up for festivals, whatever, so, whatever. So I just have a trunk full of fancy dress costumes and benji and I in our sort of tipsy state for a great idea to whack out the trunk and make everyone dress up as well as gays.
Speaker 2:We actually refer to it as the box of ick because it is so. Some of the costumes are just so atrocious and there is a video of me yeah, about it wasn't just me and brad, there was six, seven, eight of us yeah, yeah in your room because you've got a big room. And, um, I was dressed as, I believe, a space invader. You were with mickey mouses, of course. Why not? Why wouldn't you do that? And then there was I think it was a cruella de vil walking around oh, there was all sorts.
Speaker 2:It was all sorts but anyway, somehow that evening changed up and we started grabbing out his other box of ick, which involved a paddle so you found my sex drawer, basically I found your sex drawer and I found a paddle that hadn't even been taken out his packet yet.
Speaker 2:So I thought this poor paddle has been in this bedroom listening to the boring sex that goes on and hasn't been used once. I'm gonna give it a run for its money. So I cracked out this paddle and our friend was like go on, you can do it on me, go on all fours on the bed. And I smacked his ass, his paddle. Now I was quite gentle to start with and he was like go on harder. He was loving it. He was having a bit too much. This is before he was in a relationship. Now he wouldn't. Yeah, yeah, maybe he would not with me, um, and I was going for it.
Speaker 1:But he kept like egging you on, like harder, harder. Arching his back. All of that, all of it. And I saw your dumb top side come out that night. Yeah, I was like, wow, this is what he's like in the bedroom.
Speaker 2:It did start to come out a little bit. I was kind of enjoying it, I'm not going to lie. So there I was like holding the arch of his back, like just smacking his ass. He was loving it. And then what happened? Paddle broke. I smacked him so hard, the paddle which, bearing in mind, is what wooden, yeah snapped.
Speaker 2:You broke my sex toy and I broke his ass, I think it's what I did the next day he messaged me was like I am bruised. Yeah, yeah, he loved it. Wow, yeah, was that not the same night that I wanted to have a little lie down? And everyone went upstairs and I was like, mate, can I just have a quick lie down? And everyone went upstairs and I was like, mate, can I just have a quick lie down your room? You're like yeah, yeah, yeah, go for it. So I go down, pass out on your bed, starred out. Then I woke up and there was people sat between my limbs, like someone between my legs, two people either side of me, people between my arms and my head. And would you like to tell the rest of the story, or shall I?
Speaker 1:Are we even allowed to talk about this on the podcast? This is very adult content, thank you.
Speaker 2:Well, let's just say, on my chest there was a plate and everybody was holding straws and taking it in turns to enjoy the substance off my plate.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So if you, if you do that sort of thing, or maybe you don't at all, but if you're gonna, let's say, sniff something, you want a hard surface to sniff off. And because we were all sat around on the bed, I was like, well, let's put it on a plate and we can pass the plate.
Speaker 1:But like, pass the parcel, but for adults and except I was the plate you then became the plate, because like, hang on, instead of just passing around, we'll just leave it in the middle and we can just like go for it when we want to have a go.
Speaker 2:And so you became basically like the table and the plate was on the table and I mid this woke up like drowsy, drunken state and this one brad who was sat next to me, just straight my head and just went shh, you're safe.
Speaker 1:And I went back to sleep I mean I love that you just didn't care and was just like I don't care.
Speaker 2:I couldn't care less, I mean I don't. I mean I've never done any sort of drugs in my life, ever, ever, ever. But I have no qualms being around them, it's absolutely fine and what I love. I think what we should take away from this story other than the fact that we have chaos parties and no, I was not still dressed as a space invader what a safe environment they to have some recreational fun. I was asleep and instead of moving or waking me, they just let me be involved.
Speaker 1:Yeah, happy days. We were there to share the love, and that is friendship it really is. So. That night went from going out to back to mine getting the fancy dress box out. You dressed as a space invader, smacking someone really hard with my sex toy, breaking my sex toys, and then becoming a coffee table. Whilst we snorted things off, you get the bag get the bag.
Speaker 2:Get. Oh my goodness, this is wild. I feel like we should probably wrap this episode up. So, podcasters, that is all we have time from this week's episode of my big game podcast. If you don't already, please head over to our instagram. It's at big game podcast.
Speaker 1:Or you can head over to our website and sign up to our party list and if you have a queer diary that you would like us to talk about on the podcast, slip and slide into those dms.
Speaker 2:We would love to hear from you yes, we would, but, like I said, podcasters, that is all we have time for in this week's episode.
Speaker 1:Until next time, see you next wednesday well, benji, when you were looking through my sex drawer that night, did you find a few of my favorite things?
Speaker 2:oh, my goodness, I know what you're doing. Okay, yes. And then I looked over and I saw Arme arching his back on the bed saying God, I hope I get it.
Speaker 1:And then afterwards, do you think he had been changed for good?
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, it's a hard-knock, life for us, oh my gosh.