My Big Gay Podcast
My Big Gay Podcast is the ultimate LGBTQ+ comedy show, diving headfirst into the highs, lows, and LOLs of gay life in London and beyond... (wait, did somebody just say head?!).
Hosted by your new gay BFFs, Benji and Brad, this podcast spills all the tea on their adventures as two gay guys in their 30s, juggling careers, chasing love, and living their best big gay lives in the greatest city in the world.
Now in its sixth fabulous season and recently crowned the TOP 3 LGBTQ+ podcast in the UK and a TOP 20 Comedy Podcast worldwide, My Big Gay Podcast is your backstage pass to hilarious celebrity interviews, outrageous games, epic competitions and heartwarming listener stories. It's been called “Bridget Jones’s Diary meets Sex and the City—but way gayer!”
So, if you’re up for a good time (and maybe some mischief), join Benji and Brad as they navigate the wild world of love, laughter, and life. Want to play along or get in touch? Slide into their DMs on Instagram: @BigGayPodcast, or hit up their website at www.MyBigGayPodcast.com.
My Big Gay Podcast
S6. Ep 15. Two Gays and the Famous Outing
Get in touch! Drop Benji and Brad a text message by clicking on this link.
When does the Christmas spirit truly begin? Is it when Mariah Carey's vocals take over the airwaves, or when you find yourself donning a festive onesie in early November? Benji and Brad engage in a lively debate over the premature arrival of holiday festivities, especially from Brad's vantage point in retail. They navigate the amusing clash of Halloween and Christmas and share personal stories that highlight their unique family traditions and the quirks that make the holiday season special.Shawn Mendes' coming-out story serves as a springboard for examining the broader impact of celebrity announcements on societal perceptions. We challenge the media's role in amplifying these narratives and discuss whether these stories reinforce outdated norms. By questioning the spectacle of celebrity disclosures, we ponder the potential of normalizing diverse identities through everyday actions, encouraging our listeners to rethink how we embrace the LGBTQ+ community.
In a lighter vein, we recount a hilariously relatable mishap involving a cloned bank card and a forgotten Feet Finder subscription. Amidst the laughter, we explore the trials of modern adulting and make a resolve to embrace the Christmas spirit, even when it feels elusive. With tips on boosting holiday cheer through music and classic films, we invite you to join us in finding joy in the early stages of this festive season.
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Hello and welcome to this week's episode of my Big A Podcast with me, Benji.
Speaker 2:And me, Brad, giving you the life, the loves and lols of living in London, Two gays one city. What could possibly go wrong? And how are you, my little angel?
Speaker 1:I'm feeling better. I assume you're asking this because I did put a video on the Instagram showing how much I had lost my voice.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you were not very well last week. I could barely hear you.
Speaker 1:It was bliss honestly, it's the weirdest thing. I had a bit of a cold and then I woke up and my voice was gone did you sell it to a sea witch in order to try and get a prince? Yeah, and I didn't get a prince, so could you please tell your mom that I want my voice back.
Speaker 2:You get my mum's name out of your mouth.
Speaker 1:Well, y'all, stop telling your mum, I'd have put me in her mouth.
Speaker 2:You're gross, you are so gross.
Speaker 1:Gross and apparently Southern. I don't know where that came from. But yeah, now my voice has come back. Thank you very much. It's not like 100%, but we're working with what we've got. Fine, like you and your visual aesthetic, you just we're working with what we've got. Exactly.
Speaker 2:Well, I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little bit better, that's good to hear, that's good.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And you seem positive? Is this because you're getting in the Christmas spirit?
Speaker 1:No, not really. I mean, as you know, like my other job is, I'm very much working like, uh, let's just say, retail, and you have to start thinking about christmas, like in the summer. I love it, love it no it's too soon, like I'm there, like in august, like ordering christmas cracker decorations and whatnot.
Speaker 2:It's too much, too much so are you christmas out already and we've not even begun a little bit.
Speaker 1:It's only just begun. No seriously, I yeah, I think it'll. It'll kick back in again. I just feel like it's such a long slog christmas. I feel like it gets longer every year I absolutely love it, as you know.
Speaker 2:I mean, you know I love halloween. So for me this period of time is amazing because we've got halloween, love it straight into christmas, love it you put since when boom, boom?
Speaker 1:when did halloween suddenly go into christmas?
Speaker 2:ever since queen of christmas mariah made it happen.
Speaker 1:What an icon well, I do blame her so slightly. You know, like I don't know when. All her, yeah, but when? When was november, christmas?
Speaker 2:well, what she does which I'm sure everyone's seen is she does a ha, a Halloween video, and then it like the clock strikes midnight and then it transitions and she's into Christmas and she's like I'm out, it's time, and then she starts singing all the way for Christmas.
Speaker 1:It's so good every year, because the more people play her songs, the more money she makes yes, good for her.
Speaker 2:She wrote a banger and we love it, so take all the pennies, mariah you know she makes literally millions.
Speaker 1:I've forgotten how many, but it's at least five million every year, just from people playing that song yeah, good for her, what a retirement package I heard my retirement package. You will not be getting anything of the sort I. I heard that she wrote that song and released it and it wasn't really a hit. And then love actually put it in the movie and that's what made it so famous made it so big.
Speaker 2:Yeah, great, I mean, those videos are amazing. And actually I was in a club on halloween night actual halloween and it turned midnight and the dj played all what for christmas? Mariah carey and the club went wild. I was like this is the mariah spirit taking over. All the clubs are playing her at midnight on the halloween amazing you're in two brewers, aren't you? Yes, I was yeah.
Speaker 1:So I just think christmas in november is a no-go. I don't. I think everyone should have a rule that, like christmas decorations, christmas music isn't played till the first of december. What about a christmas onesie? Okay? So all right, since you've brought it up, I was gonna let you get away with it podcasters.
Speaker 1:We're not in the studio this week because I'm currently out of the country, and so I'm staring at the lovely brad uh sat there with his microphone, headphones and what I can only describe as a primark special, even though other sweatshop shops are available.
Speaker 2:Um, snowflake onesie so, comfy, don't judge me, don't hate on it. If you were in this onesie, you would be in bliss right now I probably have a rash because there is no way that's cutting.
Speaker 1:I reckon that's the cheapest fleecy fabric. I find it quite dry and pithy it's warm and toasty.
Speaker 2:I can't lie, it's so comfy. I thought, right, november's here, get the christmas onesies out. I've got a whole collection and so as soon as I get in from work, bam, clothes off, onesie on every night yeah, okay, so it's toasty, is it?
Speaker 1:I wondered why you're looking a little bit pink.
Speaker 2:I didn't know if you were just like overheating or if it was the comedown from the weekend wow, ebenezer scrooge is here, everyone but humbug literally no, we will get you into the christmas spirit. It's gonna happen yeah, we'll see.
Speaker 1:What do you do for christmas?
Speaker 2:what do you have in like family traditions or what yeah?
Speaker 1:christmas is a very traditional actually. They've been the same basically every year. I've never missed one being at home. Um, just the whole family comes around to eat obviously the local family, not the ones that live away. But, um, my mom, bless her she actually cooks for everyone. There's like 12 of us, but she gets so stressed she's walking around the house. If you try to talk to her, you can just hear her under her breath going christmas, christmas she's just works works herself to the bone, but she nails it every year.
Speaker 1:Honestly, it's just what I mean. She's a hero anyway, but um, whoever can do a roast for that many people and get everything timed food wise perfectly, so that nothing is overdone whilst catering to many different dietary requirements, as a hero I mean, do you help out, you like sous chef, or what's your involvement?
Speaker 1:no, uh, I don't get involved. I sit on the sofa and I sit with a cup of coffee grinch not really grinch, but like the kitchen's not very big and my sister likes to get involved because she likes to like oversee how much like she's a health geek, so she likes to oversee how much like oil is being used and how much salt and how much all that. So she's sort of she's suing her ass off and, um, yeah, I just sort of sit and play with the kids oh, that's so cute.
Speaker 2:Gay uncle benji playing with the kids, that's so sweet, yeah, so this year I actually am doing something very different for christmas because, same as you, I usually go home and all the family come over and, as you know, we've had a bit of a rocky year in the family this year. So I said to my mom and sister why don't you come to london? Let's do something totally different. They've always wanted to come up anyway. It's like let's make it happen.
Speaker 2:So my mom and sister are coming up and my mom has always wanted to do the midnight mass at westminster abbey. So I looked at that. It's free but you have to get tickets in advance. So I was like, great, we'll get that and we'll go at midnight on christmas eve and like listen to all the carols that go on at westminster abbey and, uh, have christmas here and I'll host, it'll be lovely. And I've got me a couple of uh, my gay friends that are staying in london as well, so they're coming over. And then boxing day, I'm gonna take my mom and my sister to the two brewers in clapham we're going out, my god, yeah, have you seen their open on christmas day as well?
Speaker 1:two brewers take pride in the fact that they are open 365 days a year, including christmas eve, christmas day, boxing day, the whole thing, the whole thing lockdown, lockdown, yeah, wow, I just ah, I don't know that, literally not being judgmental or anything, I just don't know if that sort of environment is what I want on a christmas day.
Speaker 2:I mean, each to their own, but just can't, can't see it being my vibe, I'm not gonna lie well, I've never been before and I've always wanted to go out on a christmas day or a boxing day just to experience it. And I heard because I have some friends that have gone before it's amazing, the atmosphere is so great. It's all the local gays, all the london gays. They congregate there. I know you, I know you.
Speaker 2:Merry christmas to you hello, here's your coal, here's your lump of coal um, yes, I'm going to take my mom and sister to the two brewers boxing day and we're going to have shots at the bar and listen to drag queen sing. It's going to to be camp and brilliant Love it.
Speaker 1:I will say one thing, though, as a shout out to people who are freelancers or work for themselves or small business owners you don't get that as much of like a christmas spirit, because you don't get like office parties. You don't get like decorating the office on the company's expense. You don't get. You don't really get any of that vibe, and I used to love that when I was younger. I used to work in like hotels and all sorts like you'd feel the build, whereas I just don't get that anymore well, why don't you host a christmas party for you and your staff?
Speaker 2:because then I have to pay for that yeah, exactly, a christmas party for you and your staff, because then I have to pay for that. Yeah, exactly, loosen them purse strings, let them off sale and let christmas happen, as we've all established, bar humbug literally well, listen, my mission today is to get you slightly in the christmas spirit. If I do that by the end of this podcast episode, I'm a winner. So that is my mission, that is my goal all right then.
Speaker 1:Well, on that note, let's take a real quick break, because when we come back, we've got some, uh, some very interesting stories to share with you all. Okay, so this week, brad, I don't know how you feel about this, but I and I feel like people are going to really react badly to this. I put myself in a bit of a vulnerable position, but I am almost a little bit sick of celebrities publicly making a big deal about coming out.
Speaker 2:Hmm, okay, I think I know where you're going with this, because obviously my first reaction is that's amazing. More celebrities need to come out. We know so many closets. Well, we know of so many closeted celebrities, right, we hear the rumors.
Speaker 1:Um, yeah, get them out the closet yes, I'm not saying they they shouldn't be able to come out, but I think my the thing that I I'm struggling with is why they have, why they feel they need to make such a big deal about it, because we all right, the most recent one in the media was sean mendez making that speech at one of his gigs, saying that he basically was questioning his sexuality. I think what the subject was that he was saying that he was bi, yeah, right, so. And then he gets like this very mixed reaction. A lot of people like flooding to him, like, oh, congratulations.
Speaker 1:The more we make this big deal about having to come out, I feel like it's having a backlash on those that actually really struggled to do it. Now, I get it. When you're in the limelight and you have, you know sex sells, let's not forget, and sean mandez, very good looking guy, has a lot of female followers. If he comes out as gay, I'm sure a lot of his producers and the people that sort of do his pr will be like we're gonna lose a lot of the sex appeal because women won't seem in the same light. I get, get it, fully, get it, and I'm not necessarily arguing that. But what I am saying is you have such a platform already for love. At the same time, if you're showing this big ordeal of having to come out, imagine somebody who's at home, terrified to do it, who has no support. Imagine how they're going to feel watching this reaction.
Speaker 2:But do you think the big deal is because of the press and the media? He just said about it at a gig, right, he's playing his song. He says oh, by the way, I might be bisexual, whatever. Then it's across online everywhere, isn't it? That's not Shawn Mendes putting that online and writing those articles, that's all the different news outlets, and it's because they want the people to click on the links right to look at their, their stories, their news articles yeah, but if you want me to be really cynical, it could also be the producers trying to get people to buy tickets to his show yeah, it could be that.
Speaker 2:I guess we don't know that, but it's not sean mendez himself that's making it into a big deal, it's the press, right? So really the blame used to be on the press, like just let people know the thing?
Speaker 1:no, because then why would you do that at one of his gigs? Come on, that's, that's thought out do you not think it'll be?
Speaker 2:anyway, even if you just did like a an online post, like here's me and my boyfriend a picture, it will just be everywhere well, they just don't feel like you need to talk about it yet unless you feel ready to.
Speaker 1:I I would actually commend and would love so much more if celebrities who suddenly thought that they I mean, you know me, I don't really particularly, I'm not one of these ones that needs a label anyway. I'm all here for people that want the labels to help identify who they are fully, but for me personally, I don't feel like I need to go. I mean like, oh, I'm gay, by the way. I would love it if a celebrity who was not in the media for being gay by or part of the community just was out and about scene holding hands with their boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever. I would love that so much more. Let other people write the story and the rhetoric. Just live your life normally, because that's what it is.
Speaker 2:It's normal, just live it okay, I think I understand where you're coming from. Are you saying you're a bit annoyed that he had to make like a speech about it? Just do it. Is that what you're saying?
Speaker 1:not annoyed that he had to. I just feel like it's a little bit like when tom daly came out. There was a bit of a split in the community because people were like, well, a lot of people knew that he already was um, and other people were like video right, wasn't it a youtube video did?
Speaker 1:yeah, he did a youtube video, yeah, and people were commenting like I understand this. You might feel like this is really difficult for you, but you have, like millions of fans, a really strong career. It's not really going to affect much of your life right now, whereas there are people at home reading all the negative comments not focusing on the positive, just reading the negative, because that's what, as humans, our minds do and are probably even more terrified now to come out. If tom daly was just caught walking down the streets holding what's his husband's hand, or whatever whoever's hand, or whatever his hand, but didn't give any words to it, I feel like that is so much more powerful. Why are we putting so much time and energy into having to physically come out straight? People don't have to do that yeah, I do.
Speaker 2:I do hear what you're saying. I don't know how to change that. How do we change that?
Speaker 1:because there is this kind of thing of like everyone assumes you're straight, don't they really, until you say otherwise but I think doing coming outs inverted commas like this is always going to keep that as the normal, because if you make a big deal about this, in so doing making a big deal, you're actually kind of saying that this isn't the norm I do hear what you're saying.
Speaker 2:so we're sort of thinking maybe Shawn Mendes shouldn't have done a speech. He should have just been Shawn Mendes doing a concert and then if he wanted to say, here's me and my boyfriend do a post, that's a different thing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean just to make it really clear this is not anything negative against Shawn Mendes as a human. I'm just using Shawn Mendes as an example. I don't know all the circumstances. I don't know all the circumstances, I don't know enough of his lifestyle story. I'm just, yeah, I'm just really bored of reading these like woe stories about celebrities coming out, just just bored of it. And, like you say, we know so many celebrities who are rumored or we've just found out through social situations, who do have boyfriends, but the media paint them out. To be straight, that is also bad. That is bad. That is also bad. That is bad. That is wrong.
Speaker 2:That is bad yeah.
Speaker 1:And I feel really sorry for them. But they also will be in that situation because they see what happens when other celebrities make this big song and dance over it. We know of a massive Hollywood name who's gay, yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, a few to be fair. I could probably list you a good three off the top of my head right now.
Speaker 1:Yeah, one of them is engaged to a woman and it's really sad, and probably because they're absolutely terrified of coming out. Yeah, but we just should stop. We should just be breaking this whole stigma of having to do it. Not do it, just live your life. Let other people do what they write, what they want to say.
Speaker 2:Don't feed into it oh god, it's so hard, isn't it? I, yeah, I, I do hear exactly what you're saying and it would be so much nicer that maybe what it should be is that when you're born into the world, people just don't assume your sexuality and just let you just do you and explore it exactly. You just say, oh, it's my boyfriend or my girlfriend or whoever, when you feel ready to do that, rather than, oh, you must be straight. Oh, do you know what I used to hate when I was a kid at school family come around and your auntie be like oh, have you got a girlfriend then? And you like be seven years old at primary school who's your girlfriend at school?
Speaker 2:I'm noshing this lad off behind the bike shares yeah, literally it's like well, hey, I'm seven, so obviously I'm not thinking about boyfriends, girlfriends anyway, and uh and b, you're assuming my sexuality lady yeah, I definitely thought you said 17, not seven.
Speaker 1:But yeah, although to be honest with you I don't know, at that age you probably were, I don't know. I just I find the whole thing a little bit. It's hard to make a direct comparison, but do you know what we get people writing to the podcast like oh I actually I managed to come out and it was all fine. I love reading those and I'm so thrilled that it went well. But I also hate the fact that people feel that they need to share that yeah, and have this big thing about it, you know yeah, okay, that's so great.
Speaker 1:I'm really if you're worried about it. Obviously, if it's gone well, I'm absolutely thrilled for you, but I hate that you're worried about it to begin with. Yeah, you know, and I just feel like this sort of situation doesn't help. Anyway, that is my rant of the week. Who have you been?
Speaker 2:shagging.
Speaker 1:Well, how long we got.
Speaker 2:I'm just living my best life, being all Christmassy and getting in the Christmas spirit, to be honest with you, although I do have one rant to share with you my bank card got cloned. I've never had that happen to me before.
Speaker 1:That is hilarious. Any of those people that risked a prison sentence to clone your cards, of all cards that they could have had Idiots.
Speaker 2:A, you're taking on my overdraft, so thank you so much. You're welcome to it, have it.
Speaker 1:Honey, you take that debt, you take it. Have my overdraft. Welcome to it, have it. Honey, you take that debt, you take it.
Speaker 2:Have my overdraft Lovely. But the reason why I found out is because and well done to my bank for being on it, to be fair I got a little notification on my banking app saying we're suspicious of this activity. Did you make this purchase? And I click on it. Bear in mind I hadn't left the house at this point.
Speaker 1:I was like well, definitely on online shopping. 12 inch doubler dildo.
Speaker 2:Okay, you joke, but there is a story coming your way about oh my gosh, so uh, it was for 60 pounds at shell garage. I'm like honey, you know, I don't drive, I do not try, I'm not buying petrol.
Speaker 2:Oh, my gosh so I clicked no on, obviously, the banking app. I was like that was not me. So they gave me a call. I'm like, yeah, we thought it was a bit bizarre. It was in kilburn, which is in london. Uh, for this, you know, this petrol garage transaction, um, but the reason why they thought it was suspicious, not because of the petrol thing, which they would have known I've never bought petrol in my life but apparently they swiped the card. I didn't know you could do that. Yeah, they swiped to pay for the purchase rather than using chip in a way. But, yeah, and I said, yeah, definitely not me, I don't drive honey. So they, they cancel the card, fine, and they're like, oh, we'll just confirm the last three transactions just to make sure that, uh, that they were yours. I'm like, okay, cool. They're like, um, yeah, tesco. I was like, yeah, that'd be my mail deal. And then is that, oh, and amazon was like, yeah, that's me. And then it was like, oh, and Amazon is like, yeah, that's me.
Speaker 1:And then it was like Feet Finder subscription. Oh, Did you know why? Why have you still got that subscription?
Speaker 2:Okay, this is the worst thing I've ever done in my life. I subscribed to that Feet Finder account a year ago because I had this brilliant idea that I was going to make my fortune selling pictures of my feet on the internet. I've not put one picture up, I've not done anything, but obviously it takes five pound out of my account every month because I keep forgetting every month to cancel my subscription. And then every month I'm like, oh, maybe I should just do it, you know, make my money back, but then I forget to do it and it's a very year I've spent about 60 quid at feet find Finder subscription with zero activity on my profile.
Speaker 2:But yeah, bless the woman at the bank. She was like, oh, just double checking, is this your?
Speaker 1:She knew. She knew what she was saying.
Speaker 2:And the way she said it was like Feet Finder. I was like, uh, yeah, that's me.
Speaker 1:I swear they went through mine. They'd be like um or no, can't ask you that one, oh no, oh no. I'm not gonna ask you that one either, because mine will be like only fans, yeah no, I don't pay for grinder. The day that I pay for grinder, that's the day I realize I need to actually find a boyfriend. That's hilarious if you find it. Maybe you just like whack a picture of your feet up and see what happens.
Speaker 2:I need to do it, and this conversation has inspired me, so I think, after we've finished editing, fuck it, I'm just gonna get the tootsies out and get the pictures uploaded asap do you know?
Speaker 1:what you should do is take a picture of yourself with your onesie by your ankles, but with your feet by christmas themed christmas themed, yeah feet pics coming your way.
Speaker 2:No, no I don't want them.
Speaker 1:It's not my way. Don't send anything my way. I don't want your well wishes.
Speaker 2:I don't want anything I'm gonna do a christmas card.
Speaker 1:Merry christmas from brad and his feet the front of his is your feet with green and red nail polish little christmas trees painted on them you're not very artistic. I don't know if anyone will know that they're christmas trees, um wow, okay. So did you get your money back, did you?
Speaker 2:yeah, well, they stopped the transaction and then they sent me a new card in the post. To be fair, good play bank, very good, they were on it and no monies left my account.
Speaker 1:That was not meant to leave my account we also like oh my goodness, they've spent thousands into my overdraft over the past 10 years. Oh my goodness, yeah, could you refund?
Speaker 2:all of that, yeah, literally student loan.
Speaker 1:What's that? Repay it back to me, please yeah, for sure, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:But yeah, how bizarre. Never had that happen to me before. Have you ever had your bank card cloned? You know that was a thing yeah, yeah, I've had it cloned.
Speaker 1:I've had people use it online. I've had it a few times actually oh god yeah, and actually when it was cloned it was a swipe card.
Speaker 2:I assume it's easier to make a fake swipe card than it is a chip and pin well, I guess, because they wouldn't know my pin, they probably got my bank details somewhere, but I don't know how they do it, but yeah, it's like school canteen cards.
Speaker 1:If you have swipe ones, all is. You swipe it and then a series of numbers comes up on a computer and then you can link that to whatever your credit your bank card number is. As long as I've got the bank card number, oh they just fix it right but so many card machines don't have swipes anymore because, like even with with my shop, we get american tourists coming in and they want to swipe it and my card machine doesn't even have anywhere to swipe yeah, well, there you go, you can literally insert it or tap it are we still talking about cards here?
Speaker 1:cards or credit cards. Well, I mean, I am just pleased that you got some of your money back. That didn't actually exist to begin with because of the debt you're in, but you know okay, can we stop talking about overdrafts, can we stop talking about debt?
Speaker 2:because christmas is around the corner and I'm in christmas spirit mode and I'm not having you try and dampen a moment of that. Thank you very much. So, on that note, I'm going to fill up my christmas hot chocolate and be right back. It's time. That was me screaming that when that song came on at halloween. Honestly, the, the nodules in my voice, the screech it's time, oh gosh, I honestly can't believe we are halfway through season six already podcasters.
Speaker 1:Whenever brad wants to put the sound effect he like, acts it out on the screen. And just then, when he said season six, he's giving his best end of show hand on hip and air pump fist in a christmas onesie as well.
Speaker 2:So the whole image is is is given, is given holiday.
Speaker 1:It's getting tragic. For sure, bs podcast is slight sad news, but don't worry too much. We are going to be taking our annual Christmas break, as we do most years around this time in between seasons and, like Brad says, we are halfway through season six and we thought this was a pretty good time to take a little break as everyone goes off and does their various festivities.
Speaker 2:Yes, I have loads of festivities coming up. It's a social calendar, let me tell you, is it it?
Speaker 1:is. It's a bit game of tetris what, trying to fit everyone in you just always trying to fit more in squeeze it in. Squeeze it in cheers push it harder. Spit on it oh my goodness.
Speaker 2:But yeah, I'm really looking forward to a little bit of a breather and then we'll be back in the new year.
Speaker 1:We've got more stories to share already, and hopefully we're gonna get some more stories from you as well, because of all the christmas wild parties that come in your way yes, and we've got some more guests coming up as well, but Saturday Podcast is like I said, that's all we have time for in this week's episode of my Big Game Podcast. If you don't already, please head over to our Instagram, which is where we will be updating you on our festivity. Even if we're not releasing episodes, we will still be active on the Instagram. It's at Big Game Podcast.
Speaker 2:Or you can head over to our bigaypodcastcom, and getting in touch with us via the social media is the best way to let us know about your christmas stories. So send them our way. We would love to hear them, and then we're going to share some of them next year.
Speaker 1:On the rest of season six yes, oh, my goodness, I cannot wait for that sound effect to be taken off you. But podcast is like I said. Sadly, that is all we have time for until next time. See you next year.
Speaker 2:Right, Benji, it's the end of the episode. Are you slightly more in the Christmas spirit now that we've spoken?
Speaker 1:I'll be honest with you. No, However, I am now going to drive to work. I might put on a bit of something Christmassy to try and get me in the spirit, but I'm sure I'll be feeling better once december the first comes around do it.
Speaker 2:And of course, there's all the christmas movies as well to watch. I am actually going to watch christmas movie right now is that, because you're home, I'm alone? No, actually it's because I'm really feeling the holiday oh my gosh.
Speaker 1:Well, I know your little deep, dark secrets and I know really you're gonna go off and watch glove actually you, that is, you do not tarnish me with fisting fun no glove, no love actually.